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Pakistan prepares to shut down Gülen schools

If indeed Gulen orchestrated the coup in Turkey then this is a most unfortunate thing, I believe in the interest of our strategic relations with Turkey these schools should be shut down but one thing I will say, that contrary to what this article states , these schools have excellent administration and education syllabus, they are producing student here in Kashmir that are obtaining places in and excelling in Pakistans finest univesities.Kudos
Noorazzz are great boot lickers they want to make ruling party happy. But it will be prove again a big mistake because we should mantain good relation with the country not with Govts may be next Govt supports Gulen and in that case thay may not like to have relation with us.
Noorazzz are great boot lickers they want to make ruling party happy. But it will be prove again a big mistake because we should mantain good relation with the country not with Govts may be next Govt supports Gulen and in that case thay may not like to have relation with us.
Honestly I doubt Gulen will be having influence in the next Turkish govt and even if he does which is most unlikely, their may well be a new government over here as well, so they can start from scratch, but honestly Gulen is finished.
Well my cousin is on scholarship in turkey thanks to Pak-Turk College. It is better that the Turkish government and Pak gov start a joint educational project to replace this, if turning back from closing these institutions is not possible...
I would suggest not to close down the schools literally but replace the contents and the management and still use the infrastructure and facilities for educational purposes. It seems to be a great campus so why waste a facility.

I suggest we should have an emoticon/emoji holding Turkish flag @WebMaster similar to :pakistan::china::usflag:

Butt-hurt detected.
It would be more of help to the poor chap if you could translate it in Hindi. Because I don't know how would he interpret the English text :D
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Gulen and Erdogan were together before 2013. Gulen separated due to Erdogan hard stand on national security issue.
Gülen teaches a Hanafi version of Islam, deriving from Sunni Muslim scholar Said Nursî's teachings. Gülen has stated that he believes in science, interfaith dialogue among the People of the Book, and multi-party democracy.[12] He has initiated such dialogue with the Vatican[13] and some Jewish organizations.[14].
Gülen was born in the village of Korucuk, near Erzurum.[31] His father, Ramiz Gülen, was an imam.[6] His mother taught the Qur'an in their village despite religious instruction being banned by the Kemalist government.[32] Gülen started primary education at his home village, but did not continue after his family moved. He took part in Islamic education in some Erzurum madrasas[33] and he gave his first sermon when he was 14.[34] Gülen was influenced by the ideas of Said Nursî.[35]

If these facts are correct.
which mean.. these all wonderful institutes will be closed ? .. i would suggest that pakistan should talk with Turk govt explain them the entire scenario and with the consent of both countries should take a decision which suits the both parties... after all every issue has a solution. they can take them under the custody of Pakistani govt with the consent of Turkish govt. but closing them down would be a stupidity

which mean.. these all wonderful institutes will be closed ? .. i would suggest that pakistan should talk with Turk govt explain them the entire scenario and with the consent of both countries should take a decision which suits the both parties... after all every issue has solution.

These institution were built when Erdogan and Gulen were together.
the article is crying about segregation?
pfffttt thats nothing, i have studied for 15 years in an All boys School :D
Beat That Mullahs
Wouldn't it be better to replace staff and curriculum with help from Turkish government instead of closing down these educational facilities entirely. Pakistan government should approach Turkish counterparts to facilitate such efforts. @Sinan what do you think?

Alternatively, these facilities can be handed over to Pakistani educational institutions which would continue to run them.
The foreign NGO's are working for ill motives and hidden agenda whether welfare, education, health, human right etc. we have seen shakeel afridi and other so many working for cia, raw, black water, khad, mosad etc

So also need to crackdown on traitors
Nice, and the Red Mosque is still preaching hatred? You all make it sound so easy to shut down such Institutions. I guess that's South Asian logic, run by emotions and irrational thinking...
Wouldn't it be better to replace staff and curriculum with help from Turkish government instead of closing down these educational facilities entirely. Pakistan government should approach Turkish counterparts to facilitate such efforts. @Sinan what do you think?

Alternatively, these facilities can be handed over to Pakistani educational institutions which would continue to run them.
If it can be done, yes.
Nice, and the Red Mosque is still preaching hatred? You all make it sound so easy to shut down such Institutions. I guess that's South Asian logic, run by emotions and irrational thinking...
Well, poor man nothing to lose...life ? ...for piece of bread......tragedy
Why we are closing schools? Pakistani students of these school dont participate in Turkish politics.. and never heard anything wrong about Pak-Turk schools either..

The core of the Fethullah Gulen Movement is his network of schools, which extend from South Africa to the United States. The schools emphasize high academic achievement, and they openly recruit and provide scholarships to the brightest students from poor and working class families. Gulenist schools in Turkey routinely produce graduates who score in the upper one percent of the annual university entrance exam. These top graduates often become teachers themselves. The Gulenist doctrine, with its conservative and religiously observant undercurrent, has met fierce hostility in regimes such as Russia, which expelled the Gulenists en masse in the 1990s.

From wiki leaks. https://wikileaks.org/plusd/cables/09ANKARA1722_a.html

Requiting successful students, indoctrinating them and placing them in the state body (Military, Police, Juridical System, Bureaucracy, etc... .

(SBU) Gulen has been living in the U.S. since 1999 when he went there ostensibly for health treatments (a heart condition and diabetes). At the same time, however, he faced charges in Turkey of plotting to overthrow the state. The charges were based on a 1986 sermon where Gulen is heard declaring that "our friends, who have positions in legislative and administrative bodies, should learn its details and be vigilant all the time so they can transform it and be more fruitful on behalf of Islam in order to carry out a nationwide restoration."

From wiki leaks. https://wikileaks.org/plusd/cables/09ANKARA1722_a.html
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