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Pakistan Navy's answer SM-2 for Brahmos.

You are completely distorting the facts

"McInerney that will join the fleet in January 2011 after a $65 million refurbishment to be paid for with foreign military aid provided by the US to friendly countries. A comprehensive refurbishment of the ship to also give it anti-submarine capability.

ISLAMABAD (APP) - The government will not pay even a single dollar for the transfer of guided missile frigate from USA to Pakistan Navy.
Clarifying news item published in a leading newspaper on 21 April 2010 pertaining to transfer of guided missile frigate from USA to a press release of Pakistan Navy says, “contrary to the fact it was stated that Pakistan will have to pay US $78 millions for the purchase of 30 years old frigate”.

I am not distorting any facts, my friend. Check out this thread (Alamgir Class Frigate) and recheck my post. PN will NOT get the ESSM with the frigates. 70 mil is for refurbishment and not for new weapons. Like Thomas said, these boats are primarily to be used as anti-submarine platforms. These boats are still vulnerable to the IN's BrahMos, anytime!
The 70mil Pak is paying is for refurbishment only - to prolong the life to the boat. PN might get harpoons, but I bet ESSM is not a part of the package! US will NOT hand over ESSM to PN which can ultimately find its way across borders into China! An important factor which shadows any US military deal with pak.

Another low quality post which reflects nothing but your narrow minded approach towards pakistan.
The US usually accompanies its equipments to assure its in safe hands. Just to add a bit of information in your limited knowledge, Pakistan has acquired or is process of acquiring AMRAAM AIM-120C5, JDAM, new AGM-64, AGM-154, HARPOON etc despite daily Indian officials moaning US for not supplying such high tech equipments to Pakistan.
you are right the ships it seems are intended as anti submarine platforms. I found a recent article which I posted in separate thread.
The refurbished frigates wont be the final configuration of PN frigates. They will most likely upgrade them to meet PN modernization program. For example P-3C have been upgraded with AShW capabilities as well as ASW. 78 Million dollars consists of crew training, intensive refurbishment for life extension, and does not includes major armaments. PN is not only limited to ASW operations hats why not all of the 8 FFGs will be ASW. Its most likely that the first 4 Frigates may have a primary role of ASW and other 4 with primary role of AAW,AShW.
I am not distorting any facts, my friend. Check out this thread (Alamgir Class Frigate) and recheck my post. PN will NOT get the ESSM with the frigates. 70 mil is for refurbishment and not for new weapons. Like Thomas said, these boats are primarily to be used as anti-submarine platforms. These boats are still vulnerable to the IN's BrahMos, anytime!

What ever you say, but PN is smart enough to upgrade them with modern frigates capabilities. BrahMos aka export variant of P-800 is not a threat as you emphasis to suite your ego which can be easily intercepted with ESSM or SM-2.
I am not distorting any facts, my friend. Check out this thread (Alamgir Class Frigate) and recheck my post. PN will NOT get the ESSM with the frigates. 70 mil is for refurbishment and not for new weapons. Like Thomas said, these boats are primarily to be used as anti-submarine platforms. These boats are still vulnerable to the IN's BrahMos, anytime!
where is the link that says that Pakistan will not be given any defensive weapons or capabilities along with these frigates?????? you are making these statements on your own subjective judgment. that there will be no ESSM or Sm's either 1 or 2.
The government of Pakistan has clearly stated that they wont be paying a penny for the frigate which will be commissioned in August, its refurbishment cost will be paid through the American aid for Pakistan. where as you were stating that Pakistan is paying 70 million us dollar....... am i right ? so if Pakistan can buy f22-p frigates for more than 150 million us dollars dont you think they would make sure that it gets good radars or sams ? given the fact that Pakistan has experience with MK-1 its little immature and too early to say with assurity that Pakistan will not have any SAM's on these frigates, may be Pakistan will opt for some European or Chinese weapons.
where is the link that says that Pakistan will not be given any defensive weapons or capabilities along with these frigates?????? you are making these statements on your own subjective judgment. that there will be no ESSM or Sm's either 1 or 2.
The government of Pakistan has clearly stated that they wont be paying a penny for the frigate which will be commissioned in August, its refurbishment cost will be paid through the American aid for Pakistan. where as you were stating that Pakistan is paying 70 million us dollar....... am i right ? so if Pakistan can buy f22-p frigates for more than 150 million us dollars dont you think they would make sure that it gets good radars or sams ? given the fact that Pakistan has experience with MK-1 its little immature and too early to say with assurity that Pakistan will not have any SAM's on these frigates, may be Pakistan will opt for some European or Chinese weapons.

Show me a credible article which says that PN is going to upgrade these boats with modern defense systems along with the advanced ESSM's and SM-2? Pakistan cannot afford any such modern systems because you dont have the funds! And neither will US 'donate' - for want of a better word - its advanced systems lest the prying Chinese lay their hands on the tech! Plain and simple logic.

Of course, you do have your "all weather friend" in the Chinese who may supply these boats with SAM's but not of the caliber of ESSM or SM-2/3 etc. So, my point still stands, PN is not getting any SM-2's for these boats and these boats are vulnerable to IN's BrahMos!
Show me a credible article which says that PN is going to upgrade these boats with modern defense systems along with the advanced ESSM's and SM-2? Pakistan cannot afford any such modern systems because you dont have the funds! And neither will US 'donate' - for want of a better word - its advanced systems lest the prying Chinese lay their hands on the tech! Plain and simple logic.
Since when military budgets are shared with wikipeedia arms chair general like you?
Up gradation of these FFGs will fall under PN modernization program!
P-3C - upgraded to P-3C Update II.5/III configuration which enhances its capabilities in ASW,AShW roles.
Corvettes- Reported by Turkish sources that PN will acquire 3-4 Milgem stealthy corvettes.
3 Submarines tender- Either Merlin, or Type-214
Frigates- 4 more F-22P with enhanced capabilities and tender for 4 more Frigates of different class then F-22P. According to Chinese sources PN may buy Type-054A frigates.

and you are telling me PN has no money for a cost effective solution?

Their are other programs that pakistan is currently planning to acquire. But I see, your attention here is to troll with your useless rubbish posts.
Of course, you do have your "all weather friend" in the Chinese who may supply these boats with SAM's but not of the caliber of ESSM or SM-2/3 etc. So, my point still stands, PN is not getting any SM-2's for these boats and these boats are vulnerable to IN's BrahMos!
Say what ever you want. But the export product of P-800 will be shot down by SM-2 that FFGs will be equipped with. I hope IN officials are also narrow minded like you and under mines everything related to pakistan so that in war time they can be caught with their pants down.
Would you mind if i spin your argument a bit and say how come JF-17 not inducted by China?? Does that mean JF-17 is a junk like Brahmos??

Understand the basic difference when it comes to Brahmos...It is a JV and as per MCTR its range cannot exceed 300 KM...Now in Indian subcontinent especially in Indo-Pak scenario this range is good enough but not for Russia...SO what's the point of Inducting something which is of practically no use to you.......However the technology mastered will be used in other programs....

I hope i answered it as per your satisfaction..

:rofl:Man i was sure that some fool will ask this Question, JF17 is just a light multirole aircraft which will be taking over the aging fleet of F7s, they where made according to our requirements. BrahMos might be the most advance, invincible, fast missile for you(still dont know why Russian haven't abducted it yet), but JF17s are not our front line fighters(china haven't abducted it yet cuz they have more advance aircraft then jf17), Same is the case with Mitsubishi F-2, it was a joint venture between US and Japan but US dosent operate it:azn:
And i never said that JF17 was a junk so as brahmos, so plz try to read before firing your guns,

As i have answered my question, now its your turn
if BrahMos is invisible, fastest, coolest missile in the world as Indians over here claims, then why Russians don't have it in there service yet???
BrahMos is not meant to be a stealth missile it is prone to detection by radar. Babur serves this purpose with high degree of manoeuvrability, allowing it to "hug" terrain and "near-stealth" capabilities.

First off, to claim BrahMos as invincible is truly exaggeration beyond measure. Technology evolves in time there are no known systems that are completely invincible. An example is the first combat hit on F-117 in Yugoslavia.

There are known counter measures and systems that can be deployed against BrahMos

Ballistic missile was intercepted at its terminal or final phase of flight which is more faster then Barahmos which certinally shatters indian myth that Bahramos cant be intercepted.

The point is Sir,
1. brahmoos is not invisible at radar, the only advantage it has is speed.
2. to fire a brahmoos u have to come atleast 250 km inside towards the target vessel. if its a fishing boat surely brahmoos wil destroy it, but if its Pakistani navy vessel then before you could fire the brahmoos you will be fired at with Harpoon II or C803.

The equation.
Harpoon II for the brahmoos carrier and SM 2 for the launched brahmoos (i.e if it was able to lauch)


Brahmoos missile along with its vessel destroyed.

Nothing wrong with speculating what upgrades the FFG-7's will get. We know it will have increased defense and anti sub capability for sure. But it has not been announced yet what those upgrades will be exactly. If Australia does the upgrading based on what they have done to their own FFG-7's. it could include the Evovled Sea Sparrow (ESSM). Which is definitely capable of shooting down the Brahmos.

Let me clarify that if PN acquires SM-2 block IIIA/B it will have a very effective capability to engage supersonic missiles such as brahmos and secondary capability to engage surface targets as well.

Ship-launched Brahmos can fly in sea-skimming mode, completely destroy target

The ship-launched anti-ship version of Brahmos missile can fly at supersonic speed barely 3-4 meters above the surface of the sea making it ideal for stealth attack against enemy ships.

The missile which is being offered to Malaysia to be mounted on its new generation patrol vessels successfully completed its anti-ship test two months ago.

The technology behind the missile makes it a game-changer in the global arms industry. No other missile is capable of flying at match 2 plus speeds and yet skim the seas.

its competitors for the Malaysian program, such as the Exocet missile made by MBDA can only fly at sub-sonic speeds making it vulnerable to counter-attacks.

Brahmos Aerospace CEO, Dr. A. Sivathanu Pillai told Defenseworld.net at the DSA 2010 show that the high speed of the Brahmos missile combined with a heavier weight makes it about 15 times more lethal than a conventional anti-ship missile. "Any other anti-ship missile will only leave a hole in the hull of the attacked ship, but the Brahmos missile will completely obliterate the target. In the anti-ship missile tests done in India, the target ship was completely blown to pieces", he said.

The Malaysian Navy Chief of Staff, Admiral Abdul Aziz Bin Haji Jaafar visited the BrahMos pavillion at the DSA 2010 show. He showed keen interest in the ship-launched version of the missile and wrote in the visitors book, "we look forward to working jointly with Brahmos".

Ship-launched BRAHMOS can fly in sea-skimming mode, completely destroy target :: BrahMos.com
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I really don't understand one thing, if BrahMos is invisible, fastest, coolest missile in the world as Indians over here claims, then why Russians don't have it in there service yet???

Well only one answer. India beat Russia in inducting the system to its force.:D:cheers:
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Ship-launched Brahmos can fly in sea-skimming mode, completely destroy target

The ship-launched anti-ship version of Brahmos missile can fly at supersonic speed barely 3-4 meters above the surface of the sea making it ideal for stealth attack against enemy ships.

The missile which is being offered to Malaysia to be mounted on its new generation patrol vessels successfully completed its anti-ship test two months ago.

The technology behind the missile makes it a game-changer in the global arms industry. No other missile is capable of flying at match 2 plus speeds and yet skim the seas.

its competitors for the Malaysian program, such as the Exocet missile made by MBDA can only fly at sub-sonic speeds making it vulnerable to counter-attacks.

Brahmos Aerospace CEO, Dr. A. Sivathanu Pillai told Defenseworld.net at the DSA 2010 show that the high speed of the Brahmos missile combined with a heavier weight makes it about 15 times more lethal than a conventional anti-ship missile. "Any other anti-ship missile will only leave a hole in the hull of the attacked ship, but the Brahmos missile will completely obliterate the target. In the anti-ship missile tests done in India, the target ship was completely blown to pieces", he said.

The Malaysian Navy Chief of Staff, Admiral Abdul Aziz Bin Haji Jaafar visited the BrahMos pavillion at the DSA 2010 show. He showed keen interest in the ship-launched version of the missile and wrote in the visitors book, "we look forward to working jointly with Brahmos".

Ship-launched BRAHMOS can fly in sea-skimming mode, completely destroy target :: BrahMos.com

Notice that the website is a indian dumaka massala fanboy news site based on absurd over exaggerated facts.

Pillai is a pathological lair who is bloodily exaggerating facts and figures.

The website has even claimed that no missiles can defeat this brahmos (export variant of P-800) and all fanboys have jumped to conclusions that all of sudden India has this super invincible alien technology!

The original export version, the Yakhont, was available starting in 1998. Since then, another export version has been under development called the PJ-10 Brahmos. It is a joint venture between Russia and India's Defense Research and Development Organization. The Brahmos is more or less a modified Oniks, adjusted to Indian requirements.The missile flies on various trajectories up to an altitude of 20,000 m. Typically, it flies at 14,000 m at the high point of a high-low trajectory and at about 10-15 m at the low point of a low-low trajectory. Just before terminal engagement, the missile usually descends to 5-10 m. The maximum range is 300 km (high-low) or 120 km (low-low).
The missile's speed is Mach 2.3 at high altitude and Mach 1.5 at low altitude.

Brahmos can be easily countered with SM-2 block IIIA/IIIB and at any course of trajectory.
The current generation of SM-2, Blocks IIIA and IIIB, capitalizes on communication techniques, midcourse guidance, advanced signal processing and propulsion improvements. These enhancements substantially increase the intercept range and provide high- and
low-altitude intercept capability and performance against advanced anti-ship missile threats
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Pakistan Navy's answer for Brahmos = SM-2 ( Some Missile - 2 be yet Invented).

:cheers::cheers::cheers: :whistle::whistle::lazy:

The amount of knee jerk reactions by indians on this thread is already proving having alot of psychological effects. The SM-2 is relied upon various modern navies such as USN, Japan, Australia, South Korea, Spain, Canada, Netherlands to defend against any type of AShMs.

Btw Brahmos is a export product of P-800 that Russians dont rely upon so much while SM series missiles are one of the deadliest missiles in the world. I hope you can sleep well.
Notice that the website is a indian dumaka massala fanboy news site based on absurd over exaggerated facts.

Pillai is a pathological lair who is bloodily exaggerating facts and figures.

The website has even claimed that no missiles can defeat this brahmos (export variant of P-800) and all fanboys have jumped to conclusions that all of sudden India has this super invincible alien technology!

The original export version, the Yakhont, was available starting in 1998. Since then, another export version has been under development called the PJ-10 Brahmos. It is a joint venture between Russia and India's Defense Research and Development Organization. The Brahmos is more or less a modified Oniks, adjusted to Indian requirements.The missile flies on various trajectories up to an altitude of 20,000 m. Typically, it flies at 14,000 m at the high point of a high-low trajectory and at about 10-15 m at the low point of a low-low trajectory. Just before terminal engagement, the missile usually descends to 5-10 m. The maximum range is 300 km (high-low) or 120 km (low-low).
The missile's speed is Mach 2.3 at high altitude and Mach 1.5 at low altitude.

Brahmos can be easily countered with SM-2 block IIIA/IIIB and at any course of trajectory.
The current generation of SM-2, Blocks IIIA and IIIB, capitalizes on communication techniques, midcourse guidance, advanced signal processing and propulsion improvements. These enhancements substantially increase the intercept range and provide high- and
low-altitude intercept capability and performance against advanced anti-ship missile threats

Its an international official website of Russian and Indian owned brahmos corporation. I can understand its still not enough for you.

If i find something similar in rupee news.. will surely send it to you .:coffee:
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