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Pakistan overturns sentence of doctor who helped find bin Laden

ISI thought it was a good idea to release Raymond Davis to oblige Americans. It's we the people who should not allow this to happen by making opinion against it instead.

its not internal matter of pakistan , my friend!
everyone has his thinking! moderte enlightenment is what i follow?
let them talk, ay bring some thing positive?
cause this thing has some roots in india too?

Our tragedy is that we feel the need to please everyone on every matter. It IS an internal matter. Everyone has his opinion and they are entitled to it but everyone is not entitled to have a bearing on our decision making process. I mean let them talk but decision is ours.
With Aafia it's a tough call because she was, after all, an American citizen.

Haqqani however - well... Lets just say there's a reason why he's hiding in America and doesn't have the balls to return to Pakistan. Unlike Shakil Afridi - Haqqani will probably be in a position to get that green card :lol:
hey stop hitting the nails?;):lol::pakistan:
but see that, stupid women becoming mujahida was like, a fire inside me, was in that FIU which went to capture that pice of dhit from clifton!
after all the, signals sent to him, to jst go away from pakistan, stupid end up there, using that white powder in his nosses at the time of his capture!:smokin:
Pakistan is still a not a banana republic to start arresting tourists for bargaining...

Not anymore that was under Zardari administration, new administration has spine they have taken a real stand against drone strikes which previous administration allowed. New administration is also resuming executions of corrupt officials and those who have committed high crimes. You wouldn't know a thing as usual about Pakistani internal politics, so keep your ignorant opinions to yourself. Banana republic is you who is constantly invaded and incured upon by Pakistan, China, and even Myanmar army. Not to mention you are led by an Italian woman not even Indians rule supreme in your country.
ISI thought it was a good idea to release Raymond Davis to oblige Americans. It's we the people who should not allow this to happen by making opinion against it instead.

Our tragedy is that we feel the need to please everyone on every matter. It IS an internal matter. Everyone has his opinion and they are entitled to it but everyone is not entitled to have a bearing on our decision making process. I mean let them talk but decision is ours.

you peoples tell this to the traitor CJ & his judges?
lets see what is going to do about it? after all he was the one taking awards in USA, NO ISI genrl ever been awardednanything of that sort?why?

I agree with Asim's point that either the Constitution be scrapped (hope not) or he should be tried in a federal court - such as the ATC or a military court - neither of which would be very forgiving either. Governments call not mine nor yours.

Any other country would've handed an as harsh or even harsher punishment. Try hard to be neutral here. Keep in mind that the US has imprisoned Mossad assets for 'undesirable activities' - case in point: Jonathan Pollard, life imrisonment, ineligable for parole
sorry to tell the reality, constitution of pakistan is just a crap pice of paper made by an elite for the elites, on the expense of awam?
you peoples tell this to the traitor CJ & his judges?
lets see what is going to do about it? after all he was the one taking awards in USA, NO ISI genrl ever been awardednanything of that sort?why?

Please don't use "you people", it's "we" who need to put a leash on CJ too. No small group of people should be allowed to take decision behind close doors making a fool out of the nation, CJ included, as in case of Raymond Davis the judiciary was part of the crime.
You do have a point, what Pakistan can do is arrests American tourists and use that as a bargain for that ***** Dr. Siddiqui whose a burden Pakistan should still try to take back. As for Dr. Afridi Shakil I doubt he will be set free, ISI will hunt him down.

uncle plz, keep quite, wall can listen!lol
enough! i cant go further!
hey stop hitting the nails?;):lol::pakistan:
but see that, stupid women becoming mujahida was like, a fire inside me, was in that FIU which went to capture that pice of dhit from clifton!
after all the, signals sent to him, to jst go away from pakistan, stupid end up there, using that white powder in his nosses at the time of his capture!:smokin:

you lost me....sorry, what were you saying?

Huge difference between US -Israel and US -pak relations. Israel doesn't allow US trrops to set foot in their territory. Now why would military courts be harsh on Dr. Afridi, He probably did what pakistani military failed to do in 10 years. He should be set free!

you clearly are having a minor comprehension issue here or you're unable to come up with a proper counter to what i said...i'm leaning more towards the latter.

cant help ya, sorry.
you lost me....sorry, what were you saying?

you clearly are having a minor comprehension issue here or you're unable to come up with a proper counter to what i said...i'm leaning more towards the latter.

cant help ya, sorry.

Sir, it's not a comprehension or logic issue, it's more of an intention issue. If dr. Afridi is released you'll see the same people making joke on how Pakistan got trampled by US. No point trying to convince people who don't want to be convinced.
you lost me....sorry, what were you saying?

you clearly are having a minor comprehension issue here or you're unable to come up with a proper counter to what i said...i'm leaning more towards the latter.

cant help ya, sorry.

glad to be doing that soilder! its your war now?
but band of brothers, will be out there soon!
that SOB getting away, just because our godam judges wana hve handshakes in pentagon?
i mean thts, the biggest draw back, of this damocrazy, that each & every one wants to hve thier own deals!
you clearly are having a minor comprehension issue here or you're unable to come up with a proper counter to what i said...i'm leaning more towards the latter.

cant help ya, sorry.
counter..huh! your Bologna is based on incarcerating a dr who helped in extermination of the most glorified heinous pest in modern times, if nothing that dude should be handed some medal....

thats it!
That's some serious think tank idea right there. Try doing that. :lol:

i mean its posible. some day ,some where in torabora, some torabora hotshot. mr, nobody the dare devil can pin up anytime, thn what negociations?lol
friend. dont you ever underestimate us!;):smokin:
Not anymore that was under Zardari administration, new administration has spine they have taken a real stand against drone strikes which previous administration allowed. New administration is also resuming executions of corrupt officials and those who have committed high crimes. You wouldn't know a thing as usual about Pakistani internal politics, so keep your ignorant opinions to yourself. Banana republic is you who is constantly invaded and incured upon by Pakistan, China, and even Myanmar army. Not to mention you are led by an Italian woman not even Indians rule supreme in your country.

calm down, read again, I said pakistan is "not" a banana republic.... being a senior member and suggesting that tourists should be arrested for bargain, sound like a pretty retarded idea...

as far as rest of the dribble, lets not get into governance debate, you'll just look foolish.
Sir, it's not a comprehension or logic issue, it's more of an intention issue. If dr. Afridi is released you'll see the same people making joke on how Pakistan got trampled by US. No point trying to convince people who don't want to be convinced.

the court proceedings havent even begun yet

the intelligence chief will likely submit his recommendations and I think for the sake of national interests (forget ego) i think it will strongly be in GoP's interests to abide by his recommendations

and i'm confident that those recommendations would be that the sentence remain in place

glad to be doing that soilder! its your war now?
but band of brothers, will be out there soon!
that SOB getting away, just because our godam judges wana hve handshakes in pentagon?
i mean thts, the biggest draw back, of this damocrazy, that each & every one wants to hve thier own deals!

yeah well who was rallying behind these people and who put them there......who is really to blame

counter..huh! your Bologna is based on incarcerating a dr who helped in extermination of the most glorified heinous pest in modern times, if nothing that dude should be handed some medal....

thats it!

there is no "that's it"

youre just running in circles as round as the bologna you're thinking of.

it's not my policy to keep repeating myself here; re-read my posts, otherwise just hold your "peace" and continue to cling to your dogmatically held "beliefs" (if one were to call them that)
the court proceedings havent even begun yet

the intelligence chief will likely submit his recommendations and I think for the sake of national interests (forget ego) i think it will strongly be in GoP's interests to abide by his recommendations

and i'm confident that those recommendations would be that the sentence remain in place

yeah well who was rallying behind these people and who put them there......who is really to blame

there is no "that's it"

youre just running in circles as round as the bologna you're thinking of.

it's not my policy to keep repeating myself here; re-read my posts, otherwise just hold your "peace" and continue to cling to your dogmatically held "beliefs" (if one were to call them that)
blames arent going to solve anything!
its time to take a action, to save pakistan in genrl?
or we may have shakeel afridi our next PM?lolzz
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