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Pakistan shells hit inside Afghanistan


When you guys do it, its ok and its legitimate to defend yourself from Afghan terrorism....

but when others do it, its illegal and an act of war.

damn. this kind of hypocrisy is best suited for a western nation not a muslim one

welcome to the world where terrorists(india) control illiterate afghan kids to kill 100s of innocents people and there are people like you who dont know the basics please educate me why indian embassies are so close to pakistan in afghanistan in that particular area where taliban is in control same goes to indian embassy in iran and also khulboshan yadev wasnt came from sky or dajjal or shaitan drop it in pakistan he came from iran to pakistan
Pakistan just being Pakistan again ...they harbor terrorists and attack other neighbors on effing hourly basis but when a shell hits their soil ...O Lord! They wanna invade Tehran alongside their Saudi and Turk step-brothers, criticizing Shia Pakistanis for supporting Iran against their innocent homeland :coffee:
I genuinely believe that if instead of the Indian Ocean there was another country in south of Pakistan, Pakistan the innocent would have issues with that country too.
brother as i understood from your post you don't have knowledge about this region but i respect ur opinion
Pakistan just being Pakistan again ...they harbor terrorists and attack other neighbors on effing hourly basis but when a shell hits their soil ...O Lord! They wanna invade Tehran alongside their Saudi and Turk step-brothers, criticizing Shia Pakistanis for supporting Iran against their innocent homeland :coffee:
I genuinely believe that if instead of the Indian Ocean there were another country in south of Pakistan, Pakistan the innocent would have issues with that country too.
This is just trolling @waz @Zaki @The Eagle
Post reported
Pakistan just being Pakistan again ...they harbor terrorists and attack other neighbors on effing hourly basis but when a shell hits their soil ...O Lord! They wanna invade Tehran alongside their Saudi and Turk step-brothers, criticizing Shia Pakistanis for supporting Iran against their innocent homeland :coffee:
I genuinely believe that if instead of the Indian Ocean there were another country in south of Pakistan, Pakistan the innocent would have issues with that country too.

Lmao when did Pakistan ever want to invade Tehran??? Answer: Never. You can keep it lol.
brother as i understood from your post you don't have knowledge about this region but i respect ur opinion

Kiarash seems to have more knowledge than you ! Pakistan has protested when Iranian and Afghan shells have landed in Pakistan. It seems that the immature emotional teenagers have no school/college homework today !
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Keep giving them hell and nothing less .........
Pakistan just being Pakistan again ...they harbor terrorists and attack other neighbors on effing hourly basis but when a shell hits their soil ...O Lord! They wanna invade Tehran alongside their Saudi and Turk step-brothers, criticizing Shia Pakistanis for supporting Iran against their innocent homeland :coffee:
I genuinely believe that if instead of the Indian Ocean there were another country in south of Pakistan, Pakistan the innocent would have issues with that country too.
They are Pakistanis first, we can criticise each other, who the **** are you? As for Iran there is a reason the whole world considers you a terrorist country and their are only a handful of countries who still want to have any sort of relations with you and Pakistan is one of those countries but considering the pathetic response of you lot on this thread, i can now see the error in our judgement.
Pakistan just being Pakistan again ...they harbor terrorists and attack other neighbors on effing hourly basis but when a shell hits their soil ...O Lord! They wanna invade Tehran alongside their Saudi and Turk step-brothers, criticizing Shia Pakistanis for supporting Iran against their innocent homeland :coffee:
I genuinely believe that if instead of the Indian Ocean there were another country in south of Pakistan, Pakistan the innocent would have issues with that country too.
Big mouth iranian who hav issues with approximately all of their neighbor .
Shuuu shuu go & keep threatens tiny land israel with your 5th generation qeher plane & najaf etc kind of crap
I think
Pakistan just being Pakistan again ...they harbor terrorists and attack other neighbors on effing hourly basis but when a shell hits their soil ...O Lord! They wanna invade Tehran alongside their Saudi and Turk step-brothers, criticizing Shia Pakistanis for supporting Iran against their innocent homeland :coffee:
I genuinely believe that if instead of the Indian Ocean there were another country in south of Pakistan, Pakistan the innocent would have issues with that country too.

Joined in 2008 and decide to post now? Eh Mr Indian?

Smugglers? lol, bro are you kidding?

Jaish al-adl and co. are a bunch of smugglers? also they're not both sided bro. they are stationed in Pakistan.

I'm not saying that this attack by Pakistan wasn't justified. I'm saying that the ones singing "derp derp drop bombs" here in this thread, shouldn't have the audacity to call Iran an enemy of Pakistan when we do the same to jaish al-adl

you with me ?

Does Pakistan co-operate with you on Jaish-ul-Adl or not. ? Does Pakistan Provided you riggi on silver plate or not ? Does Pakistan ever ignored your request of taking action against Jaish ul Adl or not ?

This is the basic difference b/w Iran Shelling Pak vs Pakistan shelling Afghanistan. Pakistan has control over the area where you shell. Pakistan cooperated with you on Jaish ul Adl. You guys have specific intel, share with us. We will catch guy and give it back to you. We are not like Iranis who give Irani nationality.

Meanwhile Afghanistan admits they dont have government writ or control over Nanghar and Kunar. Terrorists are releasing videos of themselves training attackers and suicide bombers in Nanghar and Kunar and sending them to Pakistan. Hence Pakistan shelling there. And Afghanistan refuses to cooperate with Pakistan on catching terrorists.

If you dont have knowledge, facts and figures about Pakistan afghanistan dynamic. Dont compare it with Pakistan Iran dynamic. It is like ocmparing apple and oranges. If both are of same size doesnt meant they are one and same thing

Pakistan just being Pakistan again ...they harbor terrorists and attack other neighbors on effing hourly basis but when a shell hits their soil ...O Lord! They wanna invade Tehran alongside their Saudi and Turk step-brothers, criticizing Shia Pakistanis for supporting Iran against their innocent homeland :coffee:
I genuinely believe that if instead of the Indian Ocean there were another country in south of Pakistan, Pakistan the innocent would have issues with that country too.

If going into canada hasnt changed your sectarian mind, then dont accuse others for having sectarian mind as well. When you are yourself hypocrite, then dont call other hypocrites.
Iran is more mature country than Pakistan. Pakistani people consider Iran as one of their friends. Only the people who have supported Talibans and their medieval policies in Afghanistan are criticising Iran. Pakistan made a huge tactical mistake in 1990s of supporting Talibans instead of a regional approach with Iran on formation of government in Afghanistan. The people of Afghanistan are still paying the price of Pakistani mistake of supporting Talibans. Last time I checked Ossama was found living in Abbatabad in near Pakistan military garrison.

As for Iran there is a reason the whole world considers you a terrorist country

Big mouth iranian who hav issues with approximately all of their neighbor
Pakistan just being Pakistan again ...they harbor terrorists and attack other neighbors on effing hourly basis but when a shell hits their soil ...O Lord! They wanna invade Tehran alongside their Saudi and Turk step-brothers, criticizing Shia Pakistanis for supporting Iran against their innocent homeland :coffee:
I genuinely believe that if instead of the Indian Ocean there were another country in south of Pakistan, Pakistan the innocent would have issues with that country too.
Says Iranian who's country hires Pakistanis under distorted Shia concepts as "Zainabiyoon" to fight in a foreign country Syria.
Says the goon who's country overthrew a stable government in Yemen for install Iranian puppet and caused the destruction of Yemen.
Says the goon who's country given ballistic missiles to random rebels.
Occasionally it's better to look into the mirror.
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An Afghan police official says Pakistan has launched a blistering artillery assault on eastern Afghanistan's Nangarhar province, where a self-declared affiliate of the Islamic State group is based.

Gul Agha Roohani, provincial police chief of Nangarhar, tells The Associated Press in Kabul that Pakistan fired several artillery rounds early on Friday into the province's Lalpur district, near the Afghan-Pakistan border.

There was no immediate comment from Pakistan, where a suicide bombing on Thursday killed 75 people and wounded scores more at a Sufi shrine in southern Sindh province.

The attack was claimed by the Islamic State group.

However, Pakistan says Thursday's attack and other recent bombings have been masterminded by militants who hide across the border and use sanctuaries in Afghanistan.

Read more here: http://www.mercedsunstar.com/news/nation-world/article133301784.html#storylink=cpy
Good news and about time as well.
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