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PAKISTAN: Sectarian killings -- the nexus between Saudi Arabia and the army

There are many different types of shias and it is possible that Iranian influence has affected some Pakistanis. However, I don't know a single Pakistani shia who views the ayatollahs as having any significance whatsoever. I do concede your point that the shia community, like any other, might also have extremist elements.

As for zakat, each group pays within their particular sect and the money gets spent within the community, i.e. on Pakistani shias, not Iran. Iran can take care of its own shias.

Iraq is different because Najaf and Karbala are special to all shias around the world so people might send money for upkeep of religious places, etc.

I am shia, but we have ZERO relationship with Iran. Our shia faith has historical ties to Yemen, Egypt and India. This is true of many shia communities in Pakistan, including the one from which Quaid-e-Azam came.

However, if anyone, especially the Indians, think this makes us loyal to India over Pakistan, then well :rofl: let them learn the hard way...

My friend, i have no problem... if my Shia friends send money to Iran... or Zakat within its community, its their money and its a religious matter, only Allah can make justice.

I appreciate, you talk like a gentleman.... my issues start with putting any thing before Pakistan.
I'm not blaming you... but generally religion shall be kept in house and shall not be made public, especially in today's complicated world... where one man's opinion are opposite to other man's views and if any one disturb the society using religion or put demands based on their wishes... is a simple case of black mailing state.

We shall also not get blind with false news.... just because we believe in some thing... as we were told repeatedly since child hood. Such as the thread title.

I respect my neighbours... because its my religious obligation, even if they are Shias, Christians or Hindus and if they go in trouble, it will be my duty to help and protect their interest, but i should not go overboard and try to interfere in affairs in next city...as i will be ignorant as compare to locals.

As a Muslim, I also believe killing in Islam is haram and only state forces shall lead the armed conflict.
Elements, behind the killing of Pakistanis, any where, are agents of evil and my faith is they will eventually fail.
They may bee hidden under tons of propaganda, but they will be unearthed by nature.
Still, nothing gives any one.... any justification to kill others in the name of sect. if they got caught... they shall be handed to Pak army... as i do not believe 0.001% justice from judiciary lead by Iftikhar ch. and i trust, no one this forum want the terrorists behind the bars and their master minds uncovered.. as much i do, but at the same time, i see my own state not going public... with all the evidence they had in past five years... clearly tells us that considerable portion of civil state is working against interest of Pakistan. This is already a serious state affairs.

In Quetta, every one is being killed... and when non Shia are killed no one says it was Iran behind it? WHY NOT? All terroist attacks on Pakistan are attacks on Pakistan.. but than some attacks are clearly cooked to take the matter to different direction and cover all the trails of previous attacks.

I quote an example below:
JUI-F leader’s son shot dead in Quetta

Another example, murder of BB was used by a political party to gain sympathy votes... as a result we have Asif Ali Zardari as president.... now he has earned hate and people want change, but now we also have our next wish 'change' ready made for us read Imran Khan.
not every one buy Imran Khan but all he require is few thousands to run drama.... and this is another debate how masses are manipulated in the name of elections and democracy, but behind the scenes, every one is working for IMF or he is out of scene, by one or another way. this is another story....

Again, In context of India, All Pakistani Shias may not be Indian agents but experience says... every one, i know have connections in India or trade with India or prefer an Indian over Pakistani non Shia.
What possibly, could be the point in propagating attacks on Pak army? Answer is simple they share objectives with enemies of Pakistan! in other words are local agents of enemies of Pakistan and therefore security risk for Pakistan.
In Quetta, every one is being killed... and when non Shia are killed no one says it was Iran behind it? WHY NOT? All terroist attacks on Pakistan are attacks on Pakistan.. but than some attacks are clearly cooked to take the matter to different direction and cover all the trails of previous attacks.

I think we can agree that there are extremists in all groups and all extremists, whatever their backing, should be eliminated. I don't want Pakistanis getting involved in anyone's proxy wars. If we play favorites and ignore some extremists while targeting others, it will not work. Anyone killing Pakistanis must be stopped.

I also agree that their are powerful groups protecting these extremists and many of those powerful people are within Pakistan.
There may be extremists, but why only Peshawar, Karachi and Queeta is burning?
Why blame army instead and promote BS?
All these powerful people you think.. only come in action during Zardari controlled regime.
Where were they when P.Musharraf was ruling?
There are many different types of shias and it is possible that Iranian influence has affected some Pakistanis. However, I don't know a single Pakistani shia who views the ayatollahs as having any significance whatsoever. I do concede your point that the shia community, like any other, might also have extremist elements.

As for zakat, each group pays within their particular sect and the money gets spent within the community, i.e. on Pakistani shias, not Iran. Iran can take care of its own shias.

Iraq is different because Najaf and Karbala are special to all shias around the world so people might send money for upkeep of religious places, etc.

I am shia, but we have ZERO relationship with Iran. Our shia faith has historical ties to Yemen, Egypt and India. This is true of many shia communities in Pakistan, including the one from which Quaid-e-Azam came.

However, if anyone, especially the Indians, think this makes us loyal to India over Pakistan, then well :rofl: let them learn the hard way...

We wish well for your Yemen too. It needs all the luck it can get. ;)
Unbelievable how people can be obsessed with KSA.
Unfortunately all leaders of hardcore terrorist groups frequently visit Suadi etc embassies, plus also visit KSA etc frequently.They also collect funds from Suadi govt for their madrassa , look at their living pattern, SUVs guards and houses, they are using those funds to built their own army. If you think its just bashing please go Pakistan and see your self. If you are moderate educated person, then press your govt to stop contacting these animals, who are mass murdering people in the name of Islam.
Giving benefit of doubt , may be KSA is not aware the usage of fund provided to these elements, who beg money for their seminaries and its using for terrorist activity.
Iran is behind sectarian Violence , Its well known that Shias(Twelver) want the same Bloody revolutionary campaign should be continued in Pakistan and for that they have created many of terror groups which is Aided and supported by Iran and many of Local political groups and as response they are being treated in way what they have used to treat others. Not hard to understand.
As long as funding for terrorist continues by KSA and UAE, sectarian killings will not stop.
Iran is behind sectarian Violence , Its well known that Shias(Twelver) want the same Bloody revolutionary campaign should be continued in Pakistan and for that they have created many of terror groups which is Aided and supported by Iran and many of Local political groups and as response they are being treated in way what they have used to treat others. Not hard to understand.
Don t think Pakistani shia has any interest . Pakistan has established democracy and its Sunni Hanfi state . No one has problem. Only issue is extremism and corruption. I am shia and all my friends are sunni ....ever had problem ???.....non to zero . Even the founder of Pakistan never talk about shia laws , he only talk about " balanced democracy with equal rights " .
Don t think Pakistani shia has any interest . Pakistan has established democracy and its Sunni Hanfi state . No one has problem. Only issue is extremism and corruption. I am shia and all my friends are sunni ....ever had problem ???.....non to zero . Even the founder of Pakistan never talk about shia laws , he only talk about " balanced democracy with equal rights " .
What you speaks is away from the reality , Would I need to post the links of the lists of those terror groups which are active with different names and spreading Iranian terror propaganda in the name of hussainiyat?
What you speaks is away from the reality , Would I need to post the links of the lists of those terror groups which are active with different names and spreading Iranian terror propaganda in the name of hussainiyat?
Never heard of them , for my knowledge please foward me links.
We need more hanging but as usual Pakistani are gutless cowards, always have been that's why historically they been slaves of one party or the other,always ready to blame someone because they have no balls to change their fate.

Our army loves to take it from the backside from anyone who can pay, our prime ministry his daughter works in an Arab harem, our Mullahs love foreign cash and young boys.

Arabs are glorified by Pakistanis, they believe every Arab is a prophet, i personally like Arabs as much as the Mongols did when they ransacked Baghdad.
Identifying the internal threat as primary does not affect procurements, since the identification of this new enemy is in addition to, and not in lieu of, the existing enemy. Similarly, the corporate interests of the Army will continue to flourish regardless of the political environment.

To be honest, Pakistan does indeed have a patriotic Army, although I will concede that is neither obedient, nor answerable, to anyone but itself. Given the utterly rotten nature of Pakistani politicians, that may or may not be such a bad thing after all.

Please don't justify the role of Army in politics in garb of corrupt politicians. India has far worse corruption scandals do you see IA trying to take over? Political role of Army has only brought misery for us. Some segments of population have started armed resistance only because they were not allowed to participate in electoral process and come into mainstream. TTP fitna took roots only because the right of governance has not been consensus but barrel of a gun and TTP is trying to force its will on population by same methods.

Though to be fair Army is patriotic, its the higher hierarchy in Army which shown incredible shortsightedness and brought misery to every stakeholder.
Sipah-e-Mohammed Pakistan, Terrorist Group of Pakistan
Tehreek-e-Jaferia Pakistan,Terrorist Group of Pakistan
The SMP is estimated to have a cadre base of 30000 Shia followers.

The TJP has several affiliated organisations, including Sipah-e-Abbas, Sipah-e-Ahl-Bait and youth bodies like the Imamia Students Organisation and the Imamia Organisation, which are reported to play an active role.

Both groups you mention were in retaliation of shia killing. But these groups don t exist anymore. It was formed by local people, not by Iran or any other country. In actual scenario few relatives been killed , but no shia organization every come forward for protection. Any way if these Shia organzation now really exist and involve in death of innocent citizen then its wrong.
It is failure of Pakistan law enforcement organzation who can not provide security to citizen of this country and extremist easily walk out of jails or command their orgazation from jail cell.
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