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Pakistan’s secret dirty war

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^ Ah ! I hate this spoon feeding. Anyways since it is the responsibility of the more mature to help out the lesser priviledged, here it goes,

And as for the Democracy part I know you being from the Pakistani Fauj have your own convoluted version of Democracy, but the version used commonly worldwide does not allow secession at any cost or Territorial integrity to be compromised.
Aaaa...this would be difficult. Difficult until Kashmir remain DISPUTED....
Peoples' right to self-determination is not contingent upon peoples' land being declared 'disputed' by any international organisation. People of Kashmir has as much right to self-determination as people of Baluchistan. East Pakistan, for example, was not 'disputed'. Like the people of Balochistanis today, the East Pakistani Bengalis then aspired to be free and today they are Bangladeshis. No UN resolution was needed for that.

Now let go of this learned-by-rote response.
...and until india continue claiming to be the largest democracy.
That India is the largest democracy, is for everyone to see. No need to make a separate claim for that. Since you are a Pakistani, you can be excused for not completely understanding democracy.
Does this also hold guud for the Red Corridor?
Peoples' right to self-determination is not contingent upon peoples' land being declared 'disputed' by any international organisation. People of Kashmir has as much right to self-determination as people of Baluchistan. East Pakistan, for example, was not 'disputed'. Like the people of Balochistanis today, the East Pakistani Bengalis then aspired to be free and today they are Bangladeshis. No UN resolution was needed for that.

Now let go of this learned-by-rote response.

By now you should have understood that even if the land has been declared 'disputed' they will find all possible,convoluted reasons to justify their stand. Northern Areas anyone ?
And the same Democracy gives so many ways to preserve them.

And POTA (equipped the Indian forces with extra ordinary powers. Under the law, any act committed with a lethal weapon was termed terrorist act.), TADA, AFSPA, NITOA (Under the Act, a District Magistrate may prohibit the publishing of material resulting in “incitement to murder” or “any act of violence”), J&K PUBLIC SAFETY ACT (empowers the State government to detain a person without trial for two years under the pretext of maintenance of public order) are a very few of them.


There goes the horse again...
Nothing you mentioned is a contradiction in democracy. You seem to think that a perfect democracy is the one that allows its society to be criminally chaotic. Well, you seem to have confused Pakistani form of governance with democracy.
So who is riding the horse then?

Anywaz, if that's the case, you must have heard the phrase 'state-sponsored something...', then.
But it highlights a very fundamental danger – the ability of Pakistanis to live together in a country that, under its Islamic cloak, is a patchwork of ethnicities and cultures. “Balochistan is a warning of the real battle for Pakistan, which is about power and resources,” says Haris Gazdar, a Karachi-based researcher. “And if we don’t get it right, we’re headed for a major conflict.”
How evil must Pakistan become before its citizens realize that relying on the government is hopeless and another solution must be sought?
This is the problem you will face if you don't have Complan in time. Maoists are not looking for secession. That is primarily an economic movement.

^^ And that's how their acts are not considered acts of terrorism in india, right?

Wonder why it is banned by the State Governments of Orissa, Chattisgarh and Andhra Pradesh etc.

Dont know why they have been subjected to acts like POTA then.

Wonder why Naxalite-Maoist insurgency is presently the longest continuously active conflict worldwide.

i am surprised to as why did in 2006 Manmohan Singh called the Naxalites "The single biggest internal security challenge ever faced by our country."

And again in 2009, he said the country was "losing the battle against Maoist rebels".

But i know one thing, your govt has listed the group as a terrorist organization under Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act of India (1967). Now go ask someone why you were not told of this.

So stop being a smarta$$ and answer the question.
^ Someone please tell him POTA is no longer there in India. Jeez. Nor there is AFSPA or Disturbed Areas Act in Red Corridor either. His concern for the now-extinct POTA is beginning to unsettle me.

It (Naxalism) is a socio-economic problem because of the decades of neglect the tribals of Central India have been subjected to.

And it is an internal security problem because the movement has been hijacked by a group of rogues who have tasted the lust of power.

Wonder why Naxalite-Maoist insurgency is presently the longest continuously active conflict worldwide.

Uncle Wiki Perhaps ?
^ Someone please tell him POTA is no longer there in India. Jeez. Nor there is AFSPA or Disturbed Areas Act in Red Corridor either. His concern for the now-extinct POTA is beginning to unsettle me.
^^ Just because these acts are no more enforced would wipe the slate clean for hindustan(is).

It (Naxalism) is a socio-economic problem because of the decades of neglect the tribals of Central India have been subjected to.
And they are considered mere criminals and not terrorists, right? Try concentrating on post#145. Though i know it's difficult to do so while one is ovulating.

And it is an internal security problem because the movement has been hijacked by a group of rogues who have tasted the lust of power.

One question - Is the artificial rubber stamp of an impotent organisation enough to put a lid on the 'genuine' aspirations for a 'Right to Self Determination' ? I guess not. So from this angle Balochistan is as disputed as Kashmir.

And as for the Democracy part I know you being from the Pakistani Fauj have your own convoluted version of Democracy, but the version used commonly worldwide does not allow secession at any cost or Territorial integrity to be compromised. And it is the same Democracy that emphasizes to preserve it.

They all condemn this man-made system of democracy and secularism.

They do have a "final and perfect" system that is hand delivered by God.

Why even compare!

If things are not final and perfect in their country, what gives? Who is to blame?
You are talking of Pakistan's foreign policy, yes?

Why don't we let one of your own kind answer your dilemma.
Citizens aboding in democracies may question their governments policies but if they were receiving their dose of Complan, one wonders why the finger wagging at the high riding institutions.
Monarchy of one family & dynasty of one party, thy name is Indian democracy, do you know ? Corruption & communalism thy name is Indian democracy, do you know ? No work in constituencies & 5 year dictatorship of all so called democrates, thy name is Indian democracy, do you know ?
looting public money by democrates, amassing wealth for ten generations by representatives, that is Indian democracy , do you know ?
Poor public distribution system, farmers commiting suicide, thy name is Indian democracy, do you know ?
Agricultural production touching new recodrs, vegetable prices soaring to 5 to 20 times, the name is Indian democracy , do you know ?
Only high command of few persons deciding everything like dictators thy name is indian democracy , do you know ? Leaders installing their own idols on squares & not opening any engineering & medical colleges to even 100 the part of needs, thy name is Indian democracy , do you know ? Grabbing internationally recognised DISPUTED territories by force & fraud & illegally denying overdue right of self determinations & enslaving public there on communal grpounds, thy name is Indian democracy, do you know ? Exporting terrorism abroad in all directions(Afghanistan, Pakistan, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Maldives, South Africa, Myanmar, Fiji & Bhutan) thy name is Indian democracy, do you know ?
Inspite of all, indian democracy is Ideal democracy, do you know ?

Farce & sham democracy, thy name is INDIAN DEMOCRACY, do you know ? - Yahoo! Answers India
^^ Just because these acts are no more enforced would wipe the slate clean for hindustan(is).

Seems like Biology alone is not your weak point.

The Act is no more in the Indian Constitution. Simple

And they are considered mere criminals and not terrorists, right? Try concentrating on post#145. Though i know it's difficult to do so while one is ovulating.

Shifting goal posts... are we ?

Maoists are terrorists, criminals is not the discussion. Whether they want secession or not is the discussion.

As I said it is time to take a Biology book and a cup of Complan.
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