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Pakistan’s secret dirty war

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Some more laughs...

Damn! Thing's are getting funnier post by post.

Laugh all!!

Gotta remember 1st April, not just because it has relations with fools.

I see
that explains Karthic's reference to the Period.

he put periods before and after the word period x3
that makes a total of 9 periods

boy that needs a lot of sanitary pads
Here is that graphical description in his own words. Now he is asking for proof. :lol:

$hit. Such savages and they have the galls to even mention Kashmir. :sick:

the bolded part is'nt true. There are many reports (including Wikileaks) which says that there has been numerous cases of torture, inhumane civilian killing etc.

So you believe in Wikileaks ? Everything or only that part that pertains to India ?

MORALLY :what:

R.A.W is ACTIVELY supporting B.L.A in Balochistan. .

No, it is the Martians who are kidnapping the Balochis. Dont ask me for proof. You haven't given one (neutral source or a live one like Kasab) for Indian involvement either.
The corpses have allegedly been subjected to torture, so these are not drone killings.

While I am all for killing terrorists, we should make sure that innocents are not targeted and rules of engagement are followed. Without adequate accountability on the part of the security services, the potential for abuse is very real. Let's remember that the Baluchis are fellow citizens and are entitled to due process, just like people in Karachi or Lahore.
And yes the Courts convicted the FC for kidnapping and killing the guy.

Yeah it's getting funnier.

P.S. Grow up!

Convicted ? Is registering the case same as convicting a person ? And even then it was just a kidnapping case not for killing. looks like you are the one who needs to grow up, both outside and inside.

BTW So you do agree the FC is involved in the savage,barbaric acts on the Balochis ? Shame on them. :tdown:

Hmm..i guess you need to visit your nearest medical store for a pack of sanitary pads.

And oh yes, have a happy period. ;)

Had some doubt. You just convinced me that you indeed need to grow up and re-visit the seventh grade biology book. Tell your mommy to give some Complan. :)
Well if you indulge in anti state activities and threaten the the state of disintegration.Then it's all normal.These people knew what type of risks they were taking and they got what they deserved.A danda in the a$$

Torture is haram in Islam... if you have an enemy of state, a summary trial and execution is a better way to sort out the mess...

We should be united in condemnation of torture... Its not fitting for Muslims to do this... If you have an enemy you have to kill then kill them but never torture them...
Dont worry I'm having an awesome time dismounting you boys from your moral high horses.
what yuou refer to as our moral high horse is actually a Mirror we show you from time to time when you start bleeding your heart out for the Thugs who are killing the people of the place where I grew up.

I really dont need to add any more because post number 17 says it all

good day:wave:
what yuou refer to as our moral high horse is actually a Mirror we show you from time to time when you start bleeding your heart out for the Thugs who are killing the people of the place where I grew up.

I really dont need to add any more because post number 17 says it all

good day:wave:

And my post # 20 answers the sooper dooper post 17.

If what we Indians show on Balochistan is hypocrisy, what the Pakistanis show on Kashmir is the same 24 carat hypocrisy. And you should know that Baloch problems were there before Kashmir. Kashmir insurgency was a product of the sucess of the jihad in Afghanistan and the subsequent chasing off the minorities from Kashmir.

So in reality none of us have any business blaming the other.

I agree to this. Do you or others 'worrying' about Kashmir agree to this ?

p.s.: The mirror can be shown to many Pakistanis on their reaction to the brutal crackdown in Bahrain,Libya. But I guess they are not needed. Their reaction to the Govt agencies misdeeds in Balochistan is more than enough.
If what we Indians show on Balochistan is hypocrisy, what the Pakistanis show on Kashmir is the same 24 carat hypocrisy.

So in reality none of us have any business blaming the other. I agree to this. Do you or others 'worrying' about Kashmir agree to this ?

People, it's working, it's working..!!

And there goes the poor HORSE.... walking at first, trotting thereon, cantering (man this was guud) and now galloping all the way out.
Let me make one thing clear - I dont give a damn as to what you people do to the people asking for secession. It is none of my concern. You consider them terrorists and mete out your version of justice.

I just want to ensure you dont have any problem when another country does the same to whom it considers as terrorists. For us anybody seeking to break our territorial integrity are terrorists.


Did you have your Complan ? :coffee:
Aaaa...this would be difficult. Difficult until Kashmir remain DISPUTED and until india continue claiming to be the largest democracy.
Aaaa...this would be difficult. Difficult until Kashmir remain DISPUTED and until india continue claiming to be the largest democracy.

One question - Is the artificial rubber stamp of an impotent organisation enough to put a lid on the 'genuine' aspirations for a 'Right to Self Determination' ? I guess not. So from this angle Balochistan is as disputed as Kashmir.

And as for the Democracy part I know you being from the Pakistani Fauj have your own convoluted version of Democracy, but the version used commonly worldwide does not allow secession at any cost or Territorial integrity to be compromised. And it is the same Democracy that emphasizes to preserve it.
And the same Democracy gives so many ways to preserve them.

And POTA (equipped the Indian forces with extra ordinary powers. Under the law, any act committed with a lethal weapon was termed terrorist act.), TADA, AFSPA, NITOA (Under the Act, a District Magistrate may prohibit the publishing of material resulting in &#8220;incitement to murder&#8221; or &#8220;any act of violence&#8221;), J&K PUBLIC SAFETY ACT (empowers the State government to detain a person without trial for two years under the pretext of maintenance of public order) are a very few of them.


There goes the horse again...
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