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Pakistan’s secret dirty war

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ah bangli babu sdfu, its called treason, if u are a traitor,then that's what u get.
We must have kill squads in foreign countries who can take down anti state baloch leaders and sardars.

Sure we need to have kill Squads to overcome these CIAz kill squadz killing innocent pplz around the globe...:agree:
For all his faults... Bugti was still a figure for the Baloch.. with him gone, those that swayed the Baloch "hal"... have thrown in their vote for the succession camp, and like Ayub and Zia.. Musharraf has made another crack in Pakistan.. Ayub's cracked place was torn off.. Zia's fissure is spouting lava and erupting.. and Musharraf's deed has begun making the squeaking noise.. military glue will no longer hold this together.

use of force will never work as a glue instead it will speed up the "squeak" as you put it. re Bugti I agree he was taller than any other Baloch leaders who have famously pulled each other's legs.
it is still a mystery for me why a politician who commanded the biggest Baloch political party who had been a CM and MNA/ MPA few times took the drastic action of finally going in the hills and waging an all out war against the state. His past is tainted with the armed struggle with the FC since 50s and OGDC (oil & gas exploration company) has been a frequent target of harassment, intimidation, kidnap, extortion/ ransom money for decades.

Add in the Indian flavour from across the border from Afghani side since the fall of Taliban and we have events that led to an all out war with the state and his eventual death. I just cant see this whole Baloch liberation in isolation , there are bigger forces in play and I see a contradiction here, contraction in this whole demand for autonomy and condemnation and struggle against the “Punjabi” oppressors as per BLA. The contradiction being the total disregard and indifference to the 50% Pasthons who are native to Balochistan and significant number of Barahvi, Sindhi, Persian and Siraiki.

Yes, it has spread over to Makran and Gwader where the labourers are mowed down by the terrorists and the nonBaloch shopkeepers and teachers are victims of target killings. It is only going to get worse before settling down.

The issue is there is no one to replace Bughti who doesn’t speak from the barrel of the gun. Back in the days (before Musharaf) Zafarullah Jamali has a chance to show his worth but either his legs were pulled by fellow Baloch, to prevent him from becoming part of the central government and to keep the victimised persona of Balochistan. He himself proved to be a lame duck anyway.

Sorry I seem to be stating the obvious but what I am saying is that the lack of a unified Baloch leadership in the shape of one person is also the cause for anarchy (ignoring Indian consulates and the role of FC).
The biggest load of Bull Sh*t i have ever seem.Try and google my locational coord and you will see where i live this is just crap.No such thing is happening here.
All that happens is the dacoits something or something.I interact with civilians every day from balochis to pathans to sindhi to immigrants.This is crap.Balochistan isnt as hostile as they say.It isnt any more hostile or dangerous than any other place ion Pakistan.

And the rarest cases mentioned above are not commited by any forces or anything.They are done to the immigrants by the BLA rebels who are trying to get rid of immigrants.I have talked to people who have experienced attacks on them or family member by these target killers.
please dont comment on something you dont know
you are insulting and mocking a tradition and custom that is older and deeper than the religion
Pakhtun wali is not what someone claims on wikipedia

most of the rubbish posted on the web is from the people who have never met or even been to the place. just like Iraqi dossier they pick some info on random, do some search on the internet and then present it as proof.

I respect you and admire your comments but please be careful with the wordings. I will support Jana 100%, what those people are claiming and demanding is just for political milage and blackmailing for their “cut”.
Pakhtun wali has nothing to do with this on the contrary anyone abusing this term by rousing others to join their selfish & unfair charade will be duly punished by indifference, rejection and disowned.

OK mate. No issues.

It was only to get back at some people that obsess too much with India when they have nothing to do with us.
the bharati is more interested in speaking on Pukhtun Pakistanis. what can we do then?

To tell you frankly, I have little or no interest in the tribals.

You guys are not even South Asians as far as I am concerned. You could as well be Africans and it would be the same thing for us.

You need to just stop worrying about us Indians/Bharatis/Hindustanys (?????). We share absolutely nothing and your interest should logically be towards the Pushtuns across the Durand, Kazhaks, Uzbeks, Chechens etc. If at all you share something with them, nothing at all with any South Asians.
No more riding the high horse then.

Seems as if post# 17 did (the expected) wonders. :pop:
Wrong. Try again.

PS: Nice to know that you so appreciate the job that IA does in Kashmir, that you have decided to replicate it in Balochistan. No more riding the high horse then.

Why would they justify their atrocities in Balochistan by supposed examples from a kaffir country?

After all, they are supposed to have a final and perfect system to follow!
i actually seriously thought that indians were an intelligent lot. my bad. i fail to understand how my dear indian friends even try to compare the situation in baluchistan with the situation in Indian occupied Kashmir.

Kashmir is "Disputed" according to the United Nations, as accepted by india. On the other hand Baluchistan is an un-disputed province of Pakistan. perhaps indians need some improvement at the english being taught at their schools ? as they are simply unable to understand the meaning of "Disputed"

now my dear indian friends you can carry on dreaming about another 71.

on the topic, every single traitor/terrorist should be blown. it does not matter where there bodies turn up at the end.

As for Balochistan.. Feudals lords or not...they hold respect in the eyes of their people.. and more often than not.. have delivered on their false promises 5% better than the governments have...

Your Premise is that feudal, lords are respected by the Balouch because they deliver, at least better than the government -- this is a circular argument, because proof of the contention is in the premise -- Lets look at why the Pakistan government has and continues to fail or at least is perceived as failing - The "educated" or what passes as "educated" in Balouchistan, are deeply influenced by a classic Marxist/Leninist narrative (you want someone to blame, blame university professors and their "you can change the world" BS).

Notice Pakistan is confronting a Right wing (lunatic) insurgency in Waziristan and other parts (Poun-Jab) and an ultra left insurgency in Balouchistan ---Question: Is it unfair to say that whatever the Message of Pakistan, Pakistan as a nation state is, is not compelling??

In Balouchistan, if university professors have offered a hope against the Sardar and his enabler, the state, in other parts of the country, Poun-jab and Waziristan, it is the again, the state (a section of it any way- wink wink) that enables the insurgency.

that 5% gets the respect..

You mean to say the Sardar distributes wealth better than the State does?? Is that why the Sardar lives like a kings and tribesmen like animals??

Friends, think about why after more than 60 years of Pakistan, there are still "tribesmen"?? Take it as a guarantee that US and her coalition will "come a callin" to help out the "Tribes" -- Witness Afghanistan and soon Libya ---

Look at both the issues -- who is the responsible element?? It's the State -- now the more catholic than pope army defenders will point fingers at the politicians, hoping that the rest of us are going to forget that the army has run Pakistan for most of it's existence.

And the problem has spread from the bugti and marri lands down to the Makran coast..
However.. there can not be a repeat of 71.. since.. there is too much land.. and not enough Baloch.
The Feudals.. and their allies in the army know they cannot rely on force to change this scenario..
hence the new PR drive out there.
a grass roots engagement if you will.
And while this has shown success in the rural areas of Baluchistan.. the population centers have yet to accept this newfound goodwill.

Before Akbar Bugti's murder.. the intellectuals in the baloch society.. were still only tilting towards the right.. and were demanding greater rights and autonomy..
For all his faults... Bugti was still a figure for the Baloch.. with him gone, those that swayed the Baloch "hal"... have thrown in their vote for the succession camp, and like Ayub and Zia.. Musharraf has made another crack in Pakistan.. Ayub's cracked place was torn off.. Zia's fissure is spouting lava and erupting.. and Musharraf's deed has begun making the squeaking noise.. military glue will no longer hold this together.

Bugti was a murderous swine and that he burns in hell is gratifying to all who seek a stable and free Pakistan -- Now, on an other page AM asked why instead of posing questions as to why the army is as ineffective as it is, we may offer it help with COIN -- Fauj does not need any such advice, Fauj offers advice to others like Lanka - and it's advice is that the best way to deal with insurgents is to dispatch them to hell -- it is hoped that the FGauj will follow the same advice in Waziristan and especially in the Poun-jab.
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Thats true but can we support killing of people without justice in a country ? and dumping their body desolate mountains or empty city roads ? can we disgrace their Arms and legs snapped; faces are bruised and swollen, Flesh is sliced with knives or punctured with drills; genitals are singed with electric prods ? :eek:

Well that is the reason my friend you have a BD flag in your profile... Bangladesh decide to govern itself by its people than to be governed by Military and intelligence..
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