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‘Pakistan schools teach Hindu hatred’

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Don't know about him, but I'm saying so........

Pretty big claim.

I doubt US government would go around releasing such reports based on lies. These things are easily verifiable and media would take it apart if that was the case. At least I would expect the Pakistani media to do so.

Now only of someone could get a hand on the report.


Are Pakistanis not worried that this crop can be dangerous for Pakistan ? Truth told this attitude of Jihad is not so dangerous for US anymore as they are in a state of hyper alertness after 9/11. It will hurt Afghanistan and Pakistan and will make a little difference to the rest of the world.

We are the country that has pitted it's entire resources into fighting extremism. How can you think that Pakistan is not worried about Terrorism inside it's borders ?
Did you not read the part where it says that moderates tried to protect the muslims ?
Does it not say that there was nothing wrong with hindus-muslims for a thousand years ?
Does it not say that Gandhi was a leader who preached inter-faith harmony ?

If it were "Hate-filled" it would say that "All Hindus are bad guys, they were really cruel to us at partition and it is entirely their fault that the partition occurred. The Mughals tried to take good care of them but they always ended up mounting a rebellion against their gracious rulers."

Now that would be one-sided, biased and hate-filled.......

The paragraph that you quoted, is soft pedaling a subtle bias against Hindus. Having noted that 'Muslims and Hindus had lived as neighbours and compatriots for over a thousand year', it goes on to state that during partition, 'peaceful Indian society' got divided into 'moderates and extremists'. Then in the following sentences it associates only Hindus with 'extremism', forgetting that 'peaceful Indian society' included Muslims as well, and there were 'extremists' within their ranks as well and that the 'mass murder' was perpetrated by both the sides in equal measure. The narrative clearly gives the impression that the 'mass murder' was one sided - Hindus, the killers and Muslims, the victims. Moderates protecting the 'migrating Muslims' and getting killed is meant to convey the subtle message that the Hindu 'extremists' so loathed the Muslims that they killed their own just because they were helping the Muslims.

It is one-sided, biased and hate-filled.
Please post proof by uploading scanned pages or consider this thread another trollers flame bait..obviously the author has formed his opinion after reading the text books therefore it is safe of assume that he has the text books in his possession.
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nothing new here in Uk the saudis were also funding hate on jews and hindus lucky the British found out and banned the wahabi hate mob
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Pretty big claim.

I doubt US government would go around releasing such reports based on lies. These things are easily verifiable and media would take it apart if that was the case. At least I would expect the Pakistani media to do so.

Now only of someone could get a hand on the report.


Press Releases - USCIRF

Like I said, there are a lot of reports but very few references, being an analyst, I know this report is written by an analyst based on other reports by other analysts and probably none of them even set foot on Pakistani soil on a fact-finding mission. How can I say that this report is conclusive when the author hasn't been to Pakistan, hasn't went through our course and hasn't studied in our schools ?
I have done all three and I can confidently say that there is NO HATE BEING TAUGHT AGAINST ANYONE IN OUR SCHOOLS.
Are Pakistanis not worried that this crop can be dangerous for Pakistan ? Truth told this attitude of Jihad is not so dangerous for US anymore as they are in a state of hyper alertness after 9/11. It will hurt Afghanistan and Pakistan and will make a little difference to the rest of the world.

Pakistan is worried and taking reasonable steps against that. Just consider the time taken by PA in operation rah e rast and nijaat, and compare it with 10 years spent by US/nato in afghanistan.

The point is you need to determined to vanish the terrorists, unlike US which is so far seems that it doesnt want to end this game just to keep its presence in the region in the name of WoT.
@Andross.. The topic was Pakistan and Pakistan's books. Why don't you bother to read my two posts here?
Or are you over-joyed to read a baseless argument which bashes Pakistan?
The paragraph that you quoted, is soft pedaling a subtle bias against Hindus. Having noted that 'Muslims and Hindus had lived as neighbours and compatriots for over a thousand year', it goes on to state that during partition, 'peaceful Indian society' got divided into 'moderates and extremists'. Then in the following sentences it associates only Hindus with 'extremism', forgetting that 'peaceful Indian society' included Muslims as well, and there were 'extremists' within their ranks as well and that the 'mass murder' was perpetrated by both the sides in equal measure. The narrative clearly gives the impression that the 'mass murder' was one sided - Hindus, the killers and Muslims, the victims. Moderates protecting the 'migrating Muslims' and getting killed is meant to convey the subtle message that the Hindu 'extremists' so loathed the Muslims that they killed their own just because they were helping the Muslims.

It is one-sided, biased and hate-filled.

It's a Pakistani textbook, obviously it is bound to view the incidents of 1947 from a Pakistani perspective.
However, it does not preach hatred against Hindus as said over and over again, does it ?
It doesn't call for their destruction, or persecution of minorities in revenge for 1947 as posted by many, does it ?
@Andross.. The topic was Pakistan and Pakistan's books. Why don't you bother to read my two posts here?
Or are you over-joyed to read a baseless argument which bashes Pakistan?

Depends baseless on whos point? yours yes but the US does not think so
"As soon as the news broke out that "Mother Punjab" was to be divided into Muslim majority and non-Muslim majority wings and awarded to Pakistan and India respectively, the Sikhs and Hindus of Punjab went into an irreversible spiral of outrage and the partition that had so far seen only limited instances of violence evolved into an eerie reminder of the Holocaust, the memories of which were still fresh in the minds of the witnesses of World War II. Sikh and Hindu militias attacked caravans of muslims already plagued by disease and hunger, killing them by the hundreds. The incumbent Indian Government which had promised to see the partition through "Without Incident" was utterly helpless to do anything to stop this slaughter."-The Great Partition

I can only point you in the right direction, the journey is yours to make.......................

these again are claims of your textbooks, our textbooks tell a completely different story.....u can't prove anything on basis of these textbooks...
Depends baseless on whos point? yours yes but the US does not think so
Those who wrote the article didn't even touch a book or enter Pakistan's schools.
Read the psot by Kakgeta. It explains everything. Neither have you been to a school in Pakistan so how can you say that?
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