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Pakistan prepares to shut down Gülen schools

This is pathetic.... really ? closing down schools for some king of stupid solidity or brotherhood ?

which mean.. these all wonderful institutes will be closed ? .. i would suggest that pakistan should talk with Turk govt explain them the entire scenario and with the consent of both countries should take a decision which suits the both parties... after all every issue has a solution. they can take them under the custody of Pakistani govt with the consent of Turkish govt. but closing them down would be a stupidity

what a loss...
This is pathetic.... really ? closing down schools for some king of stupid solidity or brotherhood ?

what a loss...

Schools are likely to replace staff and curriculum instead of shut down. And this is our land and our rules. Thank you for showing concern, anyway.
In my humble opinion we should not do this. Rather than shutting them down, a rather name change will do. We should not ruin the future of students studying in those schools.
Butt-hurt detected.

How is that butt hurt?

You are acting on one man's request, without realising the consequences of shutting down such academies which educate thousands of Pakistani youth.

Not that it is anyone's business, but aren't you harming yourself? Your youth?

Gulenist or not, those academies have made the careers for many young students.

What will those kids who graduated out of that academy with repute and respect think of Pakistani government?

Would you not be destroying their futures?

In my humble opinion we should not do this. Rather than shutting them down, a rather name change will do. We should not ruin the future of students studying in those schools.

Thank you sir. You speak reason.

Change the names and remove hardline curriculum that's all.

Ignore the stupid caption

We care for Turkish people but if a democratically elected government in Turkey wants us to take some steps against their own citizens in our country then we have left with no choice but to listen to the government. . I only hope justice will be served and If these teachers are not found guilty they can come back to Pakistan or go wherever they want to.
Pak Turk School Students & Parents are protesting against decision of Turkish Teachers in School

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