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Pakistan overturns sentence of doctor who helped find bin Laden

after 16 months?
this is to bring Aafia siddique back to Pakistan, people will forget afridi guy was released but they will remember this govt brought Aafia back

I read somewhere it said "agar pata na hoto boley mati"
in English, "if you dont know shyt then know to shutup"

no we are ashamed of it, really!

just a thought came to my mind, did Imran meet John K, I heard he will not goto US embassy to meet Karry..so he didnt meet him?

we have heard that before ./.they came in our country and slapped on our face in ur leadership ..they said they cant realse afia and they will still bomb u every day ... where was the **** was sher
Raymond Davis: Reloaded. It's goodbye Pakistan, hello America for Dr.Afridi. Pakistan has no balls to go against their master America. What people of PDF thinks/ says doesn't matter as none of them have real power to do anything. The people who can, are all American puppets.
Colluding with a foreign intel agency is definitely a crime.

You ought to be more clear than that. Crime occurs when one colludes with an enemy, harbors the intent to harm the nation, and then acts on it as well. Mere collusion/planning is not a crime. But given the precarious situation of Pakistan in these times, it is agreeable to use preventive actions and create an example of out of those who may be planning to harm the nation.

Yet, Dr. Afridi's case is unique, because even the Pakistani Army has neither fully confirmed, nor completely denied its involvement in helping the US undertake the raid. If it is true that the PA were privy to the situation and the oncoming raid, then Afridi should be treated as just another piece in the unified effort by two allies.

How is this crime, or even treason that many are calling it? It wasn't termed a treasonous act even in the very court that sentenced him.

By his own admission, he did not know that his actions had anything to do with capturing OBL. All he was doing was helping the CIA for money without knowing the ulterior motives. That is treason.

If his aiding the CIA (without the knowledge of the ISI, as is understood by the general public) was the main crime, then why was the charge of treason not applied on the same ground?

The fact is, Shakeel Afridi was sentenced to 33 years in prison for aiding a militant organization, and not for helping the CIA locate Osama.

And interestingly, the same militant organization (Lashkar-e-Islam) members that are accused of using Afridi, have said that they would kill him at the slightest opportunity.

@Developereo & @nuclearpak, you both need to ponder over this:

Why is it that the general population of Pakistan is calling Afridi a traitor for helping find Osama bin Laden, when even the court of law has exonerated him of any such charges that would involve the CIA/Americans?

Does it not clearly show that the people would rather have Dr. Afridi help the militant organizations (such as Lashkar-e-Islam), than help find and kill the most dreaded terrorist whose ideologies have been most harmful to Pakistan, even more than it did other nations?

Do you both not think that such ignorance laden hatred (esp when it is contrary to the court's view) of the general public showcases their love for Osama more than their hatred for the Americans?

Few of you would want to believe this, but fact is, the raid was actually good for Pakistan.
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yes he went to his hotel room, more private

More Private?


What kind of private meeting was this where Media was present and was able to take pictures.. :lol:

Heck almost all newspapers and media houses reported this meeting and you patwaries are saying it was a secret meeting. :rofl

There was even a press release by PTI after the TOP SECRET meeting.. :omghaha:


You brainless patwaries are so funny..

there is nothing wrong with having some decency after all he is the president, good or bad, right or wrong...as long as who said what during election if that were to happen than KPK should be a heaven now

Yes Zardari is our RESPECTED PRESIDENT and he was same respected president when Showbaz was shouting Go Zardari Go slogans at Lahore Jalsas and was promising to drag him on streets after winning elections. I guess you patwaries were busy eating Keemay wala Naans at that time.. :woot:

Also my question was, when Noora will be done giving Guard of Honor to Zardari and when Zardari will be no more Honorable President: Will Showbaz drag Zardari at streets of Lahore as promised? Or else, start thinking about alternate name for Shahbaz Sharif, because if I'll suggest, then you won't be able to sleep for at least 3 nights.. :rofl:

The fact is, Shakeel Afridi was sentenced to 33 years in prison for aiding a militant organization, and not for helping the CIA locate Osama.

Why is it that the general population of Pakistan is calling Afridi a traitor for helping find Osama bin Laden, when even the court of law has exonerated him of any such charges that would involve the CIA/Americans?

Last I checked and followed this case, he wasn't ever presented before a court on treason trial...his case was of running a fake clinic, corruption and having links with militants. All of which came under FCR.

Treason is not under the authority of FCR laws. So the FATA PA is bound to treat the case by keeping the local crimes in mind and not the treason case.

Now why hasn't he been presented before a court for treason, that is a question...but I don't have any problems with him being kept in a jail for the rest of his life.
Last I checked and followed this case, he wasn't ever presented before a court on treason trial...his case was of running a fake clinic, corruption and having links with militants. All of which came under FCR.

Treason is not under the authority of FCR laws. So the FATA PA is bound to treat the case by keeping the local crimes in mind and not the treason case.

Now why hasn't he been presented before a court for treason, that is a question...but I don't have any problems with him being kept in a jail for the rest of his life.

See, the problem is, you are letting your emotions take control of your judgment. He is a citizen of Pakistan, has been called a traitor from all quarters, but none of them an authority - The higher Pakistani courts avoided putting him on a trial for over 2 years.

And to top it all, not just the gullible ones, but even educated Pakistanis, like yourself, are hell bent on keeping him confined in the jail for the rest of his life, in spite of the fact that he has not been convicted of the crime you allege.

Without his getting through any trial on the grounds of treason, leave alone a conviction, and getting a clearer picture of his actions and intentions, what is your basis of such strong desire to see him rot inside the jail forever?
Why would a legitimate NGO ask you to flee anything? Given his history of trying to seek asylum in the US, he knew all along whom he was working for.

By the time the NGO asked him to flee, it was well AFTER the fact. It still does not prove that Dr. Afridi conducted the immunization drive with any knowledge of its ultimate purpose.

If Pakistan had the media clout, this whole operation could be portrayed to blacken the CIA's and America's image internationally for the tactics used. They have sullied the good work of thousands of legitimate NGO workers.

What country will now trust American NGOs?

This is akin to criminals using the mosque as a hiding place.

The fact that Pakistan does not have the media clout to do so is, once again, a case of "might is right", not a moral barometer.

Pakistan simply has NO clout, in the media, or anywhere else, and it would behoove us to formulate our policies taking that reality into account.

so who are you complaining to or about, grow some balls, make this country something so you dont have to listen to others untill then you shutup and do what others say, right thats the rule of the world.

I am merely describing what is likely to happen without checking the national scrotum.
See, the problem is, you are letting your emotions take control of your judgment. He is a citizen of Pakistan, has been called a traitor from all quarters, but none of them an authority - The higher Pakistani courts avoided putting him on a trial for over 2 years.

And to top it all, not just the gullible ones, but even educated Pakistanis, like yourself, are hell bent on keeping him confined in the jail for the rest of his life, in spite of the fact that he has not been convicted of the crime you allege.

Without his getting through any trial on the grounds of treason, leave alone a conviction, and getting a clearer picture of his actions and intentions, what is your basis of such strong desire to see him rot inside the jail forever?

This is the problem.

WE can keep up with all the goody laws and being hunky dory and all...but fact is that people like Abdul Aziz and Abdul Rashid still aren't regarded as criminals...so if we don't take any hard steps, we will still be stuck in this hell hole for the rest of our lives.

You say conviction, could you tell me how many terrorists were convicted? When you can't convict a terrorist with a bag full of guns and blood on his hands, how will you convict this guy?

When you arrest a guy, produce him before court, release him on bail, arrest him for the second time, again produce before court, he gets acquitted, then the third time you secretly pick him up and send him to dark places.

Reality is harsh.

All those fantastic human right principles and laws and all those things don't work in this extraordinary situations. The sooner we accept the fact that we are in a hellhole and we need to get out of it ASAP, the better. WE ARE IN A WAR...accept it or not. It's a miracle that we are continuing our lives like this even in these times....
By the time the NGO asked him to flee, it was well AFTER the fact. It still does not prove that Dr. Afridi conducted the immunization drive with any knowledge of its ultimate purpose.

Given his pattern of interaction with Americans, including his asylum application, the money he was paid, the meetings that took place, there is no doubt that this sellout traitor knew exactly what he was doing and whom he was working for.

You can give him the benefit of the doubt.

Like I wrote, when dealing with traitors, the best thing is to invoke the magic words "national security" and fry these guys as soon as possible before their employers (USA) negotiate their release. Just say he was killed in a "drone strike".

Pakistan simply has NO clout, in the media, or anywhere else, and it would behoove us to formulate our policies taking that reality into account.

As usual, your entire argument boils down to "might is right".

Like I wrote, when dealing with traitors, the best thing is to invoke the magic words "national security" and fry these guys as soon as possible before their employers (USA) negotiate their release. Just say he was killed in a "drone strike"...................

It would be a grave mistake to harm Dr. Afridi. I am quite sure he will be free soon. So I guess there is no point in my saying anything further until that happens.
you dont have to bring your father(s) into every conversation we have, this is not a family discussion I know your are proud of them fathers but just leave them out of discussion

Can any mod please take care of him? I'm fed up with this nonsense. Whenever he's out of argument, he start posting cheap crap..

Post reported.
listen you piece of $hit you do nothing but waste bandwidth here no arguments no substance just waste of time reading your bull...watch your language when you speak to other or it will come back to you in a bad ways, so stop crying like little pice of $hit you are, f'ing waste of sperm

go report this also, like i give a FFFF

Care to show a proof where I've used such language? I can also use such language, but you know thats the difference you and me. You do sh!t yourself and blame others of it, not gonna help..

Post Reported. :whistle:
I dont need to give you proof you ahole, I am not going after you for no reason, i am calling you stupid moron a-hole and thats the proof enough. I told you i will make you leave this PDF I will get banned for life either way i dont give FFFF about it, come suck it here

who is patwari now?

You gonna make me leave PDF by using such language? :rofl:
Go try and find what will happen in the end.. :azn:

PS: You are patwari.
Pakistan bowing to US pressure again ? :D

na man, on the contrary
we stood up to their pressure while this guy was relevant and the story was hot
now hardy anyone is following this news apart from a passing remark

the guy missed out the sympathy train and wont "cash" much from his "selfless" service to humanity and will have to live on the cash he conned out of his fellow tribesmen out of fake prescriptions and unnecessary medical ops.

I wont be surprised if he is sent back to Pakistan from the US immigration desk ... you can keep him if you want?

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