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Pakistan Navy's Surface Combatant Procurement

Sir why dont we go for new modern destroyers for long term such as the Type 052c or french rather going for second hand frigates for the interim use. Now i know that the PN's type 21 have nearly ended their life span and are on the verge of retirement however i also agree with AN that going for old frigates will have too many strings attached to them and either we will be simply refused or will be given stripped off equipment.
IMO if we go the chinese way or the french way for our requirement and instead of going for the second hand go for something new and built according to PN's specifications would be very usefull in the long term and enhance the capabilities of the PN

as you know surface combatants take a long time to build, so in the interim we dont have any choice but to pick-up used frigates to ensure that our combat strength is not compromised. remember the PN or the govt-of-the-day cancelled the original order for chinese frigates for lack of funds and the chinese were not very happy with us especially when the 1st platform was ready for delivery in 2002-03(?). so there has been a 5-6 year delay in the procurement process which is purely our own doing.
not until the last F-22P is built under ToT at Khi-shipyards (around 2012?)

Actually thats not true, we do make some naval vessels.

The Jalat Class FAC(M), coastal tankers, MCMVs and submarines are made in Pakistan.

First ever indigenously built FAC(M) PNS JALALAT was commissioned in 1997 and the second boat was commissioned in 2000. Keeping the steady pace of ship building in past few years, two new FAC(M) with enhanced capabilities were launched in 2002 and subsequently commissioned on 24 February 2006 as PNS QUWWAT and PNS JURRAT.:bounce::pakistan:
Actually thats not true, we do make some naval vessels.

The Jalat Class FAC(M), coastal tankers, MCMVs and submarines are made in Pakistan.

First ever indigenously built FAC(M) PNS JALALAT was commissioned in 1997 and the second boat was commissioned in 2000. Keeping the steady pace of ship building in past few years, two new FAC(M) with enhanced capabilities were launched in 2002 and subsequently commissioned on 24 February 2006 as PNS QUWWAT and PNS JURRAT.:bounce::pakistan:

we r discussing major surface combatants like frigates and destroyers - we t far away from reaching that stage - i am aware of building FAC's and other littoral vessels
I'm not really too hot on naval topics so whats the difference between a destroyer and a frigate?
I'm not really too hot on naval topics so whats the difference between a destroyer and a frigate?

I'm no expert but here I go.

In naval terminology, a destroyer is a fast and maneuverable yet long-endurance warship intended to escort larger vessels in a fleet or battle group and defend them against smaller, short-range but powerful attackers.

which means, the heaviest ship in measurement of tons and capabilities is regarded as a destroyer. In our case, the Type 21 frigates are known as destroyers in Pakistan Navy.
Royal Navy used the Type-21 as frigates, but we are using them as destroyers. I really dont know why!
*6 Oliver Hazard Perry Class frigate will be transfer to Pakistan by May 2009


Pakistan is negotiating with Brunei to purchase 3 Nakhoda Ragam class offshore patrol vessels from Brunei.


I'm not really too hot on naval topics so whats the difference between a destroyer and a frigate?

Modern frigates are only related to earlier frigates by name. The term "frigate" was readopted during World War II by the British Royal Navy to describe a new type of anti-submarine escort vessel that was larger than a corvette, but smaller than a destroyer.

In naval terminology, a destroyer is a fast and maneuverable yet long-endurance warship intended to escort larger vessels in a fleet or battle group and defend them against smaller, short-range but powerful attackers (originally torpedo boats, later submarines and aircraft).
Salamualikum to all,

Guys any news about the FREMM frigates by DCN which PAK Navy was interested in????, I just came across this on DCN's website

"DCNS achieves new milestone in Greece

As part of the six next-generation frigate programme for the Hellenic Navy, DCNS has reached a new milestone by strengthening its partnership with Elefsis Shipyards of Greece and opening its first representative office in the country, in Athens.
Paris, 14 April 2008

Part of a broad programme to modernise its armed forces, Greece has expressed its intention to acquire six new-generation frigates. With the official opening of the new Athens office, DCNS Chairman & CEO Jean-Marie Poimboeuf stressed the group's commitment to establish a long-term presence in Greece. The ceremony was attended by Mr Christophe Farnaud, France's Ambassador to Greece.

DCNS intends to take part in this programme and has proposed the FREMM new-generation multi-mission frigate. The 6,000-tonne FREMM-class vessels are designed in particular for anti-surface warfare (ASuW) missions with control of the air/maritime environment combined with escort roles and monitoring of maritime traffic.

Proposed production of the FREMM frigates with local industry partners , and Elefsis Shipyards in particular is based on high-value technology transfers and comprehensive partnership for the development and joint construction of one of the most attractive frigates on the global market. This industrial programme will create a significant number of highly skilled jobs in Greece"


I think PAK Navy should seriously get FREMM frigates they are quite good overall in air and sea to land warfare, they have a decent price tag of $500-$600 million per piece (the money is worth it cause of the technologies and capabilities it offers, and it cannot be sanctioned like US hardware, n French are quite reliable), n they will give PAK a very good coastal defence and a much greater presence in South East Asia, we cannot ignore these ships cause our rival is building ships which have a displacement of more than 5000t and none of them are below that and they are quite in number where as PAK Navy is seriously way behind cause we have ageing frigates and only 6 of them, which have been in service for more than 30 years, we need some serious ships for the job, we cannot ignore our navy cause with Gwadar on its feet we have some real risk of war in the future with our rival cause they will never like to see PAK rising which can be seen by its Naval buildup and other acquisitions:whistle:


So we need to protect this asset and many other which lie on the coast no matter at what cost!!!!!!!:sniper::pakistan:

We'd be better off focussing on air defence than extra surface combatants for the time being.

No point in a large navy if an enemy airforce could blow it out of the water.
I think it's perfect. even if we don't really focus that much on surface ships, we still do need them. What makes me happy is the fact that we are getting some of the best submarines in the world with ToT.

We'd be better off focussing on air defence than extra surface combatants for the time being.

No point in a large navy if an enemy airforce could blow it out of the water.


every one knows that we have done much abut our airforce, it can be seen by the purchase of f-16, JF-17, J-10 AWACS, the only thing is we haven't seen any developments in the naval forces, i pretty sure we also need to protect our cost lines, what i said in my post before was, any developments on the frigates???? nothin else!!!!!! read my post again if u r not clear wut i meant:smokin:

to cool u down, u must be in knowledge abut PAF, that it is waitin for MRCA decision then 100% they will inshallah do somethin abut it, either issue a new RFP or do somethin, they just wont sit n watch our archrival grow stronger day by day!!!!!!!!

every one knows that we have done much abut our airforce, it can be seen by the purchase of f-16, JF-17, J-10 AWACS, the only thing is we haven't seen any developments in the naval forces, i pretty sure we also need to protect our cost lines, what i said in my post before was, any developments on the frigates???? nothin else!!!!!! read my post again if u r not clear wut i meant:smokin:

to cool u down, u must be in knowledge abut PAF, that it is waitin for MRCA decision then 100% they will inshallah do somethin abut it, either issue a new RFP or do somethin, they just wont sit n watch our archrival grow stronger day by day!!!!!!!!

I agree we need to protect Pakistans coastlines which is why I look forward to developments on the submarine front but I'm personally more keen on air defence with SAMs as opposed to more naval vessels for now.
sohailbutt, FREMM's orders are so full that the french navy had to dilate its purchase order over a longer period, so they could export to algeria and probably marocco first and DCN can earn some foreign buck
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