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Pakistan nuclear arsenal tops 100: report

Again pointing out that delivery system which has not been tested in actual warfare ... Not even India s ... So what are we talking about ...
Firstly the reality of number of nukes of pakistan
secondly the capabilty of delivery system,
third will they defy India missile defence system ? Which again has not been tested
fourth will they work in tandom with perfectness?
fifth what is the capabilty of their reliance in case of a heavy strike back by India...

Not even the delivery systems of the Russians and the americans have been tested in actual warfare? Do you suggest that they start an actual war just to test their weapons? If they can be considered reliable without being tested in a real war, why can't you consider the Pak missiles reliable?
Better produce some grains in your feilds for all muslims rather than hate/NUKES.............thats what most muslim countries need to get independence from Amrika.

The sheikhs of the middle east have enough money to buy the entire wheat or rice stalk of the world, so why should Pakistan worry about feeding all the Muslims. Rather Pakistan should provide what the Arab sheikhs with all their wealth cannot and that is freedom from nuclear blackmail from countries like the US, israel and india.
Isreal is about 3500+ km from Pakistan so thats out of reach, not to forget that they have one of the best BMD systems and about India yes it's in reach and it's current Air defense network is inadequate to cover entire airspace but by 2015-18 the situation would change drastically with new Radars, SAMs, BMDs, air defence destroyers, Airborne Radars, Ssatellite coverage would make it almost impossible to penetrate with the current inventories that Pakistan has for the delivery of nuclear weapons.

Yeah and by that time Pakistan will be operating toy cars eh:cheesy:
What do u think our armed forces aint modernizing themselves:what:
The sheikhs of the middle east have enough money to buy the entire wheat or rice stalk of the world, so why should Pakistan worry about feeding all the Muslims. Rather Pakistan should provide what the Arab sheikhs with all their wealth cannot and that is freedom from nuclear blackmail from countries like the US, israel and india.

So you mean that the Arabs will provide wheat / rice and Pakistan will provide 'Security' to the so called muslim world? You're kidding or you're serious? Do come daily man!
So you mean that the Arabs will provide wheat / rice and Pakistan will provide 'Security' to the so called muslim world? You're kidding or you're serious? Do come daily man!

That Pakistan should produce food for all the Muslims is something to be laughed at, not the other way round!

That Pakistan should produce food for all the Muslims is something to be laughed at, not the other way round!

Which world you live in my friend.. you said Pakistan should provide some security(!) so as to avoid nuclear threat from India and other countries? Just so you know, that India has 'No First Use' policy, so the question of threatening doesn't even arise. At least have some knowledge before you provide your 'esteemed input' to this thread. Moreover, despite having nukes, Pakistan is having a hard time to protect herself in the first place so let alone the entire muslin world. I think you play a lot of video games, avoid that!
Yeah and by that time Pakistan will be operating toy cars eh:cheesy:
What do u think our armed forces aint modernizing themselves:what:

Yes! they realli do ....getting new Mrcedez and BMW cars models every year for the Generalz.....excellent modernisation.....umm....:woot:
Which world you live in my friend.. you said Pakistan should provide some security(!) so as to avoid nuclear threat from India and other countries? Just so you know, that India has 'No First Use' policy, so the question of threatening doesn't even arise. At least have some knowledge before you provide your 'esteemed input' to this thread. Moreover, despite having nukes, Pakistan is having a hard time to protect herself in the first place so let alone the entire muslin world. I think you play a lot of video games, avoid that!

I live in a world where people do not take dopes for refreshment!

I live in a world where people do not take dopes for refreshment!

Seems you take something even stronger --- Pakistan providing security ????

How ? and to whom ?

Saudi Arabia ? they are an U.S ally and have a conventional military which is one of the strongest in the middle East----discounting Israel.

Iran ? anti-Pakistan

Turkey ? Nato-ally

All Pakistan 's nukes and delivery systems only have the ability to dent India's war-machine and no one else and aside from Pakistan India doesn't have a problem with a Muslim majority country.

As for conventional forces , I would have thought being occupied in SWAT and FATA and not being able to devote enough troops to the eastern front alone is a sign of whether they are able to provide for themselves , let alone any one else .
Again pointing out that delivery system which has not been tested in actual warfare ... Not even India s ... So what are we talking about ...
Firstly the reality of number of nukes of pakistan
secondly the capabilty of delivery system,
third will they defy India missile defence system ? Which again has not been tested
fourth will they work in tandom with perfectness?
fifth what is the capabilty of their reliance in case of a heavy strike back by India...

1. The no. Of Pakistani nukes can be calculated by the annual production no. Multiplied by the no. Of years since Pakistan has been producing them...

2. The delivery systems are very much capable...Ghaznavi is the best among its class (Scud,M-11) etc...Shaheen I and II are also test proven by ASFC...

3. Only time can tell whether a system can beat an ABM or not...keeping in mind that even the Patriots couldn't stop the Scuds,it is hard to believe that any future Indian BMD can succesfully intercept multiple targets especially Shaheen II...

4. Yes,this point is somewhat valid...it is true that in a war-time scenario,the ASFC may fail to launch a few systems...but then,the plan is to launch 20-30 of them simultaneously (possibly more)...so this is not going to matter that much...

5. This point is also valid...in an event of a retaliatory strike (which is highly likely), most of the land based systems may get damaged...that is why Pakistan struggled for second strike capability and succesfully modified Harpoons...and we are now going in for Babur SLCMs...but still we need an SLBM for a credible second strike capability...however,utilising most of the systems in the first simultaneous strike can minimize the threat...

It is to be kept in mind that Pakistan is going to be the first to use nukes in case of an Indopak nuclear war...
Seems you take something even stronger --- Pakistan providing security ????

How ? and to whom ?

Saudi Arabia ? they are an U.S ally and have a conventional military which is one of the strongest in the middle East----discounting Israel.

Iran ? anti-Pakistan

Turkey ? Nato-ally

All Pakistan 's nukes and delivery systems only have the ability to dent India's war-machine and no one else and aside from Pakistan India doesn't have a problem with a Muslim majority country.

As for conventional forces , I would have thought being occupied in SWAT and FATA and not being able to devote enough troops to the eastern front alone is a sign of whether they are able to provide for themselves , let alone any one else .

You tell Pakistan to feed all the Muslims yet you do not see the slums in india, that tells who's taking 'something stronger'.
Pakistan nuclear arsenal tops 100: report

Pakistan has doubled its nuclear weapons stockpile over the past several years, increasing its arsenal to more than 100 deployed weapons, The Washington Post reported late Sunday.

Citing US non-government analysts, the newspaper said that only four years ago, the Pakistani nuclear arsenal was estimated at 30 to 60 weapons.

"They have been expanding pretty rapidly," the report quoted David Albright, president of the Institute for Science and International Security, as saying.

Based on recently accelerated production of plutonium and highly enriched uranium, Islamabad may now have an arsenal of up to 110 weapons, Albright said.

As a result, Pakistan has now edged ahead of India, its nuclear-armed rival, The Post noted. India is estimated to have 60 to 100 weapons.
Pakistan should go for more than 1000 Nuclear Warheads and should also develop ICBMs
It's great for ego boosting that Pakistan have nuclear weapons n nukes but...i'll much glad if people of Pakistan are have good quality of life...best health conditions...respect for everyone's rights...and increasing exports. Pakistan can do a lot provided govt. really care for their people and puts betterment of people as their first priority. Lets respect people around and avoid arrogance.
Come on guys...we've enough war heads...no further need...can't we focus on developmental aspects...which builds nation. Forget indian threat plz...no country would like to start a war...and if it does...bear in mind...casualties would be countless on both sides.

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