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Pakistan possesses various ICBMs which have a range of 9000+ kilometres

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No,no...I dont have any problem with that...I would be rather happier if Pakistan today possessed ICBMs and SLVs alongwith a strong economy.

I am saying THREE things.

1. Pakistan doesn't needs ICBMs (but we do need SLVs).
2. Developing such a project right now is not feasible.
3. Any project of these specifications does not exist in developmental stages.

The weapon which we should be looking upto is the 4000 km range, MIRVed missile.
Pakistan definitely needs an ICBM Europe and America never have been friendly to us so we need long range missiles and Pakistan is already working on them and most probably already developed them the question only is when to show them to the world that can take years as our Nuclear Tests also took years other wise we were ready to test them in 1984
The Standardization of SUPARCO is much better than ISRO.
mubarak ho

but why 9000+ ?? why not 8000+ or say 10000+( nice round figure) ??
Doesn't matter how much amount of low end defence stuff you gather from china, US has been a lifesaver for pakistan vis-a-vis India. US has historically provided gamechangers to pakistan to ensure its minimal credible detterence.

By game changers for minimal credible deterrence, do you mean like Nuclear technology and Missile Program? :woot:

You must be talking about Israel.
hmmm i will say about the topic and leave this might become a 30 page flame thread...

well one the military official would never reveal that we have icbm,s since his saying can be taken by us and considering how paranoid it is its should have bombarded us with sanction the very next hour. if a country like india who has all the international support had to hide the agni 5 range then you know how careful we have to be that we cant even say what icbm,s are. research has always happened with pakistan and many would question our secrecy but that is how things are they do it in secret. something tells me this test would not have been revealed to the people even after the test if their media didnt leak it.

the fact is just with this test shows that we r nt only working on range but mostly on accuracy,speed and greater technology. which in my sense is better then range.if any missiles are kept hidden then they will not b kept in a locker they will be researched upon and made better. the previous test of a horizontal missile should another truth of our R&D to get our own naval nuclear missile.
It was also revealed by the official that India's military establishment has not shared the actual range of the Agni-V ICBM which happens to be 8000 kilometers, not 5000 kilometers as falsely broadcast in the mainstream media.

China and Pakistan speaking same language???

Enhance accuracy for pinpoint attacks
Inclusion into the league of nations which have developed intermediate ballistic missiles.

I said the same in my posts earlier

"Pakistan possesses various ICBMs which have a range of 9000+ kilometres", said the official, "But they will be revealed and tested when there is a need for it.
Possesses :
1. Have as belonging to one; own: "I do not possess a television set".
2. Have possession of as distinct from ownership.
3. to have as belonging to one; have as property; own: to possess a house and a car.

If the reporting is true, What I can get from this line is, Pakistan already built/borrow/buy some ICBMs which it will display to world as test. Can some one from Pakistan confirm if China had sold/leased some ICBM to Pakistan???? Or Pakistan itself did the research on it???

The report says possessing ICBM, not possessing capability or technology.

Remember Indian stand on ASAT "We have technology to build ASAT, We can test it if govt want"
Pakistani stand on ICBM "Pakistan possesses various ICBMs which have a range of 9000+ kilometres", said the official, "But they will be revealed and tested when there is a need for it."
do you guys know Pak sent its first rocket rehbar 1Rehbar-I - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia into space in 1961 and india was able to do so 2 years later in 1963..it proves the edge we have over indians regarding rockets and missiles thats another thing we cant showoff all we have owing to certain factors as i mentioned in my last post..

In 1792 , the first iron-cased rockets were successfully developed and used by Hyder Ali and his son Tipu Sultan, rulers of the Kingdom of Mysore in India against the larger British East India Company forces during the Anglo-Mysore Wars.....so WHAT???!!

But guys I have my own resouces which cant be disclosed on an open forum like this but we do have missiles ready to be tested with ranges b/w 9000-1000 km and time will tell...and the learned circles around the globe know it
Is that LEARNED circle on facebook or G+?? :What:
The report says possessing ICBM, not possessing capability or technology.

Remember Indian stand on ASAT "We have technology to build ASAT, We can test it if govt want"
Pakistani stand on ICBM "Pakistan possesses various ICBMs which have a range of 9000kilometres", said the official, "But they will be revealed and tested when there is a need for it."

Aint the official stand buddy....just some crazy guy expressing his desire on some tabloid ink.
Pakistan needed an ICBM right after we were threaten the 1st time. Gaining this capability however will not be an easy task because this would be the same as building nuclear weapons again but multiply it with 10. US does not like our nuclear capability one bit, how will the US feel when it finds out that Pakistan now not only have nukes but also the capability to hit the main land.
To survive that we need alot of things to change:
1) Our pathetic so called democratic regime
2) A strong economy which is directly linked to number 1
3) Some kind of understanding with the Indians, perhaps even making them a stake holder in Pakistan
4) Develop ties which Russia on fast track. This is linked with point number 3.

Without doing the above, developing an ICBM will be futile, not just futile, it will create problems for Pakistan many folds .
By game changers for minimal credible deterrence, do you mean like Nuclear technology and Missile Program? :woot:

You must be talking about Israel.

by game changers I mean , f86 sabres, F-104 Starfighter, F16's, Aim-9x, Aim 120C, most of your ground radars.

you can cry china china as much as you want, but when the going gets tough its always america who bails out
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