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PAKISTAN: Sectarian killings -- the nexus between Saudi Arabia and the army

I hear that yea but I need some more analysis on that. I think it was because Pakistan didnt actively take part in the Kuwait liberation. although it did send its fighter jets and soldiers to defend the Saudi Kingdom.

Correct and the consistent refusal of the PA and other forces to remove Shia's and others from PA contingents.

I never said that, turning a blind eye is not supporting the activity. and its not bull shitt infacts its a FACT.

rest of the post is usual bakwas. not worth reply.

You're like a 12 year old - throwing a tantrum - we have lost hundreds of agents in the war against these people - specific intelligence was given to the civil administration in Quetta - regarding an attack. Not intels problem that they did not act.
Why do you look at us as a threat to you? We gave you land for your country. We have never attacked you. We have never done bomb blasts or 26/11 type attacks on your soil.

you conspired and helped raise Mukti bahmi terrorists and broke our eastern wing. that beats everything we are alleged to have done to you
I hope those unpleasant moments become thing of the past specially when we have an international Terrorism with a very extremist and violent interpretation of Islam.
Correct and the consistent refusal of the PA and other forces to remove Shia's and others from PA contingents.

You're like a 12 year old - throwing a tantrum - we have lost hundreds of agents in the war against these people - specific intelligence was given to the civil administration in Quetta - regarding an attack. Not intels problem that they did not act.

well what he is saying is based on reports on Malik Ishaq

who was flown in to GHQ via helicopter from his VIP jail and he helped negotiate with the terrorists that attacked GHQ also army is accused of helping his speedy release from jail even knowing well that he has committed multiple murders, if thats not enough, some spineless and disgraceful armymen helped in the escape of Sipah Sahabah and LeJ terrorists in Quetta
when there are snakes in PAF a, PN and PA who are helping terrorists in planning and successfully attacking high security bases and making the base security personnel like complete @rseholes and Ullu Kay Putthay then why not expect some more who are helping the LeJ, LeT and Sipah Sahabah scum? our army men are also coming from Jhang , DI khan and Quetta etc arnt they?

by the way, just like I predicted, this mass killer Ishaq has been taken into "protective custody" in order to save him from an accidental death in the security operation.
Spare me your sarcasm, if you do not want to respond please stop quoting and try displaying your superior understanding!

our friendship is due to our common faith and our mutual cooperation and support of each other before and after the oil boom. we trained their military and defended KSA against the Communism back in the 70-80s.

due to the Islam's two most Holiest sites and our love and devotion for that land is what makes us friends. our leadership is irrelevant the King will die and will be replaced by another King and our leader will be a General or a president/ PM no matter but our bond will remain the same. and please, its not the money, Americans have given us the most, actually far more than all Arab countries combined but that has not bought them our love or respect or friendship, their flag gets burnt and our walls are littered with anti American slogans.

still dont get it? well never mind
@Irfan Baloch Sir, I agree KSA and UAE involvement, but all they do is send money and export their version of Islam, the fodder and terrorists are local people.

Isn't Pakistan responsible more for this mess ? Isn't the Concept of Jehad against Soviets/India war has a thin line of difference with terrorists against Pakistan ?

I am very sorry

I can only thank you once and cant agree more with you
thats exactly we Pakistanis are saying

KSA is not doing anything more than what Iran is doing and thats fine because we have a sizeable population (like you guys in Deoband) who are very close to Salafi school of thought.

the problem we have is from "non-state directors (TM)*1 who are funding the extremists who are involved in violence against minorities and fighting the state.

just like you guys have problems from our "non state actors" who bring our two countries to war after a terrorist incident
whether such non-state actors are supported as a policy of the state is debatable we say they are not and you say that they are , coming back to KSA/ UAE some of us alleged that there is some complicity from the two Arab countries based on what Americans tell us etc and their governments and their decent members beg to disagree.

but all above means balls (as far more unsubtly put by some members here). because in the end its our failing that we are unable to stem the issue, control the loonies and educate the population and finally defeat the terrorists the way KSA has done.

*1 "non-state directors is my patented phrase so dont you dare to copy it or else....!
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Saudis consider Asif Zardari as shia and Iran pleaser and he is neither. his relations with Iran are as good ( if not worse) as were of Zia, Nawaz Sherif , Musharraf or Benazir.
the message can be even from Americans as well, who knows

or I would say just our own dogs who have gone wild and fearless and biting back the master because they have remained unchecked for decades

if Indeed KSA as a national official policy does that then it will loose the best friend it has which has always come running to help it. such actions can further tilt Pakistan towards Iran and that would be a total shame

even during Iran Iraq war when Zia was the president we kept a neutral stance so such alleged punishment by KSA will be more harmful to itself in the longer run.

Very good analysis in this (second of the two successive posts).

Very good my dear poster.

People who have read my posts here know very well that I do not "hate KSA or Saudis or Arabs" per se.

I may criticize some of their habits or policies (especially the intolerant religious fundoo-ism). But no blanket stereotypes.

I have been there (beyond Hujj Umra boundaries), met some wonderful young people (men and women) and deeply respect what they have achieved in the last 50 years as a nation.

Having said that, let me point out the deep suspicions (bordering hatred) that an average Saudi government official carries against Shias.

It was so comical and even tragic to see Saudi officials objecting to Pakistani military officials with names like "Hassan" or "Ali" etc.

even when these Pakistani military officials were as Sunni as they come.

But just the name "hassan" or "Ali" would trip these Saudis and throw them into this land of Oz.

I have always deeply resented this attitude of Saudis towards Pak military officers who happen to be Shia.

Our military officers and Jawans be them Shias, Ahmadis, Christians, and Sikh (yes we do have Sikh officer) are professionals to the core.

They will not let their Sunni-ism, Shia-ism, Ahmadi-ism, Christianity, or Sikh-ism come in the way to their service to Pakistan inside the country or abroad.

No way

But these Saudi-officials will sit and block the postings for Pakistani-Shia officers for months on end.

Similarly our baboos, or our politiians like Gadhari may be corrupt to the core, but their Shiaism will not come between their relationship with Arabs, or Iran or anyone else.

But for some reason, the paranoid Saudis never understood it, and it may take a long time before they will.


p.s. IN the same way I may criticize some Irani habits or policies (especially the intolerant religious fundoo-ism). But no blanket stereotypes. Love the iranian food too much to do so.
I never said that, turning a blind eye is not supporting the activity. and its not bull shitt infacts its a FACT.

rest of the post is usual bakwas. not worth reply.

If you keep on making your own abstract thought the basis of this argument and not back it up with any solid claims that indicate PA being in collusion with LeJ, and brand my posts as usual bakwas, then okay...you can keep on sleeping in your PTI dreamland.
If you keep on making your own abstract thought the basis of this argument and not back it up with any solid claims that indicate PA being in collusion with LeJ, and brand my posts as usual bakwas, then okay...you can keep on sleeping in your PTI dreamland.

Collusion is something else,thats what you are making up.... turning a blind eye is something else...

now go and sit with ASWJ dharna in Quetta.
Collusion is something else,thats what you are making up.... turning a blind eye is something else..

Turning a blind eye is almost the same as collusion. You are turning a blind eye according to some agreement or some plan to have the other party at advantage...it's a form of collusion IMO.

And who tells you they are turning a blind eye? There is alot more to be done and more effort should be put in, but they aren't being left alone.

now go and sit with ASWJ dharna in Quetta.

It's called off...
We are all connected - lets not exclude people (beople) from this conversation - it effects us all.
Turning a blind eye is almost the same as collusion. You are turning a blind eye according to some agreement or some plan to have the other party at advantage...it's a form of collusion IMO.

And who tells you they are turning a blind eye? There is alot more to be done and more effort should be put in, but they aren't being left alone.

It's called off...

ah so there is collusion !!! but I think there is no criminal offence committed by Army, but its criminal negligence and apathy for sure..

I rest my case for you to understand.
ah so there is collusion !!! but I think there is no criminal offence committed by Army, but its criminal negligence and apathy for sure..

you conspired and helped raise Mukti bahmi terrorists and broke our eastern wing. that beats everything we are alleged to have done to you
I hope those unpleasant moments become thing of the past specially when we have an international Terrorism with a very extremist and violent interpretation of Islam.

Sir I was not even born that time. Were you? How far back in history do you want to go? My dad and uncle told me that we were forced to intervene because East Bengalis were being exterminated and raped by West Pakistan forces, and refugees were pouring into India for months before our forces were ordered to intervene. I did some searching on the net and I was shocked that the world does not mention 1971 when they talk of the worst genocides of modern times.

Everyone talks of Hitler killing 6 million Jews. Or Pol Pot. Or Idi Amin. Or Rwanda. Or Bosnia. But who remembers 3 million people killed in the space of less than 6 months in 1970-1971? Was that sectarian, I do not know. But I do know that you blame us Hindus for killing Muslims. But never you speak about Muslims killing Muslims in the tens of thousands, even hundreds of thousands, even millions. Why sir? Why?
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