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Pakistan ready to hand Arabian Sea port to China

What did the Indians do to China or Pakistan? Seems everything you guys say is always India centric? How come, I see no threat emanating from India whatsoever?

That my friend is called "obsessive paranoia".
:what::what: lolzzzz so you are now coming up with religious blackmailing?

US already almost have bases there. Their entire airforce is under US control

Saudi Arabia is a free country and it will take decisions according to own interests and We being Pakistan have no right to reject their decision for their country

So you should remember that next tie you question India's decisions on all issues related to the land it controls and its citizen right?:azn:
What did the Indians do to China or Pakistan? Seems everything you guys say is always India centric? How come, I see no threat emanating from India whatsoever?

Perhaps you should study the 1948 Kashmir aggression and the 1971, pre war scenario for some hint of there terrorist activities.
They have been interfering in Baluchistan of lately and this is causing all the turmoil in Pakistan.
Kashmir occupation have been the root cause of two full front wars and number of skirmishes.

Go dear, get you history subject cleared!
What did the Indians do to China or Pakistan? Seems everything you guys say is always India centric? How come, I see no threat emanating from India whatsoever?

and also adding to AA123's message, do u see us crying on Indian forums about what they should or should not do with their bases? And we are India centric........Have you not read the dozens of previous posts by Indians? Or have you got your flags mixed up?

And i am dieing to hear your argument on how is it India's (read: some Indian posters) business to tell us what, where or who to deal with? Mind you here im asking you how is it their business to tell us about the "sovereignty" of our country and how "sad" this and that is. Obviously India would and should be concerned about the possibility of Chinese naval presence in the region. But the previous posts hardly address that. Apparently my indian brothers are more concerned about Pakistan's dignity rather than the issue at hand in Indian context. Or is it that they are too insecure to show and admit their concerns vis a vis Pakistan and China directly? And are merely trying to reassure themselves through fallacious ad hominem?

One can call a tiger "just a cute little ***** cat" as many times as one wants but that will neither stop it from killing him or hide his wet pants.

So you should remember that next tie you question India's decisions on all issues related to the land it controls and its citizen right?

if your actually hinting towards the Kashmir area then news flash dear sir we do not consider it to be indian territory. Which cup of tea are you drinking????

waiting anxiously for your reply :)
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