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Pakistan Navy's Surface Combatant Procurement

What are the terms of payment to Turkey for the Frigates given the current IMF scenario ?

Going for the Frigates and Submarines U214 means a cost of USD 2 billion in FX. IMF money will not be allowed for Defence purposes so where is the funding going to come ?


are you like that serious that PN is gonna acquire U-214 at this time?! :crazy: as of 2010 PN is only concentrated on F-22P, P-3C+, ex-USN frigate and MRTP-33! only after 2012+ will PN be serious about big things when hopefully IMF will be out of the way and some big money will be in PN's pocket to spend.
are you like that serious that PN is gonna acquire U-214 at this time?! :crazy: as of 2010 PN is only concentrated on F-22P, P-3C+, ex-USN frigate and MRTP-33! only after 2012+ will PN be serious about big things when hopefully IMF will be out of the way and some big money will be in PN's pocket to spend.

If you check the U 214 thread most senior pakistani members said the deal is done ?

Anyway whats the terms of payment for the F22 and whats the total cost of the projects outlined by you above ?

BTW will the above projects have sufficient funds or will Pakistan use the IMF bail out for completing them.

If you check the U 214 thread most senior pakistani members said the deal is done ?

yes indeed. the deal is done in pakistan and even got the government approve. Pakistan is negotiating with Germany and Turkey will provide its indigenous systems. hopefully by 2012+ the deal should be singed with Germany and PN may have one U-boat by the end of 2012.

Anyway whats the terms of payment for the F22 and whats the total cost of the projects outlined by you above ?

its a 700 million dollar loan, to be paid over the period of 8 years. all 4 F-22P should be in PAK by 2013

BTW will the above projects have sufficient funds or will Pakistan use the IMF bail out for completing them.

what a retarded line. :disagree:
so is Pak using IMF loan to complete JF-17, AL-kahlid etc projects? is PAF using IMF loans to pay for F-16s FC-20 etc???
what a retarded line. :disagree:
so is Pak using IMF loan to complete JF-17, AL-kahlid etc projects? is PAF using IMF loans to pay for F-16s FC-20 etc???

I guess u like the word retarded as it makes you feel good. Since you have superior intelligence please explain the below.


BBC NEWS | World | South Asia | Pakistan 'needs IMF loans soon'

Meanwhile the Pakistani army has said it has halted the construction of a new multi-million dollar headquarters in Islamabad because of the economic turmoil.

A military spokesman said that army chief, Gen Ashfaq Kiyani, has decided to suspend construction of a $210 million new headquarters which would have housed all three military services
I guess u like the word retarded as it makes you feel good. Since you have superior intelligence please explain the below.


BBC NEWS | World | South Asia | Pakistan 'needs IMF loans soon'

Meanwhile the Pakistani army has said it has halted the construction of a new multi-million dollar headquarters in Islamabad because of the economic turmoil.

A military spokesman said that army chief, Gen Ashfaq Kiyani, has decided to suspend construction of a $210 million new headquarters which would have housed all three military services

what are you jumping about? Hungary, SouthAFrica, Ukrain are all taking IMF loans!
and???? did you get what the article says? 210 million dollar construction suspend!!!! no where it says PAKISTAN ARMY NEEDS IMF LOANS TO FINNISH THE CONSTRUCTION! PA probibly has enough money but does not want to use it on this crucial time!
what are you jumping about? Hungary, SouthAFrica, Ukrain are all taking IMF loans!
and???? did you get what the article says? 210 million dollar construction suspend!!!! no where it says PAKISTAN ARMY NEEDS IMF LOANS TO FINNISH THE CONSTRUCTION! PA probibly has enough money but does not want to use it on this crucial time!

Did you read the full article before your innane pontification.

Has it crossed your retarded mind that when the Govt. closes projects being done in local currency (after all construction of buildings does not need USD) what the implications are on projects which require hard cash (USD).

Please read the full article and get the implications of what is to follow.

Historically the Biggest weakness of Chinese destroyers and frigates has been their inadequate ship-to-air missiles. Because they have small displacements, most of the destroyers and frigates are not equipped with short-range and intermediate-range missiles, but use artillery with a limited firing range, one-man air defense missiles, and a small number of PL-8H short-range ship-to-air missiles for air defense. The weakness in air defense capabilities has confined the activity of China's destroyers and frigates to the Chinese coastal waters, within the area covered by the fighters of the Chinese Navy. Jiangwei class frigates are equipped with ship-to-air missiles, including the HQ-61B with a firing range of 10 km and Sea Sidewinders with a firing range of 14 km. However, the PLAN's HQ-61 and HQ-7 systems [based on the French Crotale land-based surface-to-air missile system] do not provide surface units with an effective area-defense capability. This deficiency makes PLAN surface units extremely vulnerable to air attack.

i think pakistan should go for the FREMM multipurpose frigate. FREMM(French Frégate multi-mission or Italian Fregata Europea Multi-Missione) is a ship designed by DCN and Fincantieri to operate in anti-air, anti-submarine and anti-ship warfare, and be capable of carrying out deep strikes against land targets. the reason of chosing FREMM is that pakistan have a small navy as compare to our enemy and our enemy considered this as our greatest weekness. we should go for quality equipment for our navy not for quantity. america never attack a country with a considerable navy. the resons for american drones is our lack of naval capability. we have to build a strong navy as soon as possible. the details of FREMM is below

The French Navy plans to operate eleven FREMM frigates, and the Marina Militare ten. The first commissionings are expected in 2012 when the first of the French vessels is due in service (France has placed orders for 11 FREMM frigates, Italy 6 with the last 4 has been funded at the end of 2007). The ships will be built in France by Armaris (owned by DCNS, and in Italy by Orizzonte Sistemi Navali (a joint venture between shipbuilder Fincantieri and aerospace firm Finmeccanica). This arrangement extends the partnerships forged for development of the Horizon CNGFs (Common New Generation Frigates). Morocco has bought one frigate to be operated by the Royal Moroccan Navy.
France will use 9 frigates to replace the anti-submarine Tourville class frigates (F67 type), the anti-submarine Georges Leygues class frigates (F70 type) and 2 FREDA frigates to replace the two units of the anti-aircraft Cassard class.
Italy will build 4 ASW and 6 general-purpose (GP) frigates to replace the (8) Maestrale and (4) Lupo class frigates.
The first eight French ships have been named Aquitaine, Normandie, Provence, Bretagne, Auvergne, Languedoc, Alsace and Lorraine. The first two Italian ships have been named Carlo Bergamini and Carlo Margottini.
“Multimission concept” as its motto
Air, land or sea… whatever the source of the threat, the FREMM multimission frigate can rise to the challenge. Acting as a deterrent, it operates alone. Equipped with state-of-the-art communications systems, it plays a decisive role within an inter-allied force, for which it can provide limited staff headquarters facilities or coordinate a specific mission.


The European frigate of the future
FREMM is much more than the most recent generation of European frigates. Its firepower, its ability to process information, to communicate and pursue action in a network, its stealth capacity unrivalled in the world of fighting vessels, combine to make it the ideal amphibian partner to submarines. Its extreme discretion increases the chance that the missions it pursues, in complete safety, will be crowned in success, irrespective of the theater of operations (e.g.: a special forces mission).

FREMM fully deserves its reputation as the “European frigate of the future.” From its initial design to ultimate dismantling, everything has been carefully thought out to minimize its impact on society and the natural environment at every level, from the choice of materials to the recycling of wastewater. This responsible approach is based, in particular, on ensuring compliance with IMO standards (International Maritime Organization).


Available in several versions using the same production platform (anti-submarine, anti-surface or anti-aircraft engagement, anti-aircraft defense, land attacks), FREMM is fitted out with a cutting-edge combat system and includes the Naval SCALP missile for in-depth surgical strikes
• Length overall:
• Beam:
• Displacement:
• Max. speed:
• Complement:
• 142 m
• 20 m
• 6,000 tonnes (approx.)
• 27 knots
• 108


Three versions of the frigates are planned: one anti-submarine version, one anti-aircraft version (FR) FREDA and a general-purpose (IT) version. French and Italians will use these with some equipment which will differ between the two countries. The French are considering an anti-aircraft version called FREDA, which will replace the two units of the Cassard class.
In spite of the existence of three different versions of the FREMM, their design as well as most of their armament will be similar.

Common armament

• MU 90 torpedoes
• MM-40 Exocet block 3 (France version)
• Teseo\Otomat Mk-2/A block 4, for naval and land attack (Italian version)
• MBDA Aster SAAM in SYLVER launchers
• Otobreda 76 mm Super Rapid gun with Davide ammunition
• two light guns (20mm in French version and 25mm in Italian version)
• NH90 helicopter, capability for EH101 (Italian version)
Anti-Submarine version
• Towed sonar : Captas UMS 4249
• Other torpedoes
• MILAS ASW missile (Italian ASW FF only)
• Multi-beam echo sounder (Italian ASW FF only)

Land attack version

The Land attack version is dubbed GP ("General Purpose")
• Otobreda 127/64 LW with Vulcano guided ammution with a range up to 120km (Italian LA only)

Anti-air version

The anti-air version is dubbed FREDA ("Frégates de défense aériennes", "Air defence frigate"). Following the cancellation of the third and fourth Horizon class frigates, the French Navy has started studies for an anti-air version of the FREMM, called FREDA. The FREDA should carry 16 Aster 30 and 16 Aster 15. They would also have the standard dotation of one 76 mm gun, two 20 mm guns and 8 Exocet missiles.


On 10/24/2007 it was announced the Moroccan navy ordered one FREMM through French marketing. The ship will be built in Lorient by DCNS. It will replace the Descubierta class frigate currently used.. The contract was reported signed on April, 18 2008 and construction of the Moroccan FREMM began the summer 2008 and is expected to be delivered by 2012 or 2013. On September 7 2008 it was announced the Brazilian armed forces would acquire 6 FREMM for its navy.
i dont know how to add the picture in this artical but you can see FREMM picture at
This is a very uneconomical plan and Pakistan would be in no position to acquire a vessel like FREMM.

However, another solution could be to integrate systems like the SAM missile from this frigate or a similar SAM onto say the F22P frigates on order.
we only can hope that our militry think tank open their minds to new ideas for navy and buy new destroyers and frigates i hope in future we have up to 8 to 10 destroyers and 10 to 15 frigates and 10 to 12 new submarine 3 agostas 3 U 214 and i hope 4 would be Song class and 2 nuke subs from china
its not possible in current situation. they wii never allot so much budget for navy
Historically the Biggest weakness of Chinese destroyers and frigates has been their inadequate ship-to-air missiles. Because they have small displacements, most of the destroyers and frigates are not equipped with short-range and intermediate-range missiles, but use artillery with a limited firing range, one-man air defense missiles, and a small number of PL-8H short-range ship-to-air missiles for air defense. The weakness in air defense capabilities has confined the activity of China's destroyers and frigates to the Chinese coastal waters, within the area covered by the fighters of the Chinese Navy. Jiangwei class frigates are equipped with ship-to-air missiles, including the HQ-61B with a firing range of 10 km and Sea Sidewinders with a firing range of 14 km. However, the PLAN's HQ-61 and HQ-7 systems [based on the French Crotale land-based surface-to-air missile system] do not provide surface units with an effective area-defense capability. This deficiency makes PLAN surface units extremely vulnerable to air attack.
cut some budget of army and give it too navy to develop army is very well equiped need to equip navy well because naval warfare equipment always need more funds than army war equipment
Pakistan cannot afford to neglect its navy, in modern warfare, powerful navies can play a decisive role, so defending our waters is something the PN is committed on doing so, afterall, important docks/ports e.g. Karachi must be defended, it's crucial for our economy.
i am very much agree with you jihad. not only the ports but the entire cost line must be defended in case of war to ensure the fuel and other supplies from the friend countries.pakistan cannot afford a naval blockade again
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