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Pakistan’s secret dirty war

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Seems you are oblivious to the term.
Nation's acts are more justifiable compared to an individuals adventures or rather mis-adventures. :azn:

indeed with very deadly consiquences and lesson for the wise not to follow the path of destruction
balochis population is 10 million in blochistan province just few hundered are creating trouble in province we should crush such elements who are challenging our state

no my dear
thats not the right way. the trouble makers will feed on such approach
we need to isolate and shame those hypocrites and let the population disown them

there are genuine grievances just like the people of other provinces
I must repeat what someone wrote in an article that these ethnic nationalist leaders who play the “poor us” and oppressive Punjab card need to come to Punjab and get off the GT road and travel about 20 to 30 odd miles into the villages and they will realise what poverty and suffering really means.

The poor of Punjab suffer same as the rest if not more so trying to present this problem as Baloch or Sindhi specific is wrong.

Security and welfare are the key to winning the approval of the people which will enable Baloch people come out of the fear of their oppressive sardars who give freedom speeches from Indian embassies in Afghanistan and Dubai.

Army is useful only against those who are completely and utterly anti-state and are spilling the blood of the citizens on the behest of the hostile forces. Baloch and central governments need to reach out to people so that true representatives can come out and sit down to resolve these issues that are being exploited by the terrorists.
No more riding the high horse then.

Seems as if post# 17 did (the expected) wonders. :pop:

you are being modest
that post is a class of its own
just sheer brilliance:yahoo:
Comparing this situation with Indian examples is totally a loser's talk. There is a huge difference between both society and the way both react to such clashes. I can prove my point by asking readers to do chronological retrospect of history.

Mucking around many links from very UNO websites i found that UN is aware of recent disappearance of women and young individuals from Balochistan. The alleged missing numbers are in thousands and recent. I wonder easy cover up due to religious brotherhood, remote geographic situation, WOT and unstable Afghanistan has something to do with such secrets being tightly enclosed in a opaque glass jar.
It's ironic that the Indians who slaughtered some 3000 Sikhs in revenge for the assassination of their State leader have suddenly lodged on a Mole mountain of morals when Pakistan is totally justified to take actions against elements that attempt to threaten the State it'self.
I can see that you, like many other Pakistanis on this board, can't tell acts of public rioting from acts of government institutions. Could it be because there indeed is no such distinction in Pakistan - that the Pakistani state institutions do behave like headless chicken, just like Pakistani mob?

Not that I wish to participate, but is there some sort of competition on self-goal going on that I'm not aware of?

More over, it's laughable when they attempt to justify their atrocities in the disputed land of Occupied Kashmir with a part of Pakistan which is not even close to the Red Corridor.
It is even more laughable when Pakistanis criticize IA's mode of conducting affairs in Kashmir, while they themselves do even worse in Balochistan.

This subtle attempt at making a distinction between the legal status of Kashmir and Balochistan is probably the most laughable part. Its as if by being part of Pakistan, Balochistan has given unhindered right to PA to be more atrocious. Is it any wonder that Bangladesh happened to Pakistan?

PS:Time to archive this thread. Will come handy in Kashmir thread.
Seems you are oblivious to the term.
Nation's acts are more justifiable compared to an individuals adventures or rather mis-adventures. :azn:
Applies unabated to India as well, yes?
PS:Time to archive this thread. Will come handy in Kashmir thread.

^^^ Man, chappa (coping) is guud!!

Apart from other things, you guys also lack ingenuity big time. Should have come up with something new.

BTW, may be post# 68 can make some sense now :D
Seems some are desperate to jump the corporate ladder, since we are into body count, hell how did I miss Blue Star slaughter, Babri Masjid massacre, Gujrat genocide etc etc. !!!

It is you who was trying that.

Even leaving out the 1971 genocide, just the >5600 Shia and the thousands of Pushtuns killed in Karachi will be much more than the decades old events you keep dredging up.

You are not going to miss any event in India and we will move on regardless. :azn:
no my dear
thats not the right way. the trouble makers will feed on such approach
we need to isolate and shame those hypocrites and let the population disown them

there are genuine grievances just like the people of other provinces
I must repeat what someone wrote in an article that these ethnic nationalist leaders who play the “poor us” and oppressive Punjab card need to come to Punjab and get off the GT road and travel about 20 to 30 odd miles into the villages and they will realise what poverty and suffering really means.

The poor of Punjab suffer same as the rest if not more so trying to present this problem as Baloch or Sindhi specific is wrong.

Security and welfare are the key to winning the approval of the people which will enable Baloch people come out of the fear of their oppressive sardars who give freedom speeches from Indian embassies in Afghanistan and Dubai.

Army is useful only against those who are completely and utterly anti-state and are spilling the blood of the citizens on the behest of the hostile forces. Baloch and central governments need to reach out to people so that true representatives can come out and sit down to resolve these issues that are being exploited by the terrorists.


Majority Balochis are now aware of the facts. They now exactly know what is guud for them. They are mindful of the fact that these sardars have done nothing for them. As always i have only one question for the Balochi leaders; what benefits did travel down to a common Baloch through the hands of these leaders when they were given a share out of national budget, notwithstanding the fact that it was insufficient?

A Baloch now knows that following these sardars blindly have given them nothing but have created more problems. The guud thing is that Balochis still follows the sardari system, the state has never tried to break the traditions which make the Balochis and rest of the Pakistanis proud, but now they question the sardars and have a say in decision made thereof. A sardar still enjoys the same respect and commands the tribes in the same way as he had been previously, but then he also knows that he has to deliver or else people would revolt.

Balochis know that the methods of intimidation and slaughter of innocents would not strengthen their cause but weaken it. The state too is mindful of the shortcomings on its part. And now both the parties know that a joint 'way-forward' is the only thing that would lead to a solution.

So these shabby articles and accusations wont harm the process, whatsoever!
It is with breathless awe that I see the Pakistani posters displaying humongous hypocrisy in justifying the cruel savage actions of the Pakistani state institutions on the Balochis while at the same time riding the moral high horse on Kashmir where even during the worst part of the insurgency the Army never indulged in specifically targeting civilians as a method of sending a message.

I also shudder to think what would have been the condition of Geelani or Yasin Malik if by nature's gamble they would have been born as Balochs. Perhaps one leg missing, 30 teeth pulled out, electrical prods in 'strategic areas', with their bodies floating in some remote pond or a creek ??? :eek: Not that I care for them, but just wondering.
It is even more laughable when Pakistanis criticize IA's mode of conducting affairs in Kashmir, while they themselves do even worse in Balochistan.

IMHO, Kashmir cannot be compared to Balochistan even remotely because unlike Kashmir which became insurgency stricken only in the late 80's with the success of the jihadi culture in Afghanistan aided openly by cross border Government institutions and the chasing away of the native minorities , the Balochs have been fighting for their "Right to Self Determination" right from the 40s when their state was forcefully annexed into the Pakistani Union.
These are just accusations. Talk to us when there's a solid proof of ISI/IB/MI abducting these people. Until then you can hold your horse.

Well, in Kashmir the LEAs are on record committing atrocities.
It is you who was trying that.

Even leaving out the 1971 genocide, just the >5600 Shia and the thousands of Pushtuns killed in Karachi will be much more than the decades old events you keep dredging up.

You are not going to miss any event in India and we will move on regardless. :azn:

Leave out that ?? It will take the Indian Army perhaps centuries to match that record created by the Pakistani Army in a time period as less as 10 months.
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