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Pakistan prepares to shut down Gülen schools

Good move...We should make our relations strong with Turkey...!
Yup, and in doing so just shut down one of the better know educational institute!
When will our idiot politicians learn about a thing called national interest and diplomacy? Why do we always have to choose between two things?

Either we are extreme on one side or we choose to be the same on the other side. This is such a stupid move and i am sorry but looking at the reaction of most of our members i just see no hope of thing improving anytime soon. This is such idiotic and backward approach.
Yup, and in doing so just shut down one of the better know educational institute!
When will our idiot politicians learn about a thing called national interest and diplomacy? Why do we always have to choose between two things?

Either we are extreme on one side or we choose to be the same on the other side. This is such a stupid move and i am sorry but looking at the reaction of most of our members i just see no hope of thing improving anytime soon. This is such idiotic and backward approach.
Ganja is known Erdugan GF. Now he wants to marry Erdugan.
Ganja is known Erdugan GF. Now he wants to marry Erdugan.
Now this is extreme on the anti-PML side and i cannot support that either!

WE NEED TO BE A BIT MORE OPEN about our views. Do thins before this political extremism ruin whatever little is left of our country.

Why do you want to close down a school? What will happen to all these students who are studying there?
No need to shut, it will deprived Pakistan from another educational institution and it's infrastructure.

Steps need to be taken are: Streamline the educational syllabus according to the Pakistan’s and Turkey's educational system.

The Gülen-affiliated school in Islamabad is the biggest one among the other 21 Gülenist schools across the country.
The Pakistani government is moving toward taking steps against the 21 Gülen schools that operate in the country through exploiting Pakistanis' positive opinions of Turkey
The Pakistani government is moving toward shutting down schools and colleges affiliated with the U.S.-based imam Fethullah Gülen's movement. He is among Turkey's most wanted suspects and Turkey is exerting effort to obtain an international arrest warrant for him since the movement attempted to overthrow the government by infiltrating the police, judiciary and other key state institutions. President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has pushed the Pakistani government to join in efforts against the movement through the closure of Gülen schools in Pakistan. The Pak-Turk schools are widespread in the country.

There are 21 Gülen-affiliated schools facing closure from the government. There are hundreds of students enrolled in these schools as parents have the general perception that the schools are administered by the Turkish government, even though they are not. The schools were established back in 1995 and run under the auspices of the Pak Turk Foundation. Pak-Turk schools are among the most expensive private institutions in Pakistan, where the private school industry has become a cartel mafia, fleecing parents. Pak-Turk's administration claims they are playing a vital role in helping make relations between Turkey and Pakistan stronger and promoting the Turkish language. However, people in Pakistan are not aware of the Gülen Movement's actions to undermine Erdoğan's legitimate rule. Gülen schools and colleges are spreading the Gülenist agenda and preaching, which is an open contradiction to modern Turkish values and lifestyles.

Pakistan is a country that already has a conservative mindset as well as strong divisions between certain communities, making it all the more alarming that Gülen schools are promoting a culture of segregated society in the country. The schools have a strong concept of segregation between males and female students, and they even practice this in their private lives. According to Gülen school students, they are called on for a couple of days to stay at the school and are not allowed to go home in the combine study circle classes, which is actually an intensive indoctrination of the Gulenist ideology. During these classes, Gülen's preaching and lectures are delivered by the Turkish teachers. DVDs and cassettes containing speeches and lectures by Gülen are distributed among the students, and those students who listen more are awarded special prizes up to as much as 5,000 RS (TL 75, 212).

Exploiting the ideology of the Islamic brotherhood and Pakistani philanthropists, Pak-Turk school higher-ups enjoy dozens of acres of land throughout the country. In the federal capital of Islamabad, two major properties were given to the schools at very cheap rates, as proof of the generosity of the Pakistani government. In the name of Islamic brotherhood, the Pakistani government has facilitated Gülen schools in Pakistan. Gülen schools and colleges have been already banned and closed in Central Asian countries and in Azerbaijan. However in Pakistan, despite repeated attempts by Erdoğan, there has been no action taken by the current regime. Recently there were strong messages passed by the president to his Pakistani counterpart when he visited Istanbul. President Mamnoon Hussain met with Erdoğan on April 13 in Istanbul. High level sources told Daily Sabah that the president sent a strong message to Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif to watch the activities of Pak-Turk schools in Pakistan and to shut them down. Sources in Islamabad revealed that the government is trying to make a roadmap for the elimination of Pak-Turk schools from Pakistani private school sectors. Controversy in Pakistani private schools is already at a high with rising fees and security major concerns for the students and parents. However, the education system of the majority of private schools is not good, while Pak-Turk schools do not have qualified teachers. The current government has already launched a massive crackdown against private schools in Pakistan that have failed, because private schooling in Pakistan is big business, strongly backed by influential people. However, the government is trying to curb Gülen schools with a new strategy that would not harm the integrity of the government regarding education.

In 2014, Erdoğan asked the Pakistani government to take strong action against Pak-Turk schools, and at that time he expressed his views in a televised interview before his meeting with Punjab Chief Minister Shahbaz Sharif, the younger brother of Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif, and at that time the sole item on the agenda with Sharif was the activities of Gülen schools in Pakistan. The friendly relations between Erdoğan and Sharif could be distressing for the existence of Pak-Turk schools and colleges in the country.

When Daily Sabah contacted Pak-Turk's senior administration in Islamabad for comment about the Gülen schools issue in Pakistan, a staff member named Syeda Faiza called and asked for the query to be sent through email, which was sent immediately. However, the Gulen school administration has so far been reluctant to respond concerning the situation of Pak-Turk schools in Pakistan.
I say, don't shut them down, instead seize the property and keep the schools open, and bring reforms in the administration, ensuring all hostile elements are clamped down.
Simply locking up campuses of this size, which host so many students is catastrophic.
And train the school staff via co-operating with international institutions.

I say, don't shut them down, instead seize the property and keep the schools open, and bring reforms in the administration, ensuring all hostile elements are clamped down.
Simply locking up campuses of this size, which host so many students is catastrophic.
And train the school staff via co-operating with international institutions.

Same thing in my mind but if we go for that may be in future NGOs stop building infrastructure in fear that Govt will seize them.
Yup, and in doing so just shut down one of the better know educational institute!
When will our idiot politicians learn about a thing called national interest and diplomacy? Why do we always have to choose between two things?

Either we are extreme on one side or we choose to be the same on the other side. This is such a stupid move and i am sorry but looking at the reaction of most of our members i just see no hope of thing improving anytime soon. This is such idiotic and backward approach.
My idea, best idea

I should become the country's educational minister.....

Same thing in my mind but if we go for that may be in future NGOs stop building infrastructure in fear that Govt will seize them.
But this is a special case, anywho, NGOs could be given NOCs, as long as they are on the right step, i-e helping development of country, without meddling with internal affairs.
Or simply outline regulations on which NGOs are to operate.
My idea, best idea

I should become the country's educational minister.....

But this is a special case, anywho, NGOs could be given NOCs, as long as they are on the right step, i-e helping development of country, without meddling with internal affairs.
Or simply outline regulations on which NGOs are to operate.
I have better idea (may be) instead of sealing them or seizing them just change the syllabus and school admins problem solve.
I have better idea (may be) instead of sealing them or seizing them just change the syllabus and school admins problem solve.
But then they would still be under Gülen's authority.
Which means, one way or another, ideologies would still seep in. Rust from a small bolt can spread and ruin an entire structure. Hence that rusty bolt has to be removed.
Ajeeb qaum se wasta para hai, suicide bombers manufacturing, terrorists producing madrassahs band nahi hotay, leken ek productive aur suljhi hui institution ke peeche per gaei. Have they committed a crime in Pakistan? Hell, there isn't even any solid proof that Gulen movement was behind the Turkish Coup either, but expecting sane decisions from Pakistani leadership is just not possible.

The Gülen-affiliated school in Islamabad is the biggest one among the other 21 Gülenist schools across the country.
The Pakistani government is moving toward taking steps against the 21 Gülen schools that operate in the country through exploiting Pakistanis' positive opinions of Turkey
The Pakistani government is moving toward shutting down schools and colleges affiliated with the U.S.-based imam Fethullah Gülen's movement. He is among Turkey's most wanted suspects and Turkey is exerting effort to obtain an international arrest warrant for him since the movement attempted to overthrow the government by infiltrating the police, judiciary and other key state institutions. President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has pushed the Pakistani government to join in efforts against the movement through the closure of Gülen schools in Pakistan. The Pak-Turk schools are widespread in the country.

There are 21 Gülen-affiliated schools facing closure from the government. There are hundreds of students enrolled in these schools as parents have the general perception that the schools are administered by the Turkish government, even though they are not. The schools were established back in 1995 and run under the auspices of the Pak Turk Foundation. Pak-Turk schools are among the most expensive private institutions in Pakistan, where the private school industry has become a cartel mafia, fleecing parents. Pak-Turk's administration claims they are playing a vital role in helping make relations between Turkey and Pakistan stronger and promoting the Turkish language. However, people in Pakistan are not aware of the Gülen Movement's actions to undermine Erdoğan's legitimate rule. Gülen schools and colleges are spreading the Gülenist agenda and preaching, which is an open contradiction to modern Turkish values and lifestyles.

Pakistan is a country that already has a conservative mindset as well as strong divisions between certain communities, making it all the more alarming that Gülen schools are promoting a culture of segregated society in the country. The schools have a strong concept of segregation between males and female students, and they even practice this in their private lives. According to Gülen school students, they are called on for a couple of days to stay at the school and are not allowed to go home in the combine study circle classes, which is actually an intensive indoctrination of the Gulenist ideology. During these classes, Gülen's preaching and lectures are delivered by the Turkish teachers. DVDs and cassettes containing speeches and lectures by Gülen are distributed among the students, and those students who listen more are awarded special prizes up to as much as 5,000 RS (TL 75, 212).

Exploiting the ideology of the Islamic brotherhood and Pakistani philanthropists, Pak-Turk school higher-ups enjoy dozens of acres of land throughout the country. In the federal capital of Islamabad, two major properties were given to the schools at very cheap rates, as proof of the generosity of the Pakistani government. In the name of Islamic brotherhood, the Pakistani government has facilitated Gülen schools in Pakistan. Gülen schools and colleges have been already banned and closed in Central Asian countries and in Azerbaijan. However in Pakistan, despite repeated attempts by Erdoğan, there has been no action taken by the current regime. Recently there were strong messages passed by the president to his Pakistani counterpart when he visited Istanbul. President Mamnoon Hussain met with Erdoğan on April 13 in Istanbul. High level sources told Daily Sabah that the president sent a strong message to Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif to watch the activities of Pak-Turk schools in Pakistan and to shut them down. Sources in Islamabad revealed that the government is trying to make a roadmap for the elimination of Pak-Turk schools from Pakistani private school sectors. Controversy in Pakistani private schools is already at a high with rising fees and security major concerns for the students and parents. However, the education system of the majority of private schools is not good, while Pak-Turk schools do not have qualified teachers. The current government has already launched a massive crackdown against private schools in Pakistan that have failed, because private schooling in Pakistan is big business, strongly backed by influential people. However, the government is trying to curb Gülen schools with a new strategy that would not harm the integrity of the government regarding education.

In 2014, Erdoğan asked the Pakistani government to take strong action against Pak-Turk schools, and at that time he expressed his views in a televised interview before his meeting with Punjab Chief Minister Shahbaz Sharif, the younger brother of Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif, and at that time the sole item on the agenda with Sharif was the activities of Gülen schools in Pakistan. The friendly relations between Erdoğan and Sharif could be distressing for the existence of Pak-Turk schools and colleges in the country.

When Daily Sabah contacted Pak-Turk's senior administration in Islamabad for comment about the Gülen schools issue in Pakistan, a staff member named Syeda Faiza called and asked for the query to be sent through email, which was sent immediately. However, the Gulen school administration has so far been reluctant to respond concerning the situation of Pak-Turk schools in Pakistan.
If indeed Gulen orchestrated the coup in Turkey then this is a most unfortunate thing, I believe in the interest of our strategic relations with Turkey these schools should be shut down but one thing I will say, that contrary to what this article states , these schools have excellent administration and education syllabus, they are producing student here in Kashmir that are obtaining places in and excelling in Pakistans finest univesities.Kudos
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