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Pakistan shells hit inside Afghanistan

Iran is more mature country than Pakistan. Pakistani people consider Iran as one of their friends. Only the people who have supported Talibans and their medieval policies in Afghanistan are criticising Iran. Pakistan made a huge tactical mistake in 1990s of supporting Talibans instead of a regional approach with Iran on formation of government in Afghanistan. The people of Afghanistan are still paying the price of Pakistani mistake of supporting Talibans. Last time I checked Ossama was found living in Abbatabad in near Pakistan military garrison.

@The Eagle @waz Afghani troll which was banned has made a comeback with Pakistani flags.

This Non Pashtun will never understand as Iran Supported Shia elements in Afghanistan in 90's. Pakistan supported Pashtun elements in Afghanistan in 90's so that Non pashtuns dont come and destabilize pakistan in the name of Pashtunistan and durand line.
Iran is more mature country than Pakistan. Pakistani people consider Iran as one of their friends. Only the people who have supported Talibans and their medieval policies in Afghanistan are criticising Iran. Pakistan made a huge tactical mistake in 1990s of supporting Talibans instead of a regional approach with Iran on formation of government in Afghanistan. The people of Afghanistan are still paying the price of Pakistani mistake of supporting Talibans. Last time I checked Ossama was found living in Abbatabad in near Pakistan military garrison.
My suggestion to you is to have some self respect. In fact the only thing we Pakistanis can learn is self respect. Because clearly we lacking. As for Mature please! I can show you exactly just how mature Iran is but than that is a topic for another thread.
@The Eagle @waz Afghani troll which was banned has made a comeback with Pakistani flags.

This Non Pashtun will never understand as Iran Supported Shia elements in Afghanistan in 90's. Pakistan supported Pashtun elements in Afghanistan in 90's so that Non pashtuns dont come and destabilize pakistan in the name of Pashtunistan and durand line.
The world has accepted the durand line.
The durand line is not a territorial dispute.
Artillery is usually used for softening of hard targets before spec ops with support of other military elements move in to take out hiden targets.
yes...that would be a smart move to announce yer entry :p
Iran is more mature country than Pakistan. Pakistani people consider Iran as one of their friends. Only the people who have supported Talibans and their medieval policies in Afghanistan are criticising Iran. Pakistan made a huge tactical mistake in 1990s of supporting Talibans instead of a regional approach with Iran on formation of government in Afghanistan. The people of Afghanistan are still paying the price of Pakistani mistake of supporting Talibans. Last time I checked Ossama was found living in Abbatabad in near Pakistan military garrison.
matured & alone . threatening tiny land israel for their survival .
@The Eagle @waz Afghani troll which was banned has made a comeback with Pakistani flags.

This Non Pashtun will never understand as Iran Supported Shia elements in Afghanistan in 90's. Pakistan supported Pashtun elements in Afghanistan in 90's so that Non pashtuns dont come and destabilize pakistan in the name of Pashtunistan and durand line.
Nobody wants Pashtunistan in Pakistan.

In Pakistan everyone wants the Islamists to come to power.

secular ethnic nationalism falls flat on the ground in Pakistan.
If some cave dwellers can launch attacks in the heart of world's superpower, then with funding nothing is impossible, one could also question the wisdom of Indian leaders and society as they blame every attack in IOK on infiltrators. I mean is it that easy to cross the border with all the guns and ammo and rations and take the next bus into URI camp. Wonder who creates these easy escape lies.

Latest reports say that 43 scumbags have been eliminated.
Cavedwellers did not launch attacks into the heart of a superpower. It was a false flag.
matured & alone . threatening tiny land israel for their survival .

@The Eagle @waz Afghani troll which was banned has made a comeback with Pakistani flags.

This Non Pashtun will never understand as Iran Supported Shia elements in Afghanistan in 90's. Pakistan supported Pashtun elements in Afghanistan in 90's so that Non pashtuns dont come and destabilize pakistan in the name of Pashtunistan and durand line.

Says Iranian who's country hires Pakistanis under distorted Shia concepts as "Zainabiyoon" to fight in a foreign country Syria.
Says the goon who's country overthrew a stable government in Yemen for install Iranian puppet and caused the destruction of Yemen.
Says the goon who's country given ballistic missiles to random rebels.
Occasionally it's better to look into the mirror.

If going into canada hasnt changed your sectarian mind, then dont accuse others for having sectarian mind as well. When you are yourself hypocrite, then dont call other hypocrites.

Iranians...another bunch of jerks we need to keep an eye on....Never got tired of sectarianism and still poking their noses into affairs of others...I say, sanctions are nicely put by US.
A shame really that Afghan govt military is weak, it cant attack Pak back
Army decimates four training camps of Jamaatul Ahrar on Pak-Afghan border
By News Desk
Published: February 17, 2017
Stepping up action against militants following the recent wave of terror across the country, Pakistan Army destroyed four training camps of Jamaatul Ahrar, a breakaway faction of the banned Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan, on the Pakistan-Afghanistan border late Friday night.

The outlawed group maintains safe havens across the border in Afghanistan.

According to sources, the terrorists were targeted on the opposite side of the Mohmand and Khyber agencies.

The camp of Jamaatul Ahrar deputy commander Adil Bacha and a training compound of the group was also decimated, sources said, adding that there were reports of casualties as well.

Kabul’s inaction against terrorists testing policy of cross-border restraint: COAS

Thirteen people were killed and 85 injured when a suicide blast shook Lahore’s Mall Road on Monday. Jamaatul Ahrar had claimed responsibility for the attack.

The action came hours after army chief General Qamar Bajwa said terrorists from Afghanistan were carrying out attacks in Pakistan with impunity, adding that “such terrorist activities and inaction against them are testing our current policy of cross-border restraint”.
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