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Pakistan needs to come out of destructive India mindset: US

Unfortunate, but that was during war time, that too 50 years ago. And not all of them were deported, only the ones from Assam were put in camps. Incidents like these happen all around the world. However I would like the Indian Government to apologize to the Indian-Chinese people who suffered in 1962.

Well, it is up to you.
Having said that though I personally would like to see the exiled government be banned if it helps in improving relationship with China.

Central tibetan administration does not represent themselves as "govt in exile",in india or any nation.They are acting as a body representing tibetan refugees in india and there is no need to ban them-but if ever try to represent themselves as "govt of exile" as per international laws or demands others to consider them as such,india will not allow that in its soil.It is the same reason why china have appreciated indias position in tibet issue..openion of chinese internet warriors (who will never have a say in govt affairs)does not matter.
Pakistan should come out of the destructive Indian mind set?? Is that common sense. Lets see what India is doing to destroy Pakistan on Monday May 9th, 2011

Getting leaner and meaner? Army practises blitzkrieg to strike hard at enemy

NEW DELHI: In keeping with the "transformation" underway in the 1.13-million strong Army to make it leaner and meaner, the force is conducting a major exercise to practice blitzkrieg-style operations to hit the enemy hard at short-notice.

The exercise " Vijayee Bhava" (Be Victorious), being held in the Thar desert, basically revolves around the armour-intensive 2 Corps, considered to be the most crucial of the Army's three principal "strike" formations tasked with virtually cutting Pakistan into two during a full-fledged war, as was first reported by TOI last month.

"The manoeuvres are being conducted in north Rajasthan (in the Suratgarh region) to test the operational and transformational effectiveness of the Ambala-based Kharga Corps (2 Corps) as also validate new concepts which have emerged during the transformational studies undertaken by the Army," said an officer on Monday.

The Army, as reported earlier, has undertaken as many as 13 transformational studies, which range from consolidating strike capabilities to flattening different HQs, with the overall aim being to make the force "an agile, lethal, versatile and networked force" ready for the operational challenges of the 21st Century.

The most significant endeavour is to bring the three "strike" corps -- 1 Corps (Mathura), 2 Corps (Ambala) and 21 Corps (Bhopal), which are under separate regional commands -- under one umbrella strategic command.

"Working towards a capability-based approach, the Army has embarked on several transformational initiatives spanning concepts, organizational structures and absorption of new age technology, particularly in PGMs (precision-guided munitions), advanced surveillance systems, space and network-centricity," he said.

"These are being fielded and trial-evaluated by nominated test-bed formations and units participating in the exercise," added the officer.

This comes even as Army and IAF have stepped up coordination in the western theatre to build "an integrated and organic" air-land war-fighting machinery. In tune with this, a large number of IAF aircraft, including MiG-29s, MiG-21 'Bisons', Jaguars and Mi-25 attack helicopters, are also taking part in the "Vijayee Bhava" exercise.

Getting leaner and meaner? Army practises blitzkrieg to strike hard at enemy - The Times of India

I think US think tank or a US polician stated that while they smoked some special stuff from Afghanistan, may be a special gift from Karzai.
I'm not justifying anything. :wave:

If people are blowing each other up in other countries, it's not our place to intervene. I'd like to keep that nonsense as far away from China as possible. We aren't the "world police", that is America's job.

The Chinese government's job, is to take care of the Chinese people.

I would be pretty pissed... if the CPC was using its efforts and resources, to help Indian citizens, instead of Chinese citizens.

Isn't half a century enough?

The mere fact that another "Tibetan government" exists, and is being hosted by another country... is contributing greatly to the unrest.

Of course, everyone knew that, including Nehru.

As long as central tibetan adminstration does not represent themselves diplomatically as a govt in exile,no such govt exists.Do you even know what is a "govt in exile"?
Central tibetan administration does not represent themselves as "govt in exile",in india or any nation.They are acting as a body representing tibetan refugees in india and there is no need to ban them-but if ever try to represent themselves as "govt of exile" as per international laws or demands others to consider them as such,india will not allow that in its soil.It is the same reason why china have appreciated indias position in tibet issue..openion of chinese internet warriors (who will never have a say in govt affairs)does not matter.

Seriously LOL? Here are the words of the highest Chinese leaders themselves:

"Be sharp, don't fear to irritate him [Nehru], don't fear to cause him trouble. Nehru miscalculated the situation believing that China could not suppress the rebellion in Tibet and would have to beg India's help.

- Mao Zedong

"Nehru and people from the Indian upper class oppose reform in Tibet, even to the extent of saying that reform is impossible...[They want] Tibet to remain for a long time in a backward state, becoming a 'buffer state' between China and India. This is their guiding mentality, and also the center of the Sino-Indian conflict.

- Zhou Enlai

Events leading to the Sino-Indian War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

If the 1962 war was not a strong enough gesture against India's actions in 1959, then I don't know what else could be.

Nehru's "forward policy" was only the short-term trigger. The underlying cause, was India's hosting of the Tibetan government in exile, after the failed violent uprising in 1959.
Pakistan should come out of the destructive Indian mind set?? Is that common sense. Lets see what India is doing to destroy Pakistan on Monday May 9th, 2011

Getting leaner and meaner? Army practises blitzkrieg to strike hard at enemy

NEW DELHI: In keeping with the "transformation" underway in the 1.13-million strong Army to make it leaner and meaner, the force is conducting a major exercise to practice blitzkrieg-style operations to hit the enemy hard at short-notice.

The exercise " Vijayee Bhava" (Be Victorious), being held in the Thar desert, basically revolves around the armour-intensive 2 Corps, considered to be the most crucial of the Army's three principal "strike" formations tasked with virtually cutting Pakistan into two during a full-fledged war, as was first reported by TOI last month.

"The manoeuvres are being conducted in north Rajasthan (in the Suratgarh region) to test the operational and transformational effectiveness of the Ambala-based Kharga Corps (2 Corps) as also validate new concepts which have emerged during the transformational studies undertaken by the Army," said an officer on Monday.

The Army, as reported earlier, has undertaken as many as 13 transformational studies, which range from consolidating strike capabilities to flattening different HQs, with the overall aim being to make the force "an agile, lethal, versatile and networked force" ready for the operational challenges of the 21st Century.

The most significant endeavour is to bring the three "strike" corps -- 1 Corps (Mathura), 2 Corps (Ambala) and 21 Corps (Bhopal), which are under separate regional commands -- under one umbrella strategic command.

"Working towards a capability-based approach, the Army has embarked on several transformational initiatives spanning concepts, organizational structures and absorption of new age technology, particularly in PGMs (precision-guided munitions), advanced surveillance systems, space and network-centricity," he said.

"These are being fielded and trial-evaluated by nominated test-bed formations and units participating in the exercise," added the officer.

This comes even as Army and IAF have stepped up coordination in the western theatre to build "an integrated and organic" air-land war-fighting machinery. In tune with this, a large number of IAF aircraft, including MiG-29s, MiG-21 'Bisons', Jaguars and Mi-25 attack helicopters, are also taking part in the "Vijayee Bhava" exercise.

Getting leaner and meaner? Army practises blitzkrieg to strike hard at enemy - The Times of India

I think US think tank or a US polician stated that while they smoked some special stuff from Afghanistan, may be a special gift from Karzai.

There is nothing wrong in practising military drills aimed at possible scenarios against a country that attacked us three times.No one blames pakistan for conducting military exercises as well.You guys are blamed for destructive attitude which result in your citizens coming to india and conducting terror attacks.
Seriously LOL? Here are the words of the highest Chinese leaders themselves:

Events leading to the Sino-Indian War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

If the 1962 war was not a strong enough gesture against India's actions in 1959, then I don't know what else could be.

Nehru's "forward policy" was only the short-term trigger. The underlying cause, was India's hosting of the Tibetan government in exile, after the failed violent uprising in 1959.

The reason behind 1962 war was clearly the border issues and not tibeten refugees.Indias position in tibet is clear-it allows tibeten refugees in its soil under the condition that they will not conduct any anti china activities or try to represent themselves as "govt of tibet"in any country(which is against indias position of accepting tibet as an integral part of china).If india is using the refugees to cross border and cause unrest,then i agree with you that india is as guilty as pakistan whose terrorists cross to india regularly and cause terror attack.
Countries have a duty to their own citizens, no one else.

If people are blowing each other up in other countries, it's not our place to intervene. I'd like to keep that nonsense as far away from China as possible. We aren't the "world police", that is America's job.

The Chinese government's job, is to take care of the Chinese people.

I would be pretty pissed... if the CPC was using its efforts and resources, to help Indian citizens, instead of Chinese citizens.

Oh don't get me wrong, I wasn't saying that Chinese government should intervene or anything, I was just referring to the earlier statement you made, that every country should look after its own citizen and thats that.

Isn't making sure that your citizens are not indulging in terrorist activities in some other country, "looking after their citizen" too?

If tomorrow Al Qaeda elements say in Pakistan, start supporting terrorists of East Turkestan movement, would you still say the same thing? Either you go into Pakistan, America style and take out those elements or you ask Pakistan to clamp down on those elements right?

As far as you saying that Pakistan doesn't have any incentive on clamping down on anti-India elements, it just seems like you are advocating violent black mailing. Its like hey listen to my bs demand or else I ll go in and kill your innocent civilians. Am surprised people don't find anything wrong with it and need incentive for such things to be curbed.
When India goes to buy weapons it cries China and Pakistan. Then after it secures the orders and acquires the weapons it wants peace with its neighbhours. Then it steals water and wants peace. Then it sets up a parallel Tibet Government on Indian soil against China and wants peace with China. Then its lanuches satellites for Israel and want jobs in the Middle East. Wanted friendship with Sri Lanka but funded the terror organization and sicide hindu bombers for th LTTE.

Indian mindset will never leave any chance for peace with its neighbhours. If you have counter points of any of the above list facts not trolls

6 countries were bidding for MRCA deal. US termed its lost bid as unfortunate. Point is India doesn't have to cry to buy weapons.
Well, there are no such pests coming from across the Sino-Indian border, yet the Indian Army still talks of a "two-front war".

So short answer: No.

You'd still find a reason to be aggressive towards China and Pakistan.

No sh!t Shirley....

Last I checked...China and India are consider each other enemies, while China is Pakistan's supplier of everything from conventional weapons to nukes/missiles.....besides...Pak is also allowing the Chinese to maintain bases on their land...
We would be stupid not to plan for an equation where both use their collective might agaisnt India......so you can call us aggressive...But we prefer not to be bitten twice

but being that you've made a habit out of twisting words, I would suggest you to read carefully before replying in the future
My quote...
If there were no pests....dont you think we would have little reason to talk of surgical strikes, cold start, nuclear overhang...etc ect?

Which of these situations involves China? Please explain....
Surgical strikes? Unless China is maintaining terrorist camps....how does this apply?
Cold Start? A response to terrorist attacks and Pak specific....Where did China come in?
Nuclear overhang? Both China and India have no first use policies....

And besides....China and India have not come close to war since 62. Pak and India have been in the situation several times in the last decade....
So your uninvited commets serve no purpose nor make any sense...
Back to the point:

What incentive does Pakistan have, to clamp down on anti-India militants?

Will India be friendly towards Pakistan then?

India isn't exactly friendly to her other neighbours anyway.

Well then....tell your Pakistani friends that they should stop crying foul over Cold Start, surgical strikes etc because its all action and re-action.....

And NO....It will not be friendly towards Pakistan as we have outstanding issues aka Kashmir....but clamping down on Anti-India militants will at least remove the bone of contention that prevents us from talking....

PS: There is a big differnce between insurgents fighting the army and those attacking civilians....Those you are defending here have been killing innocent civilians...Its a shame that you are defending such scum...
It's not snake oil. :no:

Just ask the Chinese members, the Pakistani members, the Sri Lankan members, the Nepalese members, the Bangladeshi members... etc.

The only ones here, who think that India is an "innocent lamb", are the Indians themselves.

I can see that you have trouble identifying a spade....

Funny how you never utter a word about the terrorism that is spewing out of your "all weather friend" that has made south asia an unsafe place to live....Yet, you are quick to ostracize us for our political fallouts with our neighbors, something that is common world over....

Hypocrisy to its extreme....
Countries have a duty to their own citizens, no one else.

I bet you didn't complain, when the Chinese government accused the "Tibetan government in exile" (in India), of being behind the ethnic unrest in Tibet.

Unlike 26/11 which did emanate from Pak and proven (which incidently you're defending here), was a formal protest of the same made to GOI by the CPC?

What you should be questioning is.....Did any Indians defend the actions of the Tibetians that were responsible for the deaths of these Chinese folks (Like you're doing with Pakistani terrorists)? (Remember taking a stand towards and issue and being an apologist for terrorism is two different things....You fall in the latter category with your comments on this thread)

Or when India mass-deported the ethnic Chinese in India, after the 1962 war?

How does this fall into category of terrorism?
Stay on topic....
By predicting a future Sino-Indian war, the Indian Army is choosing China as an enemy.

Indian Army fears attack from China by 2017 - Hindustan Times

Not surprising. India itself... has already chosen China as its national "boogeyman", so it makes sense for their Army to follow suit.

We have enough intelligence to know our external threats and prioritize based on the same....

Im going to have to throw the question back at you.....Why is China so worried about the US presence in South China Sea...or Taiwan...or S.Korea or Japan?
Seems you have your "national boogeyman"....we have ours.....

Birds of a feather....live next to each other?
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