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Pakistan Navy's Surface Combatant Procurement

thats what i said before

"pakistan have a small navy as compare to our enemy and our enemy considered this as our greatest weekness. we should go for quality equipment for our navy not for quantity."

completely agree with you on this point!
getting 10 old vessel becomes a maintainacne night mare when the same degree of defence and security come with easy to handle 5 new modrren ships and they will cost not much more than the 10 - 12 old ships we choose to have!

Historically the Biggest weakness of Chinese destroyers and frigates has been their inadequate ship-to-air missiles. Because they have small displacements, most of the destroyers and frigates are not equipped with short-range and intermediate-range missiles, but use artillery with a limited firing range, one-man air defense missiles, and a small number of PL-8H short-range ship-to-air missiles for air defense. The weakness in air defense capabilities has confined the activity of China's destroyers and frigates to the Chinese coastal waters, within the area covered by the fighters of the Chinese Navy. Jiangwei class frigates are equipped with ship-to-air missiles, including the HQ-61B with a firing range of 10 km and Sea Sidewinders with a firing range of 14 km. However, the PLAN's HQ-61 and HQ-7 systems [based on the French Crotale land-based surface-to-air missile system] do not provide surface units with an effective area-defense capability. This deficiency makes PLAN surface units extremely vulnerable to air attack.

Iam sure our Naval commanders have taken all these aspects into account before ordering any of the ships. imagine we come here and write all this blogs of what we should have or get or should not get. Have you imagined what these commanders do, specially those deploying overseas, I have seen these officers even in commander position study hard. they know each and everything about the current and future navy vessels and their capabilities etc etc. Iam sure we are in good hands and very well covered in all aspect.

The point what we should be focusing on hope they modernise their training of navy, marines and coast guards provide them with upgraded equipments. Provide better pay, retirement scheme housing, children education, medical and iam talking about non commission officers. Fast develop more ship yards and modernise their indiginous ship, subs and missiles building facilities and capabilities in all aspect. As getting all these TOT from different countries is not really useful, if you cant make them. We have the TOT of agosta 90 but we are still dependent of france. we have made only 3 we should have made 6 by now. We will be getting TOT of the U 214 boats the things is can we fully make it from the scratch.

If we get the equipment proper producing plant and TOT our engineers will work and create 3 or more subs or ships in a year, we have the man power. Good example would be the chinese, I have seen them work in shifts day and night to finsih projects.

Its just not building ships or subs or planes the point is to invest in research studies, latest technology and further inhancement that is what we need to focus. This attitude should be embraced through out all the defence branches. which i think it is not until Musharraf was there since he is not on his seat its has not been further persued..

Give you an example, PA has been producing G3 for a very long time. Pakistan could have hired a german, or italian company to design and produce or coproduce a modern weapon, with 7.62mm or even 6.8mm calibre with lesser recoil light weight with interchangable different barrel, rifle for Pak armforces with different dot scopes and grande launchers. Unfortunately the defence does not look to much on that aspect of creativity and ingenuity, modernisation.

Ideas 2008 they had PK8 with scope is that the best they can do. change the calibre to 5.56mm decrease the length of the barrell and ad a scope. Iam sure we have creative people in pakistan who can do better its just the point of have a more creative and modern approach. I must say the pandu approach is heavely induced in all of the department of the pakistan govt and this major back lash is the main cause of lack of modernisation in our society....

must see is the turkish version of Hk416 its an example

If they can do it so can we. It is time that pakistan armforces should be equipt with a rifle something like that at least the Navy, marines, army and rangers should be. The para military should be given type 101 or 81 with scopes etc hope to always see a brighter future for evcery aspect of Pakistan. :pakistan:

I wish pakistan would be free of corruption so that we can prosper in every aspect:pakistan::pakistan::pakistan:
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