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Pakistan’s secret dirty war

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" on the topic, every single traitor/terrorist should be blown. it does not matter where there bodies turn up at the end."....

But in India we will try to rehabilitate them and we are doing it. That is the difference between Indian Democracy and Pakistan's Democracy.

Many time diplomacy wins over guns and bullets .

If we have to use Air power/army against Naxalites they stand no chance to win.... they will perish , but India wont do that, it is not just few people's problem it is a social problem... so it has to be taken care first.

Best answer to the Baloch problem is Diplomacy not Military action...It will aggravate young blood and make the situation worse.
i do not agree with the title. a nation has all rights to punish those ppl who are threat to national integrity. human rights should not be applicable for those ppl. now whether they are blauch terrorists in pakistan , kurds in middle east, chechens in russia or anyone in india.
Why would they justify their atrocities in Balochistan by supposed examples from a kaffir country?

After all, they are supposed to have a final and perfect system to follow!

Lol no.

Actually this thread made many Pakistanis come down from their moral high horse on Kashmir. :oops:
Amusingly, Xeric has completely lost the plot as he almost always does. He doesn't realise that every time he justifies PA's action in Balochistan, he looses the moral right to be critical of IA in Kashmir, one post at a time. To ensure more hilarity, he has himself equated Balochistan with IAK here and here. Talk of self-goal.
^^^ A too little, too late, no?
It's ironic that the Indians who slaughtered some 3000 Sikhs in revenge for the assassination of their State leader have suddenly lodged on a Mole mountain of morals when Pakistan is totally justified to take actions against elements that attempt to threaten the State it'self.
More over, it's laughable when they attempt to justify their atrocities in the disputed land of Occupied Kashmir with a part of Pakistan which is not even close to the Red Corridor.
My Tutor, My Foot.....no?
3 thousand/3 million= 0.001!

Many more thousands have been killed right inside Pakistan much more recently but some people seem to forever remember decades old stuff from India!
3 thousand/3 million= 0.001!

Many more thousands have been killed right inside Pakistan much more recently but some people seem to forever remember decades old stuff from India!
Seems some are desperate to jump the corporate ladder, since we are into body count, hell how did I miss Blue Star slaughter, Babri Masjid massacre, Gujrat genocide etc etc. !!!
Seems some are desperate to jump the corporate ladder, since we are into body count, hell how did I miss Blue Star slaughter, Babri Masjid massacre, Gujrat genocide etc etc. !!!

trying to justify ur nation's acts by counting pennies??????????????
Who is more entitled -- only SUCCESS can determine that -- Pak Fauj may do well to remember that it is Victors who get to write history - lose this one and you will lose your heads as well.
It's ironic that the Indians who slaughtered some 3000 Sikhs in revenge for the assassination of their State leader have suddenly lodged on a Mole mountain of morals when Pakistan is totally justified to take actions against elements that attempt to threaten the State it'self.
More over, it's laughable when they attempt to justify their atrocities in the disputed land of Occupied Kashmir with a part of Pakistan which is not even close to the Red Corridor.


A largest democracy that had been using draconian laws like TADA and POTA in mainland hindustan has the cheeks to tell us so as how should we deal with anti-state elements. Over and above, they lecture us on human rights and then in an kooky and screwball attempt try justifying their declared atrocities inside an occupied/disputed territory. Isnt it wonderful?

Alternatively, it had been better if they just had crawled up that corner and died.
balochis population is 10 million in blochistan province just few hundered are creating trouble in province we should crush such elements who are challenging our state
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