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PAKISTAN: Sectarian killings -- the nexus between Saudi Arabia and the army

KSA - and the PA have been growing apart since the GW1 it is currently at it's lowest ebb.

No surprise there. The Saudi Salafis have been funding the likes of TTP and LeJ for many years now. We have also caught Saudi militants on the battlefield in FATA. While the King is quite progressive, the anti Shia establishment is very strong in Saudi which is why they are hellbent on targeting Shias everywhere as part of aproxy war with Iran. However, by funding TTP and LeJ(the latter now being a key part of TTP), the Saudi 'salafi establishment' is also promoting militant operations against the Pakistani Military and our other security forces with the hope of helping set up a salafi emirate in Pakistan.

The PA still suffers from some confusion as to whether some of these TTP-linked militants are merely 'kids behaving badly' who can be salvaged as proxy assets. That said, I believe the Army will eventually course correct over the next two years and realize that the Saudi Salafi-inspired/funded anti-state militant network is a a rabid dog with no cure, a danger to both the state and the military, and must be put to bed once and for all.
DONT take it the wrong way
(just like no Muslim should take blame for Al Qaeda)

but we have to share the responsibility in the making of this beast

I said we
by we I mean

Saudis and Pakistanis
and in Pakistan we are already very open and critical about our Army, our secret agency, our sectarian clergy and our gulible public

we have been living in denial and we have lost over 40,000 people and the terrorists who only targeted shias before now target everyone but always return to their favourite obligation to kill shias

we cant escape the fact about the origin of the 11 hijakers of 911, we cant ignore the fact about the flow of funds from middle east
if we the Pakistanis can have insiders who are at sensitive positions and helping terrorists in attacking then there are also people in the Middle east who are acting against the wishes of their Kings and secretly funding the goons in our country

there is no way we can sugar coat it
I know it hurts noble, nice honest, reasonable and decent human beings like yourself and many many more Arabs but repeateldy at highest levels the UAE and KSA officals have been presented with solid evidences including bank transactions that are finding their way to the terrorists.

we the Pakistanis take the major blame, lets say 90% and we have a tumour but that tumour has an outside source.
and the path leads to my dearest and dearest Arab brothers who themselves have suffered at the hands of these lunatics

I wont say that its the official policy of UAE and kingdom of Saudi Arabia to destroy Pakistan and help the groups that have have sworn to kill the Arab leadership and cease power but... there are elements within KSA and UAE at very prominent positions who are too dangerous to be touched


we bleed and we bleed and we bleed more. in this chaos, a Fiqh difference which was only confined to calling someone misguided has mutated into a Taqfiri fatwa which demands the "faithful" to not even spare an unborn child, young or old, man or woman and slay them all in the name of Islam.

just like the 1979 Iranian revolution brought its bag of unwanted gifts in Pakistan, so did the reactionary material from Arabian brothers during Gen Zia era who wanted to be the ruler of Pakistan forever and this radicalisation helped his policy
had he lived , he would have kept a lid on it I think he was very effective leader and didnt let his dogs forget their place but the leadership crises afterwords meant that these people became far more stronger than the state.

you and I both know that there are some elements in middle east who sympathise with Al Qaeda and Akhwan Al Muslimeen and they see the current Arab leadership as a hurdle and they would resort to violence if they find the time is right

in Jordan they are already making some tentative moves, they might be very holy and innocent looking but what they have in the bag for next generations might be devastating.

in the end

when we blame KSA

we do so on the bases of all the leaks and all the confessions and all the proofs provided to us by own people, the terrorists and the Americans who time and again say that UAE and KSA are acting like the Cash houses for International Islamic terrorism (whether its with or without the tacit approval of the Arab leadership is debatable, I am of the view that they are not involved) but we are still bleeding nonetheless

may Allah have Mercy on us all and rid us all the evils

I can't but agree with you. You are great yourself Sir.
This is one of the most open and most factual analysis of the situation on this forum. Well done mate.

DONT take it the wrong way
(just like no Muslim should take blame for Al Qaeda)

but we have to share the responsibility in the making of this beast

I said we
by we I mean

Saudis and Pakistanis
and in Pakistan we are already very open and critical about our Army, our secret agency, our sectarian clergy and our gulible public

we have been living in denial and we have lost over 40,000 people and the terrorists who only targeted shias before now target everyone but always return to their favourite obligation to kill shias

we cant escape the fact about the origin of the 11 hijakers of 911, we cant ignore the fact about the flow of funds from middle east
if we the Pakistanis can have insiders who are at sensitive positions and helping terrorists in attacking then there are also people in the Middle east who are acting against the wishes of their Kings and secretly funding the goons in our country

there is no way we can sugar coat it
I know it hurts noble, nice honest, reasonable and decent human beings like yourself and many many more Arabs but repeateldy at highest levels the UAE and KSA officals have been presented with solid evidences including bank transactions that are finding their way to the terrorists.

we the Pakistanis take the major blame, lets say 90% and we have a tumour but that tumour has an outside source.
and the path leads to my dearest and dearest Arab brothers who themselves have suffered at the hands of these lunatics

I wont say that its the official policy of UAE and kingdom of Saudi Arabia to destroy Pakistan and help the groups that have have sworn to kill the Arab leadership and cease power but... there are elements within KSA and UAE at very prominent positions who are too dangerous to be touched


we bleed and we bleed and we bleed more. in this chaos, a Fiqh difference which was only confined to calling someone misguided has mutated into a Taqfiri fatwa which demands the "faithful" to not even spare an unborn child, young or old, man or woman and slay them all in the name of Islam.

just like the 1979 Iranian revolution brought its bag of unwanted gifts in Pakistan, so did the reactionary material from Arabian brothers during Gen Zia era who wanted to be the ruler of Pakistan forever and this radicalisation helped his policy
had he lived , he would have kept a lid on it I think he was very effective leader and didnt let his dogs forget their place but the leadership crises afterwords meant that these people became far more stronger than the state.

you and I both know that there are some elements in middle east who sympathise with Al Qaeda and Akhwan Al Muslimeen and they see the current Arab leadership as a hurdle and they would resort to violence if they find the time is right

in Jordan they are already making some tentative moves, they might be very holy and innocent looking but what they have in the bag for next generations might be devastating.

in the end

when we blame KSA

we do so on the bases of all the leaks and all the confessions and all the proofs provided to us by own people, the terrorists and the Americans who time and again say that UAE and KSA are acting like the Cash houses for International Islamic terrorism (whether its with or without the tacit approval of the Arab leadership is debatable, I am of the view that they are not involved) but we are still bleeding nonetheless

may Allah have Mercy on us all and rid us all the evils
our friendship is due to our common faith and our mutual cooperation and support of each other before and after the oil boom. we trained their military and defended KSA against the Communism back in the 70-80s.

due to the Islam's two most Holiest sites and our love and devotion for that land is what makes us friends. our leadership is irrelevant the King will die and will be replaced by another King and our leader will be a General or a president/ PM no matter but our bond will remain the same. and please, its not the money, Americans have given us the most, actually far more than all Arab countries combined but that has not bought them our love or respect or friendship, their flag gets burnt and our walls are littered with anti American slogans.

still dont get it? well never mind

It is wired - do not get me wrong, to hear that friendship of two countries, I would not use the term friendship for US and Canada also, is based on religion. Should that not be the last or at least not the first?

It is of considerable interest to see that Pakistan has made friends of a country which is said to be harming your country through import of a version of Islam which is a hindrance to the growth and the well being of your country.
Actually Israelis are involved, however, through Qatar. They are very intelligent, I have to salute their cunningness. Indian involvement is also correct, however, that too is expected so there are on hard feelings about that either...... :rofl:

Magar sabb say barri bhens kee ankh is us ourselves... :D

Evil Zionists :devil:
The main reason of secretarian violence in Pakistan is Iran, India, Israel, usa etc

and Pakistanis you missed them

Actually Israelis are involved, however, through Qatar. They are very intelligent, I have to salute their cunningness. Indian involvement is also correct, however, that too is expected so there are on hard feelings about that either...... :rofl:

Magar sabb say barri bhens kee ankh is us ourselves... :D

you beat me :)
It's funny that those Anti-shia don't blow things up in Iran.. Let's all hold hands and get into a psychotic denial mode were truth is least matter. KSA stood strongly and helped pakistan in times of great need, Likw pakistani point of view about kashmir and pakistan's rightful nuclear program. So we're a true brothers for Pakistan. And as soon as we read about some conspirator nutjob with personality disorders then it's KSA who does all the evil in Pakistan, along with yemen, syria, Iraq, Lybia, palestine, Tunisia, Egypt, Mali, 9-11, cancer & global warming..
Such a tough country with strong overpowered intelligence agency that could beat pretty much all the securities in numerous countries simultaneously and keep getting away with it.. And they say arabian camel-riders are low IQ creatures, I knew they were lying from the beginning.
and how come no buddy ever thought about iran? You know the country which openly interfered in syria, yemen, and even Nigeria. Swallowed Iraq and lebanon? The country who are very weak compared to pakistan but not a single drones hit their lands.?
Peace out, I wont even double check for typos, this thread disgust me..
The main reason of secretarian violence in Pakistan is Iran, India, Israel, usa etc

did you mean
and Klingons

in the etc?

It's funny that those Anti-shia don't blow things up in Iran....

somewhat true but Jundullah has managed some similar attacks in Iran during Friday prayers and Muharram processions.
but not at the level of Iraq or Pakistan
That was more of a convenient omission on his part. What our respected friends @mdcp and @Safriz fail to understand is that first step to redemption is having the ability to account for ones own sins "Grehban mein jhank-n-na". Well. Whatever. How long will the old line of "ran, India, Israel, usa" work? If it does work for a longish period of time, then we truly are beyond redemption.

and Pakistanis you missed them

you beat me :)
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Dont forget the evil yindoos
We'r the bad a$$es of the neighbourhood :drag:

On topic: Love the change in Pakistani attitudes.
I remember a few years back i was suspended on this forum because I said that Saudis are the main cause of terrorism world wide and US should crack down on them.

And then once again when i said that its Pakistani's who are killing others in Pakistan. People back then said it cant be a Muslim who blew up a Mosque. No muslim can ever attack another Muslim. It MUST be an Indian. And as Pakistani's are happiest when they get their doses of conspiracy theories - almost everyone knew of unofficial 'uncircumcized' bodies being found at every location of the bomb blast! So that was the conclusive proof that it was not Muslims who were attacking Pakistani's but RAW agents blowing themselves up.
Congratulations mate. I said those things back in 1994.

On topic: KSA has mended it's ways big time. It's time for other Emirati states to fall into line, and time for us Pakistanis for some deep introspection.

Dont forget the evil yindoos
We'r the bad a$$es of the neighbourhood :drag:

On topic: Love the change in Pakistani attitudes.
I remember a few years back i was suspended on this forum because I said that Saudis are the main cause of terrorism world wide and US should crack down on them.

And then once again when i said that its Pakistani's who are killing others in Pakistan. People back then said it cant be a Muslim who blew up a Mosque. No muslim can ever attack another Muslim. It MUST be an Indian. And as Pakistani's are happiest when they get their doses of conspiracy theories - almost everyone knew of unofficial 'uncircumcized' bodies being found at every location of the bomb blast! So that was the conclusive proof that it was not Muslims who were attacking Pakistani's but RAW agents blowing themselves up.

Yara, RAW may have been involved in many many incidents, however, that is nothing to be ashamed of. It's part of their job outline. No hard feelings. Once again, the problem is us.
Congratulations mate. I said those things back in 1994.

On topic: KSA has mended it's ways big time. It's time for other Emirati states to fall into line, and time for us Pakistanis for some deep introspection.
Doubtful. KSA has merely changed its strategy. It has moved from supporting ultra extremists to mild extremists. And the pattern of funding has also changed. They are still breeding intolerance, though not the virulent types. And because US has really tightened the screws on them, the funding has gone through hawala and other charitable causes, and KSA now discourages use of their funds for extremist purposes, but they still use it for teaching intolerance.

Yara, RAW may have been involved in many many incidents, however, that is nothing to be ashamed of. It's part of their job outline. No hard feelings. Once again, the problem is us.
There is a difference mate. India has been very selective in its use of covert operations, unlike Pakistan. There is always a method to our madness.

India realizes that Pakistan is the last defence India has against extremist ideologies and Taliban. It would be an unmitigated disaster were Taliban to land up on our borders.

So while India would love to destabilize Pakistan. it would not be through supporting an Islamist insurgency, it would be through a linguistic or nationalist insurgency. Forgive me for saying this, but we are cautious in these things unlike Pakistan who goes gung ho thinking Islam is the answer to all problems - territorial included.

We dont use religious nationalism unlike Pakistan, its blowbacks are too severe. Were Pakistan to get destabilized through an Islamic insurgency, it would not be long before Talibs turn their attention to India, and Muslims here are susceptible too their trash as well, albeit less so than Pakistani's.

So BLA would be a prime candidate for supporting, TTP would be a prime candidate to kill for India as well.
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