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Pakistan prepares to shut down Gülen schools

Whether you like Erdogan or not (which I don't), one should admit, Gulen is a pure scumbag, If only U.S would extradite him to Turkey, so Erdogan would take his revenge, it would be a nice scene to watch.
Ganja is known Erdugan GF. Now he wants to marry Erdugan.
Erdogan is smart enough to keep his personal relations out of the way of his official duties and the state level relations between both countries.
Yup, and in doing so just shut down one of the better know educational institute!
When will our idiot politicians learn about a thing called national interest and diplomacy? Why do we always have to choose between two things?

Either we are extreme on one side or we choose to be the same on the other side. This is such a stupid move and i am sorry but looking at the reaction of most of our members i just see no hope of thing improving anytime soon. This is such idiotic and backward approach.
I agree with you and I think this TC (I guess you understand this esoteric term being a Pakistani) is not going to help him and allay his woes due to his incompetency, dishonesty, arrogance and corruption. If he thinks, he is securing a refuge after the looming dismissal from the job...he is mistaken and scores the highest points for a permanent abode in the fool's paradise.
Are these schools funded by Turkish govt or Gulen foundation is private entity or own by Turkish govt? . Because they been working for long time .
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This thread forced me to log in my account.The article is utterly BS.I am student in Pak turk Gulistan-e-Johar Campus.Everything is completely lame in this article. I have never seen Gulen Tape record but the quality education they are giving to us.All teachers have masters degree some has M.Phil and Ph.D degrees.


The core of the Fethullah Gulen Movement is his network of schools, which extend from South Africa to the United States. The schools emphasize high academic achievement, and they openly recruit and provide scholarships to the brightest students from poor and working class families. Gulenist schools in Turkey routinely produce graduates who score in the upper one percent of the annual university entrance exam. These top graduates often become teachers themselves. The Gulenist doctrine, with its conservative and religiously observant undercurrent, has met fierce hostility in regimes such as Russia, which expelled the Gulenists en masse in the 1990s.

From wiki leaks. https://wikileaks.org/plusd/cables/09ANKARA1722_a.html

Requiting successful students, indoctrinating them and placing them in the state body (Military, Police, Juridical System, Bureaucracy, etc... .

(SBU) Gulen has been living in the U.S. since 1999 when he went there ostensibly for health treatments (a heart condition and diabetes). At the same time, however, he faced charges in Turkey of plotting to overthrow the state. The charges were based on a 1986 sermon where Gulen is heard declaring that "our friends, who have positions in legislative and administrative bodies, should learn its details and be vigilant all the time so they can transform it and be more fruitful on behalf of Islam in order to carry out a nationwide restoration."

From wiki leaks. https://wikileaks.org/plusd/cables/09ANKARA1722_a.html

in that case administration change is enough.. No need to shut down the schools...

The Gülen-affiliated school in Islamabad is the biggest one among the other 21 Gülenist schools across the country.
The Pakistani government is moving toward taking steps against the 21 Gülen schools that operate in the country through exploiting Pakistanis' positive opinions of Turkey
The Pakistani government is moving toward shutting down schools and colleges affiliated with the U.S.-based imam Fethullah Gülen's movement. He is among Turkey's most wanted suspects and Turkey is exerting effort to obtain an international arrest warrant for him since the movement attempted to overthrow the government by infiltrating the police, judiciary and other key state institutions. President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has pushed the Pakistani government to join in efforts against the movement through the closure of Gülen schools in Pakistan. The Pak-Turk schools are widespread in the country.

There are 21 Gülen-affiliated schools facing closure from the government. There are hundreds of students enrolled in these schools as parents have the general perception that the schools are administered by the Turkish government, even though they are not. The schools were established back in 1995 and run under the auspices of the Pak Turk Foundation. Pak-Turk schools are among the most expensive private institutions in Pakistan, where the private school industry has become a cartel mafia, fleecing parents. Pak-Turk's administration claims they are playing a vital role in helping make relations between Turkey and Pakistan stronger and promoting the Turkish language. However, people in Pakistan are not aware of the Gülen Movement's actions to undermine Erdoğan's legitimate rule. Gülen schools and colleges are spreading the Gülenist agenda and preaching, which is an open contradiction to modern Turkish values and lifestyles.

Pakistan is a country that already has a conservative mindset as well as strong divisions between certain communities, making it all the more alarming that Gülen schools are promoting a culture of segregated society in the country. The schools have a strong concept of segregation between males and female students, and they even practice this in their private lives. According to Gülen school students, they are called on for a couple of days to stay at the school and are not allowed to go home in the combine study circle classes, which is actually an intensive indoctrination of the Gulenist ideology. During these classes, Gülen's preaching and lectures are delivered by the Turkish teachers. DVDs and cassettes containing speeches and lectures by Gülen are distributed among the students, and those students who listen more are awarded special prizes up to as much as 5,000 RS (TL 75, 212).

Exploiting the ideology of the Islamic brotherhood and Pakistani philanthropists, Pak-Turk school higher-ups enjoy dozens of acres of land throughout the country. In the federal capital of Islamabad, two major properties were given to the schools at very cheap rates, as proof of the generosity of the Pakistani government. In the name of Islamic brotherhood, the Pakistani government has facilitated Gülen schools in Pakistan. Gülen schools and colleges have been already banned and closed in Central Asian countries and in Azerbaijan. However in Pakistan, despite repeated attempts by Erdoğan, there has been no action taken by the current regime. Recently there were strong messages passed by the president to his Pakistani counterpart when he visited Istanbul. President Mamnoon Hussain met with Erdoğan on April 13 in Istanbul. High level sources told Daily Sabah that the president sent a strong message to Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif to watch the activities of Pak-Turk schools in Pakistan and to shut them down. Sources in Islamabad revealed that the government is trying to make a roadmap for the elimination of Pak-Turk schools from Pakistani private school sectors. Controversy in Pakistani private schools is already at a high with rising fees and security major concerns for the students and parents. However, the education system of the majority of private schools is not good, while Pak-Turk schools do not have qualified teachers. The current government has already launched a massive crackdown against private schools in Pakistan that have failed, because private schooling in Pakistan is big business, strongly backed by influential people. However, the government is trying to curb Gülen schools with a new strategy that would not harm the integrity of the government regarding education.

In 2014, Erdoğan asked the Pakistani government to take strong action against Pak-Turk schools, and at that time he expressed his views in a televised interview before his meeting with Punjab Chief Minister Shahbaz Sharif, the younger brother of Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif, and at that time the sole item on the agenda with Sharif was the activities of Gülen schools in Pakistan. The friendly relations between Erdoğan and Sharif could be distressing for the existence of Pak-Turk schools and colleges in the country.

When Daily Sabah contacted Pak-Turk's senior administration in Islamabad for comment about the Gülen schools issue in Pakistan, a staff member named Syeda Faiza called and asked for the query to be sent through email, which was sent immediately. However, the Gulen school administration has so far been reluctant to respond concerning the situation of Pak-Turk schools in Pakistan.
A pity. Pak-Turk Is a Great Educational Institution.
This thread forced me to log in my account.The article is utterly BS.I am student in Pak turk Gulistan-e-Johar Campus.Everything is completely lame in this article. I have never seen Gulen Tape record but the quality education they are giving to us.All teachers have masters degree some has M.Phil and Ph.D degrees.

oo well....You heard any rumor shutdown the place ?
which mean.. these all wonderful institutes will be closed ? .. i would suggest that pakistan should talk with Turk govt explain them the entire scenario and with the consent of both countries should take a decision which suits the both parties... after all every issue has a solution. they can take them under the custody of Pakistani govt with the consent of Turkish govt. but closing them down would be a stupidity

I don't think even the govt of Turkey made such a request to Pakistan...this idiotic and unthoughtful step has been taken as a self-initiative. I think these should be reformed and used.

The core of the Fethullah Gulen Movement is his network of schools, which extend from South Africa to the United States. The schools emphasize high academic achievement, and they openly recruit and provide scholarships to the brightest students from poor and working class families. Gulenist schools in Turkey routinely produce graduates who score in the upper one percent of the annual university entrance exam. These top graduates often become teachers themselves. The Gulenist doctrine, with its conservative and religiously observant undercurrent, has met fierce hostility in regimes such as Russia, which expelled the Gulenists en masse in the 1990s.

From wiki leaks. https://wikileaks.org/plusd/cables/09ANKARA1722_a.html

Requiting successful students, indoctrinating them and placing them in the state body (Military, Police, Juridical System, Bureaucracy, etc... .

(SBU) Gulen has been living in the U.S. since 1999 when he went there ostensibly for health treatments (a heart condition and diabetes). At the same time, however, he faced charges in Turkey of plotting to overthrow the state. The charges were based on a 1986 sermon where Gulen is heard declaring that "our friends, who have positions in legislative and administrative bodies, should learn its details and be vigilant all the time so they can transform it and be more fruitful on behalf of Islam in order to carry out a nationwide restoration."

From wiki leaks. https://wikileaks.org/plusd/cables/09ANKARA1722_a.html
I agree with your analysis and believe what you are saying is true and being Pakistani, I support Erdogan and will of Turkish people and I think on this forum my Turkish friends know where do I stand.

However, closing down schools is not a wise step. Rather these should be reformed. The content can be altered especially the parts which are objectionable to Turkey and this can be done in consultation with some academic experts from Turkey. Furthermore, the administration can also be restructured to weed out any Gulen supporters or promoting anti-Turkish stance.
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One strange rule is that any Turkish male staff can marry any Pakistani female but no Turkish female is allowed to marry any Pakistani male staff or colleague ...Pakistani teaching staff is underpaid while the Turkish staff is given salaries in foreign currency ...I wish i could tell some more stories ...in case someone needs some inside info ...let me know ...This system if not shut down would one day produce more extremists than the madrassahs in Pakistan ...

Why we are closing schools? Pakistani students of these school dont participate in Turkish politics.. and never heard anything wrong about Pak-Turk schools either..
Ask me ..I will show the dark side of this system !
Well better ideas is to work with Turkish government to determine best means to operate the school , provided the curricula is checked by Turkish / Pakistan authorities

The school control should be taken and transferred to Turkish administrators

Most Pakistanis do not know Mr Gullen

I personally don't mind schools to keep running with improved text books

Generally people in Pakistan would send their kids to Turkish school I doubt anyone knows who Mr Gullen was / is
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Plz explain how they are brainwashing kidz? what is their ideology? what they want?
If you ask me, they are no better than Madrassahs ...visit their Quetta and Peshawar chapters and you see children confused about three figureheads; namely to say Jinnah, Ataturk and Gulen...because all three had different ideologies ...then comes the radical factors....they wear shiny suits ...but inside is a Turk as radical as our local mosque Mullah...late evening Islamic lectures is a must but calling female teachers in the evening on the pretext of academic file checking but in reality just to woe them and pressurise them to accept a certain proposal from some Turkish staff is routine ...Also ...they say it's a charity and hence Pakisani staff cannot be paid handsomly but they fleece the parents like sheeps ...check their fee structure...and you know it...also ...if they are bagging so much money given the large number of their chapters all-over Pakistan and their high fee ...where they are sending that money and what that money is being used for ? May be our country become accomplice in some sinister plot of Gulen someday ...
Well better ideas is to work with Turkish government to determine best means to operate the school , provided the curricula is checked by Turkish / Pakistan authorities

The school control should be taken and transferred to Turkish administrators

Most Pakistanis do not know Mr Gullen

I personally don't mind schools to keep running with improved text books
belive me bro these schools produce just humanoid robots not student
We keep school , change textbook / change name to Turkish School.
Change teacher if they had ties to Mr Gullen

Introduce a curricula that is inline with Turkish standards so kids are studying same standard as in turkish schools

Figure out a good means to manage the schools

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