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Pakistan’s secret dirty war

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I thought it is all fair.



Allow me to spoon feed, hence i'll repeat the earlier query,
one should put their money where their mouth is.
In easy term, it translates into, jump on the band wagon, when you come up with similar evidence.
:rofl: :rofl:

i think i should also participate if things are going to be funny.

True - when people turn anti-state they deserve a danda up their @zz. But what bothers me is the utter hypocritical nature of the same people when they shed crocodile tears for the Kashmiris and denounce the "occupational forces" .The Indian Army even during the worst period of the insurgency never willfully targeted civilians to send a "message". They forget they are regarded the same - occupational forces - by many a Baloch.

the bolded part is'nt true. There are many reports (including Wikileaks) which says that there has been numerous cases of torture, inhumane civilian killing etc.

Maybe Indians should support Baloch "morally".

MORALLY :what:

R.A.W is ACTIVELY supporting B.L.A in Balochistan. .
If Pakistan Army is taking down Anti-Pakistan elements, then there is no problem but still I would say that slicing or as the article says tempering with the corpses, is not allowed in Islam.

- - Infact it is strictly against the conditions of Jihad. .
^ Pakistanis are not required to believe in it . Period.

Not going to make a difference to India. Period.

Not going to make a difference in the international arena. Period.

Period.Period.Period. :lol:

Hmm..i guess you need to visit your nearest medical store for a pack of sanitary pads.

And oh yes, have a happy period. ;)

If Pakistan Army is taking down Anti-Pakistan elements, then there is no problem but still I would say that slicing or as the article says tempering with the corpses, is not allowed in Islam.

- - Infact it is strictly against the conditions of Jihad. .

please try preaching this to Taliban
^ Pakistanis are not required to believe in it . Period.

Not going to make a difference to India. Period.

Not going to make a difference in the international arena. Period.

Period.Period.Period. :lol:

Have a Happy Period Karthic Sri

Some more laughs...

Damn! Thing's are getting funnier post by post.

Laugh all!!

Gotta remember 1st April, not just because it has relations with fools.
As for Balochistan.. Feudals lords or not...they hold respect in the eyes of their people.. and more often than not.. have delivered on their false promises 5% better than the governments have...

Your Premise is that feudal, lords are respected by the Balouch because they deliver, at least better than the government -- this is a circular argument, because proof of the contention is in the premise -- Lets look at why the Pakistan government has and continues to fail or at least is perceived as failing - The "educated" or what passes as "educated" in Balouchistan, are deeply influenced by a classic Marxist/Leninist narrative (you want someone to blame, blame university professors and their "you can change the world" BS).

Notice Pakistan is confronting a Right wing (lunatic) insurgency in Waziristan and other parts (Poun-Jab) and an ultra left insurgency in Balouchistan ---Question: Is it unfair to say that whatever the Message of Pakistan, Pakistan as a nation state is, is not compelling??

In Balouchistan, if university professors have offered a hope against the Sardar and his enabler, the state, in other parts of the country, Poun-jab and Waziristan, it is the again, the state (a section of it any way- wink wink) that enables the insurgency.

that 5% gets the respect..

You mean to say the Sardar distributes wealth better than the State does?? Is that why the Sardar lives like a kings and tribesmen like animals??

Friends, think about why after more than 60 years of Pakistan, there are still "tribesmen"?? Take it as a guarantee that US and her coalition will "come a callin" to help out the "Tribes" -- Witness Afghanistan and soon Libya ---

Look at both the issues -- who is the responsible element?? It's the State -- now the more catholic than pope army defenders will point fingers at the politicians, hoping that the rest of us are going to forget that the army has run Pakistan for most of it's existence.

And the problem has spread from the bugti and marri lands down to the Makran coast..
However.. there can not be a repeat of 71.. since.. there is too much land.. and not enough Baloch.
The Feudals.. and their allies in the army know they cannot rely on force to change this scenario..
hence the new PR drive out there.
a grass roots engagement if you will.
And while this has shown success in the rural areas of Baluchistan.. the population centers have yet to accept this newfound goodwill.

Before Akbar Bugti's murder.. the intellectuals in the baloch society.. were still only tilting towards the right.. and were demanding greater rights and autonomy..
For all his faults... Bugti was still a figure for the Baloch.. with him gone, those that swayed the Baloch "hal"... have thrown in their vote for the succession camp, and like Ayub and Zia.. Musharraf has made another crack in Pakistan.. Ayub's cracked place was torn off.. Zia's fissure is spouting lava and erupting.. and Musharraf's deed has begun making the squeaking noise.. military glue will no longer hold this together.

Bugti was a murderous swine and that he burns in hell is gratifying to all who seek a stable and free Pakistan -- Now, on an other page AM asked why instead of posing questions as to why the army is as ineffective as it is, we may offer it help with COIN -- Fauj does not need any such advice, Fauj offers advice to others like Lanka - and it's advice is that the best way to deal with insurgents is to dispatch them to hell -- it is hoped that the FGauj will follow the same advice in Waziristan and especially in the Poun-jab.

The the baloch intellectual sided with the feudal.. all his treatment of his subservient like animals.. was lost in the past.
Those people that defined the mood of the baloch are no longer interested in Pakistan... be them marxist or Scientology folks..
Its who you look up to? And the saying "in the land of beggars.the one eyes man is king" comes to mind when talking of educated Baloch.
The Blow them up idea should have been done ages ago.. but the start stop strategy that is the hallmark of the Leadership's policy on insurgencies has been the downfall.
Apparently the PMA needs to include more long term insurgency studies in its curriculum.

As far as the nation state is concerned.. with ethnic politics rampant in all the provinces.. I dont think we have much ground to build on.
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