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Pakistan officially inducts HQ 9 Air Defence system




:yay: :omghaha: :smokin:
HQ-9/P air-defence system

A screengrab from footage released by the ISPR on 14 October showing a transporter vehicle carrying spare missiles for the HQ-9/P SAM system during a commissioning ceremony held that same day at Army Air Defence Centre Karachi. (ISPR) copied from https://www.janes.com/defence-news/pakistan-army-commissions-hq-9p-air-defence-system/
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just for sake of record

- full amount was paid by Pakistani government coffer ..... CSF was not used to pay for F-16 blk-52+ purchase

- CSF is also our own money which we used to spend in advance on operations in support of US WOT and US was in agreement to reimburse our expenses

- US till to date has not settled our expenditures not even the amount already approved by US congress for reimbursement.
The USA has lost 700 times of the loss they caused to Pak….

Ilahi Adalet…..
just for sake of record

- full amount was paid by Pakistani government coffer ..... CSF was not used to pay for F-16 blk-52+ purchase

- CSF is also our own money which we used to spend in advance on operations in support of US WOT and US was in agreement to reimburse our expenses

- US till to date has not settled our expenditures not even the amount already approved by US congress for reimbursement.
@kursed @SQ8 You think the PAF will try acquiring used or surplus F-16C/Ds with the OEM-approved SLEP (adding 4,000 to 6,000 hours)? We still have the Block-52+ overhead we can make use of, so if there's a way to bag additional F-16s of a similar type as well as upgrade them with the OEM package, it'd be worth it?
All the things/systems you mentioned are indeed important in their domains but if you have to single out the top most crucial ones than long range bvr missiles, subs and HQ9s stands out. Navy ships are vulnerable to subs easily. If India has to launch an attack on Karachi port thru airforce than they will make sure that their subs start making PN ships lives hell well in advance just before their air campaign .

Secondly on feb27 , AWACS might have played important role but it was Df20 jamming which really bamboozled iaf and aim120c5s, which outgunned them. Now pl15 will do the same job and hopefully even better.

Noted and thanks.
LOL then similarly I may say that Feb 2019 would be bluff without Stand off precision weapons and they are the most important ones blah blah blah. Don't be that much naive.

No system fights in a vacuum. Battles are fought by a complex synchronized well rehearsed manner with every weapons system playing its role in a precise synchronized manner in conjunction with other weapon systems of various branches of military forces combined. They may be categorized in various tiers and preferences acting as nodes in a comprehensive data linked network.

Even if a single system for a moment tries to act like as a stand alone weapon system and breaks that complex balance of that synchronized network then a chaos ensues just what Indians did by shooting down their own helicopter.

Even a mighty nuclear submarine is just a piece of junk metal pipe without all those critical support systems.

Frigates are themselves geared towards ASW with additional support from on board helicopter as another sensor node and weapons deployment system against submarines. They are an effective counter to subs apart from obviously ASW planes like P3C Orion.

HQ-9 or any SAM system has an inherent disadvantage that it's just a defensive weapon system only. And you would have to commit 200% each and every time, 24/7 with a huge support of your luck of course to defend yourself and the opponent needs to succeed just once. Can't block all bullets all day long while sitting inside a bullet proof car. That's why our military forces were fully focused towards offensive capabilities and firepower. No one can win a battle/war while remaining on the back foot. So in that perspective yeah its a great tool to defend our territory but no shield in the world is invincible or remains intact 100% forever under intense attacks.

A side note, missile boats cost a lot cheaper can attack in swarms and easily harras any enemy ships in a cost effective manner. Submarines are strategic assets.

Don't be overwhelmed by any single missile, aircraft, or vehicle. Or get ready to be shocked as is mighty "Asian Raptor" today and perhaps mighty "western ghost fighter" would be in the future. That's what they usually do and pay for it.
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The USA has lost 700 times of the loss they caused to Pak….

Ilahi Adalet…..
In terms of money then partially agreed. In any other case i would beg to differ with you. We lost uncountable precious lives of our people, a couple of generations' lives entirely changed, we loss all of our face globally due to powerful and well executed western propaganda with Indian spices. We lost our dignity by hosting the foreign murderers of our own people and selling our own people to them (prime example: Dr. Afia Siddiqui), we lost better part of our economy to this war.

Our so called "ally" humiliated us by inviting and supporting our arch rival India and our nemesis Israel on western borders. Our people got killed our soldiers got butchered by enemies and "allies" alike.

And what US lost?? A war! They always do since WW2. Lost a piece of territory which wasn't theirs in the first place. A bit of their influence in the region! And they spent trillions here??? Doesn't matter they have the global right to print as much trillions as they wish to do. $ printing press is with them.

And how unfortunate we are! Can't even recover a token payment from them which were spent on massive scale in the operations to clean up the mess (TTP) which they and their friends have created themselves. The proportion of our losses is immense. We managed to escape total anhilation due to our nukes and strong military from their created highly infectious and contagious viruses of TTP and ISIS terrorists. Many great countries are wiped out by this single virus.

What they spent on false wars, they have recovered a big portion of it by exploiting middle east and record breaking drug trade through Afghanistan, and getting their defense industries contractors richer than ever before.

They (US+NATO) are the real glamorous global evil thugs of the modern Era.
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The Army's mobile Short Range Air Defense system is an essential tool in the Army's offensive.

FK-2000 ,The biggest highlight as well as the advantage of the FK-2000 is that the vehicle can fire at a speed of 40 km/h .

US Army Has Finally Released Its New Air Defense Armored Vehicles According to information published by the U.S. Army on April 23, 2021, the 5th Battalion, 4th Air Defense Artillery Regiment (5-4 ADA), a subordinate unit under the 10th Army Air and Missile Defense Command has received the first Mobile Short Range Air Defense (M-SHORAD) systems based on Stryker A1 8x8 armored vehicle. The IM-SHORAD, which integrates existing guns, missiles, rockets and sensors onto a Stryker A1 vehicle, is the Army’s newest addition in a variety of modernization efforts. The system is designed to defend maneuvering forces against unmanned aircraft systems, rotary-wing and residual fixed-wing threats.

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The AD picture with a likely HQ-9 deployment - apart from IAF Jaisalmir which directly faces PAF Shahbaz all other IAF bases facing the border including Ambala with Rafale's are within engagement range.


Compare that to Indian coverage with the deployed S-400s.
Lame excuses and utter generalization wouldn't validate your point.

Fuel/Gas can be imported from Iran via land routes easily. It's already been smuggled from there. Men and infrastructure are crucial to recruit and support military in a war through local support, manpower and economics. Loosing population centers would create an entire new crisis. You wouldn't have men left to fight, to squeeze money from to pay ever increasing loan payments and support massive militaries. The fertile and strategically vital lands of Punjab are much more important both economically and militarily. If AJK is encircled and lost there wouldn't be any need to fight again.

After bombarding and leveling all the infrastructure, population centers and industries what would you use imported oil in, even if somehow the port were to be still intact? How would you be able to pay for that oil?
Not every man lives in Lahore or only Lahore supplies fighting men - most of them come from Rural areas so it you who are rather lame in doing everything to try and save Lahore. You have no point other than running from one tangent to another trying to justify saving a single city.
Plenty of infrastructure to support the war effort outside of the major urban cities. Don’t try to hide behind tangents of infrastructure and all population centers in order to justify your want to save Lahore

What Land route will you follow to get fuel from Iran? Pray tell.. Maulana Diesel’s route?
Sir six squadrons of PAF fighter jets already station inside and around Karachi. How much more want to place there. View attachment 785567
Whatever it takes to protect the strategic facilities there and the supply lines. Karachi city isn’t the only strategic asset in that geographic area. Plenty of facilities no one here can imagine existing that ensure deterrence and India utter destruction in case it decides to be stupid.
@kursed @SQ8 You think the PAF will try acquiring used or surplus F-16C/Ds with the OEM-approved SLEP (adding 4,000 to 6,000 hours)? We still have the Block-52+ overhead we can make use of, so if there's a way to bag additional F-16s of a similar type as well as upgrade them with the OEM package, it'd be worth it?
I don’t think congressional approval will come unless its a FMS deal and if India doesn’t provide the United States with greater initiative in the Quad besides lip service. FMF is completely out of the question for Pakistan now and likely forever unless drastic geopolitical change happens.
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Sorry, but this is complete nonsense. Lahore isn't just a city with good food & cool architecture. It contributes a lot to the country's economy, food security & human resources. Plus it has a strategic location. Look at the map below. You lose all that plus you'll have an otherwise avoidable refugee crisis with all the lahoris & surrounding areas. All the farmers in b/w lahore & the other cities are also gonna flee since their areas are now going to be battlefields so your food security just took a massive hit. On top of that, you'll also need to allocate resources to take back lahore. Resources that could have been used elsewhere. Karachi's port is also important but it's less so with gwadar & maybe even other ports in future.

View attachment 785611
Farmers will flee or be evacuated regardless.. both from Lahore and its surrounding areas.

There is a massive Indian armored thrust heading to Lahore and one heading to cut the Okara to Jhang axis which captured 3 vital supply links.. what can Lahore supply from Mall road to its food production to “vital economics” that will justify saving it versus sacrificing critical communication and supply lines to 5 major urban areas along with countless military facilities?
how many HQ-9P for 3 billion dollars can you get?
View attachment 785672
no idea but I've Pakistan has gotten 4 batteries of HQ9P and as per this video,
each battery consists of 192 missiles. That's 768 missiles, basically more than the entire indian air force fighter fleet.
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