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Pakistan Navy's answer SM-2 for Brahmos.

When we say "role against xyz weapon" (especially missiles) it is meant as counter measure and not counter-part. Meaning the "role against BrahMos" can only be played by anti-cruise missile system. SM-2 can only be seen as counter-part in some ways.

While BrahMos can carry nuclear warhead, SM-2 cannot. If Pakistan attempts any such experiment then we won't even have it as a counter-part in future.

Let me clarify that if PN acquires SM-2 block IIIA/B it will have a very effective capability to engage supersonic missiles such as brahmos and secondary capability to engage surface targets as well.
Okay, I am ready to fully believe that Brahmos will be dead in its launcher by just the sight of SM-2 on PN frigate. Yes, Brahmos will waive white flag and will refuse to leave its launching tube, agreed.
Question here is, is Pakistan getting SM-2?
Please provide a source stating that PN is getting SM-2 missiles.
If there is no source, this thread is worthless.
Question here is not if F-22s can, but is India getting F-22s?
I hope my Pakistani friends get the point.:D:D

Very immature post and logics.
Btw F-22 is not even for export yet.
and its amazing the indians here are applying F-22 analogies with SM-2.
Brahmos a tiger paper and Israeli tech supposedly missile bullet which has never been tested in war situation and thus not battle proven. The C 802 fielded in the F 22 frigate has damaged an Israeli Frigate with its Barak anti missile switch on and off.:victory::pdf:
I really don't understand one thing, if BrahMos is invisible, fastest, coolest missile in the world as Indians over here claims, then why Russians don't have it in there service yet???

Would you mind if i spin your argument a bit and say how come JF-17 not inducted by China?? Does that mean JF-17 is a junk like Brahmos??

Understand the basic difference when it comes to Brahmos...It is a JV and as per MCTR its range cannot exceed 300 KM...Now in Indian subcontinent especially in Indo-Pak scenario this range is good enough but not for Russia...SO what's the point of Inducting something which is of practically no use to you.......However the technology mastered will be used in other programs....

I hope i answered it as per your satisfaction..
Understand the basic difference when it comes to Brahmos...It is a JV and as per MCTR its range cannot exceed 300 KM...Now in Indian subcontinent especially in Indo-Pak scenario this range is good enough but not for Russia...SO what's the point of Inducting something which is of practically no use to you.......However the technology mastered will be used in other programs....
I hope i answered it as per your satisfaction..
Btw its Missile Technology Control Regime (MTRC) and Brahmos is a export variant of P-800 developed in 80s by USSR.
And yes, MTCR prohibits export of Missile technologies that exceeds 300KM range and Brahmos' range is purposely modified by the Russians them self so that the project is not violation of MTCR.
Russia is more then capable enough on their own if they are interested in extending the missile's range on their own.
In Aug 2010 first of the eight FFG will be handed over to PN and will go through intensive refurbishments with increased capabilities such as retaining of MK13 launcher that will give the frigate the capability to use missiles again.
The foreigner operators of FFGs such as Australia and Turkey under a nearly billion dollars program are getting their frigates upgraded that will give them parity with most of the modern frigates today.

I do not want to go into detail about FFG program but the armament that will be acquired for it such as SM-2.

Those pics from raytheon is SM-2 Blcock IV not the one having onboard Perry frigates.

In short words SM-2 will give PN the capability to engage air threats such as sub-super sonic AShM CM, aircraft, helicopters and a secondary capability to engage surface targets such as corvettes and Frigates.
4 or 5 of these hurled towards a enemy's frigate at speed mach 3.5 fallowed by a Harpoon will have a devastating effect!

A surface target destroyed by a SM-2
YouTube - SM2 VLS launch



its a hypothetical situation and it may happen.
LOL :rofl:

Learn something first. SM-1 being removed from the frigates those Pakistan is getting.

Those pics are of SM-2 Block IV not the one onboard Perry. lol

There is no way SM-2 can face Brahmos because of its speed and stealth. :rofl:
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I really don't understand one thing, if BrahMos is invisible, fastest, coolest missile in the world as Indians over here claims, then why Russians don't have it in there service yet???

Dude the Indians like to live in their own bubble of mythical world. According to them everything in their hands are the best equipments in their world and even the equipments they buy from Isreal are some how according to them superior to american counter part.
The Brahmos is a export variant of P-800 that was developed in 80s. The Americans are always ahead of anything the Russians have developed. The widely used Moskit mach 3 AShM by Russians developed in 1970s had a counter missile by Americans in that same era and even the variants of SM-1 was capable to destroy the Moskit missile. The Indians some how believe Brahmos has no counter which is quite absurd and funny. Once the SM-2 is deployed by PN it will be one of the best ship launched surface to air missile in south asia. Lets hope the PN gets SM-2 block IIIB variant which has dual radar guided and IR seeker.

Russian Navy
According to sources the BrahMos could be fitted to the updated Gorshkov class of frigates which will be entering the Russian navy soon.[28] The defense ministry reported that due to the size and hull specifications of the BrahMos, few if any of its new ships will be able to accommodate it.[29]

Yakhont / Oniks:
The P-800 Oniks (Russian: П-800 Оникс, alternatively termed Yakhont (Яхонт) for export markets; "Oniks" is onyx, and "Yakhont" is ruby or sapphire in English) is a Russian (former Soviet) supersonic anti-ship cruise missile developed by NPO Mashinostroyeniya as a ramjet version of P-80 Zubr. Its GRAU designation is 3M55. Development reportedly started in 1983, and by 2001 allowed the launch of the missile from land, sea, air and submarine. The missile has the NATO reporting codename SS-N-26. It is reportedly a replacement for the P-270 Moskit, but possibly also for the P-700 Granit. The P-800 was reportedly used as the basis for the joint Russian-Indian supersonic missile the PJ-10 BrahMos.

Finally, the Russians never induct weapons developed by foreign countries, and thats why BrahMos has not yet been inducted in RN. However, considering its successful tests by the DRDO, the RN is reconsidering its long standing policy of not buying foreign military hardware and are now planning to induct BrahMos (not Yakhont) in their Gorshkov class of frigates.

Geez, people are discussing military matters without having even a simple idea what they are talking about!

For claims of SM-2's apparent efficiency against BrahMos, thats a load of malarkey!

As for the claims of SM-2 being transferred to PN, can anyone post reliable sources? Or we are just wasting time and bandwidth discussing a wishlist?
LOL :rofl:

Learn something first. SM-1 being removed from the frigates those Pakistan is getting.

Those pics are of SM-2 Block IV not the one onboard Perry. lol

There is no way SM-2 can face Brahmos because of its speed and stealth. :rofl:

And then the indians complain and whine why we call them trolls. ladies and gentlemen this above post is a very prime example of it.

Firstly when you post something on a thread that you have no idea about do a non pathetic wikipeedia research and develop some information before you make a mockery out of yourself with low quality post with no substantial informations.

Only a trolls ask the same question over and over again that has been comprehensively answered many times!

The FFGs for PN will be given intensive Refurbishment worth 78 million dollars which will extend the ships' life and retain all the systems that were taken off for USN cost saving plans.
Under a PN modernization plan these frigates will be given upgradation of many systems and armament packages will be also acquired for the frigates.
The MK13 launching system is specifically made for Standard Missile series such as SM-1 and SM-2 even with block IIIA IIIB variants and can not fire any other type of surface to air missiles.

Those pictures of SM-2 Block IIIA/B being fired from VLS MK41 launching system.

Here is a picture of RAN newly accquired SM-2 block IIIA being fired from upgraded HMAS Melbourne (FFG class frigate).

Dont know why indians delude themself so much and tend to live in a false mythical society to satisfy their ego.

The Americans countered Russian supersonic missiles long time ago with SM-1 series. On a heads on course even a RIM-116 can counter any super sonic missile. The SM-2 missile is a mach 3+ long range missile that can counter just about any threat.
Russian Navy
According to sources the BrahMos could be fitted to the updated Gorshkov class of frigates which will be entering the Russian navy soon.[28] The defense ministry reported that due to the size and hull specifications of the BrahMos, few if any of its new ships will be able to accommodate it.[29]

Yakhont / Oniks:
The P-800 Oniks (Russian: П-800 Оникс, alternatively termed Yakhont (Яхонт) for export markets; "Oniks" is onyx, and "Yakhont" is ruby or sapphire in English) is a Russian (former Soviet) supersonic anti-ship cruise missile developed by NPO Mashinostroyeniya as a ramjet version of P-80 Zubr. Its GRAU designation is 3M55. Development reportedly started in 1983, and by 2001 allowed the launch of the missile from land, sea, air and submarine. The missile has the NATO reporting codename SS-N-26. It is reportedly a replacement for the P-270 Moskit, but possibly also for the P-700 Granit. The P-800 was reportedly used as the basis for the joint Russian-Indian supersonic missile the PJ-10 BrahMos.

Finally, the Russians never induct weapons developed by foreign countries, and thats why BrahMos has not yet been inducted in RN. However, considering its successful tests by the DRDO, the RN is reconsidering its long standing policy of not buying foreign military hardware and are now planning to induct BrahMos (not Yakhont) in their Gorshkov class of frigates.

Geez, people are discussing military matters without having even a simple idea what they are talking about!

For claims of SM-2's apparent efficiency against BrahMos, thats a load of malarkey!

As for the claims of SM-2 being transferred to PN, can anyone post reliable sources? Or we are just wasting time and bandwidth discussing a wishlist?

I think most people assume based on the fact that the refurbishment appears to a genesis upgrade. I still predict that it will be Harpoons and ESSM. The topic is worthy of a British betting pool.
LOL :rofl:

Learn something first. SM-1 being removed from the frigates those Pakistan is getting.

Those pics are of SM-2 Block IV not the one onboard Perry. lol

There is no way SM-2 can face Brahmos because of its speed and stealth. :rofl:

Refraining from replying any further to a low quality post.
I think most people assume based on the fact that the refurbishment appears to a genesis upgrade. I still predict that it will be Harpoons and ESSM.
The 70mil Pak is paying is for refurbishment only - to prolong the life to the boat. PN might get harpoons, but I bet ESSM is not a part of the package! US will NOT hand over ESSM to PN which can ultimately find its way across borders into China! An important factor which shadows any US military deal with pak.
The topic is worthy of a British betting pool.
This one, though, is more predictable than those football bets by 'dem drunk brits - footall hooligans! Go Man U.!!
@ Gubbi

you are right the ships it seems are intended as anti submarine platforms. I found a recent article which I posted in separate thread.
The 70mil Pak is paying is for refurbishment only -
You are completely distorting the facts

"McInerney that will join the fleet in January 2011 after a $65 million refurbishment to be paid for with foreign military aid provided by the US to friendly countries. A comprehensive refurbishment of the ship to also give it anti-submarine capability.

ISLAMABAD (APP) - The government will not pay even a single dollar for the transfer of guided missile frigate from USA to Pakistan Navy.
Clarifying news item published in a leading newspaper on 21 April 2010 pertaining to transfer of guided missile frigate from USA to a press release of Pakistan Navy says, “contrary to the fact it was stated that Pakistan will have to pay US $78 millions for the purchase of 30 years old frigate”.
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Would you mind if i spin your argument a bit and say how come JF-17 not inducted by China?? Does that mean JF-17 is a junk like Brahmos??

Understand the basic difference when it comes to Brahmos...It is a JV and as per MCTR its range cannot exceed 300 KM...Now in Indian subcontinent especially in Indo-Pak scenario this range is good enough but not for Russia...SO what's the point of Inducting something which is of practically no use to you.......However the technology mastered will be used in other programs....

I hope i answered it as per your satisfaction..

for ur kind info china has a deep planes for thunder they are evaluating it as per their own needs that is the reason they have introduced a new engine particular for thunder as we all knw that is ws 13 or 10.. surly they have a strategic planes regarding jf 17 thunder that is the reason china is spending sone much of money r&d and time on evaluation of thunders and making its performance better :china: u should keep in touch with latest affairs:cheers:
Utter low quality research wikipeedia job.
Yakhont / Oniks:
The P-800 Oniks (Russian: П-800 Оникс, alternatively termed Yakhont (Яхонт) for export markets; "Oniks" is onyx, and "Yakhont" is ruby or sapphire in English) is a Russian (former Soviet) supersonic anti-ship cruise missile developed by NPO Mashinostroyeniya as a ramjet version of P-80 Zubr. Its GRAU designation is 3M55. Development reportedly started in 1983, and by 2001 allowed the launch of the missile from land, sea, air and submarine. The missile has the NATO reporting codename SS-N-26. It is reportedly a replacement for the P-270 Moskit, but possibly also for the P-700 Granit. The P-800 was reportedly used as the basis for the joint Russian-Indian supersonic missile the PJ-10 BrahMos.

At least bother to do some research first.

The original export version, the Yakhont, was available starting in 1998. Since then, another export version has been under development called the PJ-10 Brahmos. It is a joint venture between Russia and India's Defense Research and Development Organization. The Brahmos is more or less a modified Oniks, adjusted to Indian requirements.
Finally, the Russians never induct weapons developed by foreign countries, and thats why BrahMos has not yet been inducted in RN. However, considering its successful tests by the DRDO, the RN is reconsidering its long standing policy of not buying foreign military hardware and are now planning to induct BrahMos (not Yakhont) in their Gorshkov class of frigates.
Foreigner technology? :rofl: thanks for the laugh.

Geez, people are discussing military matters without having even a simple idea what they are talking about!
did somebody just comment on "military matters" who just relies on wikipeedia for every this and that. :lol: again thanks for the laugh.

For claims of SM-2's apparent efficiency against BrahMos, thats a load of malarkey!
I know its quite hard for deluded indians to come out of their bobble.
As for the claims of SM-2 being transferred to PN, can anyone post reliable sources? Or we are just wasting time and bandwidth discussing a wishlist?
Then dont waist your time here go to some other forums. maybe the ego boosting fanboy bharatraksaw suites you better.
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