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Pakistan ready to hand Arabian Sea port to China

but i would still like to know why the pakisytanis feel that Chinese managing their posrt would be a threat or a problem for India...as I have seen in so many posts above.

no so much a threat but very simply, in war this port can be kept open as india cannot outright attack it due to heavy Chinese presence(lest it wishes for a 2 front war think Vietnam war here) this allows inflows of much needed materials. in peace everyone makes money, china gets its shortcut to the middle east and every one is happy
I find it strange that you guys are thrilled that your most important port is being 'Handed Over' to the Chinese, just because you hope it will be a thorn in India's side. Looks like surrender of sovereignty for imagined strategic gains is starting to become official policy- pehle US tha, aur abh China hai.:disagree:

Thank you so much for your concern. Is that right, is that smoke that I smell? Is someone burning again? I do advise the mods to provide a Burn Center for victims that burn from good news about Pakistan. At least first aid should be provided in emergency situation.

Though the Karachi Port and Port Qasim would be our main ports for now, but Gwadar has the potential to grow.:pakistan:
Giving another country a military base on your territory is simply-sad.
How is it about Pakistan muse? If it was to remain a commercial port with only Pakistani military presence, then PSA International would do just the same as any chinese port management company.

The objective over the long term as pointed out in the article is to have Chinese take the base.

it certainly would be very very sad!
BUT when it comes to china its not sad at all...:cheesy: atleast they r not snake compare to our other "friends"...

and btw im sure england, japan, and all those countries r living in "depresion" too because they have given up their bases to US!
UAE owns half the ports in the world including in Europe this news is not a big deal.
nothing new.... pakistan has given their air bases to US and now giving port to china.. nothing astonishing..

@muse... india is ready to resolve kashmir issue with pakistan... indis never has denied that... but first end the double game of terrorism

hahahahaaa all i can say is "ironic".......
if u really wanna resole this issue then do a refrendum in kasmir, under UN forces command....
give kashmiris 3 options
join india
join pakistan
become an independent state

let them decide what they want!
problema solve!!!!!
Well, better late than never -- jeez!! :disagree:

Anyone guess as to how long before the management is transferred??
China don't go around the world with military might and take over week states by virtue of force while finance and arm local militias or neighboring states for militarily strong states.

China simply buy the shares.... sharing the risks evenly.
UAE owns half the ports in the world including in Europe this news is not a big deal.

They don't own the port, but merely operate it, with a company that they are the largest shareholders of.

Just like Pakistan is planning to kick out Singapore Port from Gwader and give it to China.

Gwader Port is still owned by Government of Pakistan, It's operators can vary from private to public.
Dubai Ports World at one time was also intrested in bidding for Gwadar Port but backed out then after Singapore became the highest bidder and won the deal in the end.
Well then you won't be interested in the offer, isn't that so? I mean you guys are doing so well and all that, any ways:cheers:

Its not that India doesnt want to solve this problem once and for all - Its just that we are not getting bogged down by Kashmir that we seriously need to solve this to survive.

It will be excellent for India to solve this,but status quo suits us just fine.
They are countries who have compromised. Ideally no country wants to give its territory to another nation for military use.

Giving access to warships for repair is different from giving the base entirely to the Chinese-which is what the article hints at.

There are hundred of examples in history and at present when countries do this for co developments.China wants huge energy resources and we want a lot of developments in different areas.:pakistan::china::china::pakistan: wonderful deal:smitten:
well this is good decision becoz it will make more powerfull navy to pakistan in case india attacks pakistan chinese destroyers would be fully ready in gawaar to take an action against any indian agression and on loan e can get few ships more from china
Come on yaar, get over yourselves - it's not about India, it's about Pakistan -- I know you are having a hard time understanding, but there are bigger fish and more important commercial considerations than India or the US

the thing is we are not interested in financial gain for pakistan or china there, we are just curious about (WOULD BE) millitary issues for india.
10 years ago, or even 5 years ago, no one can know China's development,even China own. The relationship between China and Pakistan has been 50 years. Yes, the strong relationship between China and Pakistan because of interest, but I sincerely hope it will not just look at the interest, it is an insult to the feelings of the people on both sides.

My Friend no intention to hurt your feelings. I have a very high opinion of Chinese (btw I was a room mate with a Chinese student in US for a whole semester and we learned a lot form each other he even knew the slogan "Pak Cheen dosti Wan Soay!")

Using each other to ones advantage is not bad at all as long as the deal is equitable to each others advantage. My countrymen are naive in this alien thought. China and Pakistan has many convergent goals -- they should have -- but also some divergent philosophies.

We are friends and should remain friends. It is in the interest of Pakistan that China should emerge as a clearly dominant player in Asia and start forming a bipolar sphere of interest globally and again strike a balance vis a vis US.
the thing is we are not interested in financial gain for pakistan or china there, we are just curious about (WOULD BE) millitary issues for india.

And how many people from China and Pakistan care about Indian apprehensions on this project?

I think we can count them on fingers. :)
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