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Pakistan needs to come out of destructive India mindset: US

The problem with Chinese members on this forum is that they don't understand South Asian politics at all but they talk as if they know a lot.

The reality is that most Chinese understanding of geopolitics is limited to their Eastern borders and the far west i.e US and Europe .
They don't know crap about India or Pakistan , They just blindly keep commenting .

That is mainly because they have not yet in any major way suffered from Pakistan based terror like US , India and Europe have till now .God forbid when and if that happens Chinese will start understanding South Asia a bit better. Till then keep tolerating their ignorant comments.

Mark my words , by supporting Pakistan on terror issues and ignoring the rest of the world's concerns , China is behaving the same way that USa was before they got a rude awakening on 9/11 . I hope China does not go down the same route and will be wiser .If China supports Pakistan in its rigid stand of not acting against terrorists then i am afraid in the long run China would do more harm than good to Pakistan and maybe even itself.
(Remember taking a stand towards and issue and being an apologist for terrorism is two different things....You fall in the latter category with your comments on this thread)

If you're going to make such a ridiculous accusation, you're going to have to prove it. :lol:

When have I ever supported terrorism of any kind?

You Indians, everytime you're upset, you make the stupid accusation that someone else is "supporting terrorism".

It has lost all its value, it is just hysterical nonsense.

Now why don't you declare Hong Kong as a hub of terrorism? Oh wait, we have one of the lowest crime rates in the world, and no terrorism at all.
Remember China blocking the JuD resolution in the UN?

C'mon, CD! Don't increase my workload, man, or girl?

Poor excuse, find me a quote where I have ever supported terrorism.

India has more terrorist activity by FAR, than China or Hong Kong.

In Hong Kong, terrorism is literally non-existent.

You Indians have no credibility when accusing others of terrorism.
Poor excuse, find me a quote where I have ever supported terrorism.

Supporting JuD is supporting terrorism.

India has more terrorist activity by FAR, than China or Hong Kong.

In Hong Kong, terrorism is literally non-existent.


You Indians have no credibility when accusing others of terrorism.

Ok so a victim of terrorism has no credibility accusing others for actively encouraging that terrorism?


Really? You want me to reply to that? What kind of a metally deranged 'logic' is that?

I thought they taught better logical reasoning in HK.
If you're going to make such a ridiculous accusation, you're going to have to prove it. :lol:

When have I ever supported terrorism of any kind?

You Indians, everytime you're upset, you make the stupid accusation that someone else is "supporting terrorism".

It has lost all its value, it is just hysterical nonsense.

Now why don't you declare Hong Kong as a hub of terrorism? Oh wait, we have one of the lowest crime rates in the world, and no terrorism at all.

Well...to begin with...you started out by arguing with me about the fact that terrorism was not the problem that plagued the Indian-Pak peace talks....India was aggressive regardless of whether we were victims of terror...

I take it as a tacit approval of Pakistans proxy war since you consider our actions to be aggressive even when its a mere response to their actions against our civilians...

Next you go about defending our viewpoint by countering it with some stupid response (or lack of) towards Tibet.....

If you're not defending their actions....then WTF are we arguing about?
Are you trying to raise your post count?

PS:give it a break with the HKong rhetoric.....I dont know why that was even brought into the discussion....but somehow you always manage to slip it in as though being from HK makes you better than the avg. Chinese
Poor excuse, find me a quote where I have ever supported terrorism.

Read my previous reply to you...

India has more terrorist activity by FAR, than China or Hong Kong.

Good...and we wouldnt pray that it ever happens to China....but at least dont mock the victims by supporting the position of the nation that has turned a blind eye to terrorism ripe on its soil....

In Hong Kong, terrorism is literally non-existent.

Again with HK...? WTF does HK have anything to do on a Pakistan-India thread? pray tell!

You Indians have no credibility when accusing others of terrorism.

Who said we are looking for your credibility approval?
I take it as a tacit approval of Pakistans proxy war since you consider our actions to be aggressive even when its a mere response to their actions against our civilians...

That's why making "assumptions" is never a good idea.

Then using those baseless "assumptions", to label someone as an "apologist for terrorism"...

Well that is stupidity to the extreme. No personal offence intended.

Again with HK...? WTF does HK have anything to do on a Pakistan-India thread? pray tell!

Because anyone with a brain, can see that someone from Hong Kong is unlikely to be a terrorist supporter.

Which makes your accusation even more ridiculous.
That's why making "assumptions" is never a good idea.

Then using those baseless "assumptions", to label someone as an "apologist for terrorism"...

Well that is stupidity to the extreme. No personal offence intended.

Because anyone with a brain, can see that someone from Hong Kong is unlikely to be a terrorist supporter.

Which makes your accusation even more ridiculous than it already is.

LOL....Give me all the BS above about making assumptions and you go ahead and contradict yourself by making one in the same post?

Stupidity at its best...No personal offence intended...
LOL....Give me all the BS above about making assumptions and you go ahead and contradict yourself by making one in the same post?

Stupidity at its best...No personal offence intended...

Give me proof of your accusation then, that I am an "apologist for terrorism."

I'm waiting. :azn:
lol CD I didn't say anything racist.

In fact, I was, and continue to be, your side. ;)

LOL, no you just thought it was good for a laugh, hence the laughing smiley.

Laugh it up, I have never stooped to racism as a response. :tup:

Nor would I consider it as humorous as you seem to find it, but each to his own.

You Indians should not have called him a 'Chink'. :lol:
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