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Pakistan Navy's answer SM-2 for Brahmos.

U are not funny at all
I just remember something from the last thread

LOL very funny. At-least you are funny.:cheers:

Other than the funny image , why don't you spend some quality time countering the argument. ?? :what::what:
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Its an international official website of Russian and Indian owned brahmos corporation. I can understand its still not enough for you.

If i find something similar in rupee news.. will surely send it to you .:coffee:

What the hell is "international" official website? What ever it is it is still some fanboy site like untrusted rupeenews and both have same low credibility.
Will the light combat helicopter of india outperform other exclusive club of world class light attack helicopters
when such desperate fanboys attentions polls are created it only means that the site itself immature and unreliable. kindly go and click the yes button.:lol:
LOL very funny. At-least you are funny.:cheers:

Other than the funny image , why don't you spend some quality time countering the argument. ?? :what::what:

Whats the point man, tell me whats the point, their is a guy named Growler doing the same thing, but you are claiming that there is nothing such as brahmos in the world :blah:

BTW I had asked a question that, if BrahMos is invisible, fastest, coolest missile in the world as Indians over here claims, then why Russians don't have it in there service yet???
and the answer of my question is Brahmos is a export product of P-800
Whats the point man, tell me whats the point, their is a guy named Growler doing the same thing, but you are claiming that there is nothing such as brahmos in the world :blah:

BTW I had asked a question that, if BrahMos is invisible, fastest, coolest missile in the world as Indians over here claims, then why Russians don't have it in there service yet???
and the answer of my question is Brahmos is a export product of P-800
Let me answer that question for you.
Brahmos is not an export version of anything. But it is derived from previous missiles just like 90% missiles out there.
The only thing common between it and its predecessors is the propulsion system. The navigation, maneuvering, countermeasures etc are bsed on Indian algorithms, which we excel at. The mind of the missile is Indian whereas the power plant is Russian.

Russia is not buying because
1. missile is very expensive. Russian economy as we all know is not doing good at all. Its not even inducting its own Su30, Mig35, Su35, etc etc in good numbers. Its still stuck with Mig29 (not even completely upgraded) and Su27. Don't tell me these were the best aircraft for them. They are not inducting anything new since the past 2-3 decades.

2. The older Russian destroyers and frigates can not accomodate these missiles right now. Although a little modification can solve the problem, but that would cause compatibility problem with previous missiles.

3. Russia does not need a missile limited to 290kms. It has missiles with much larger range. Still it is inducting them on newer ships, speaks volumes for the missile.
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And then the indians complain and whine why we call them trolls. ladies and gentlemen this above post is a very prime example of it.

Firstly when you post something on a thread that you have no idea about do a non pathetic wikipeedia research and develop some information before you make a mockery out of yourself with low quality post with no substantial informations.

Only a trolls ask the same question over and over again that has been comprehensively answered many times!

The FFGs for PN will be given intensive Refurbishment worth 78 million dollars which will extend the ships' life and retain all the systems that were taken off for USN cost saving plans.
Under a PN modernization plan these frigates will be given upgradation of many systems and armament packages will be also acquired for the frigates.
The MK13 launching system is specifically made for Standard Missile series such as SM-1 and SM-2 even with block IIIA IIIB variants and can not fire any other type of surface to air missiles.

Those pictures of SM-2 Block IIIA/B being fired from VLS MK41 launching system.

Here is a picture of RAN newly accquired SM-2 block IIIA being fired from upgraded HMAS Melbourne (FFG class frigate).

Dont know why indians delude themself so much and tend to live in a false mythical society to satisfy their ego.

The Americans countered Russian supersonic missiles long time ago with SM-1 series. On a heads on course even a RIM-116 can counter any super sonic missile. The SM-2 missile is a mach 3+ long range missile that can counter just about any threat.

So you can post imaginary thread and no one can say anything? The AShM and SAM systems from ships were removed. Learn first and stop dreaming, before posting another new thread do some research as well. Don't let people laugh on you.

"the ships' Mk 13 single arm missile launchers and magazines have been removed from all U.S. Navy active frigates because the primary missile that it was meant to fire, the Standard missile SM-1MR, has outlived its service life. With the removal of their Mk 13 missile launchers the American Oliver Hazard Perry-class warships also lose their Harpoon anti-ship missile capability. "

Oliver Hazard Perry class frigate - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Above all SM-2 doesn't come for $ 78 million. :rofl:

No mention of any new air defence system for FFG-8!!!


Who said that PN is not going to upgrade the OHPs after it receives the ships?

Who said that PN is not going to upgrade the OHPs after it receives the ships?

Indians :lol:

why not upgrade these OHPs to Turkish G class Frigates, seems a pretty decent option....

there is a different thread going on, its suggesting that PN might want to use OHPs only for ASW
Turkey did offer Pakistan the GENESIS, and the PN probably has an idea of the G-Class upgrade too. Given that U.S. released Block-52+, AMRAAM, JDAM, and even listed Pakistan as a potential customer of AH-1Z - why would Mk.41 VLS and ESSM be a problem? Wasn't it primarily geared for export anyways? Plus who said that all 8 OHPs will have to be the exact same...could it not be that the PN wants 4~6 properly equipped and the rest for more supplementary roles such as patrol, training, pure ASW, etc? Things are not flat out all or nothing, we can very well see a mixed fleet.

SM-2 on the OHP may be a stretch for PN though, perhaps a financial/technical one more so than actually acquiring the SM-2 system itself. But acquiring ESSM on the OHPs would be more than sufficient in defending against the Brahmos threat.
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Show me a credible article which says that PN is going to upgrade these boats with modern defense systems along with the advanced ESSM's and SM-2? Pakistan cannot afford any such modern systems because you dont have the funds! And neither will US 'donate' - for want of a better word - its advanced systems lest the prying Chinese lay their hands on the tech! Plain and simple logic.

Of course, you do have your "all weather friend" in the Chinese who may supply these boats with SAM's but not of the caliber of ESSM or SM-2/3 etc. So, my point still stands, PN is not getting any SM-2's for these boats and these boats are vulnerable to IN's BrahMos!
i am not the one who is saying with assurance that Pakistan will be or will not be getting SM-2 or ESSM. am i ? so it's you who need to provide the link. There are no details regarding the defense system of these frigates so far. so for that we will have to wait. advocating the ideas that Pakistan will not integrate American weapons and there are lacks of funds etc etc just come out of sheer ignorance. you haven't been able to apprehend the fact that PN is getting this refurbished frigate for free and that 65 million will be paid by USA, so if Pakistan will have to pay even 100 million from own pocket for a potent defense system to be installed on this frigate it still will be 80 million dollars cheaper than f-22P, i hope this was enlightening :azn:
The following DSCA article gives a rough idea as to how much the Mk.41 VLS could cost the PN...cost will likely be higher now, but nonetheless it's interesting:

The Government of Turkey has requested a possible sale of six MK 41 Vertical Launch System (VLS) Baseline VII tactical modules and two sets of MK 41 VLS upgrade kits to modernize two MEKO Track IIA frigates, four ex-Perry Class FFG Frigates and to upgrade two MEKO Track IIB MK-41 VLS from baseline IV to baseline VII configuration. Included with the MK 41 VLS are the ship’s fire control system upgrades to allow for Evolved Sea Sparrow Missile capability, installation and testing, U.S. Government and contractor engineering and logistics personnel services, equipment operation and maintenance, personnel training and training equipment, support and test equipment, spare and repair parts, publications and technical documentation, launch system software development and maintenance and other related elements of logistics support. The estimated cost is $227 million.

I don't think PN will need to spend upwards $100mn per OHP if it intends to upgrade them. It may be that the U.S. funded refurbishment may have accomplished much of the work, and all that is left could be key systems for armaments.
Let me answer that question for you.
Brahmos is not an export version of anything. But it is derived from previous missiles just like 90% missiles out there.
The only thing common between it and its predecessors is the propulsion system. The navigation, maneuvering, countermeasures etc are bsed on Indian algorithms, which we excel at. The mind of the missile is Indian whereas the power plant is Russian.

This is the myth that has been created by non other then pathological lair Indian officials and then Indian fanboys deluding themself with anything that satisfies their ego. The Missile is basically RUSSIAN! A export product of P-800 with changes done for specifically Indian configurations done by the RUSSIANS. India has vast history of hiring foreigner consultants to assist Indians with projects and in this case its Russian consultants doing the work.
http://www.wisconsinproject.org/countries/india/india-missile-shopping.htmlIndia is still weak in many vital rocket technologies, and needs help in composites, electronics, computers, sensors, navigation, guidance, control and propulsion, according to a Pentagon study which ranks countries' military capabilities. To bolster its efforts in these areas, India is looking for imports.

Russia is not buying because
1. missile is very expensive. Russian economy as we all know is not doing good at all. Its not even inducting its own Su30, Mig35, Su35, etc etc in good numbers. Its still stuck with Mig29 (not even completely upgraded) and Su27. Don't tell me these were the best aircraft for them. They are not inducting anything new since the past 2-3 decades.

2. The older Russian destroyers and frigates can not accomodate these missiles right now. Although a little modification can solve the problem, but that would cause compatibility problem with previous missiles.

3. Russia does not need a missile limited to 290kms. It has missiles with much larger range. Still it is inducting them on newer ships, speaks volumes for the missile.

WRONG! Brahmos is not expensive as their vast inventory of ICBM, Long range Cruise Missiles, and Russia can afford them in good numbers if they are ever interested in it.

1. Russian AF has recently ordered production of Su-35 BM which is superior to SU-30MKI and its most likely that they will also order mig-35.

2. Russia has much better Cruise missiles in its inventory.

3. Brahmos range is purposely modified by Russians to not exceed 300KM MTCR range.
So you can post imaginary thread and no one can say anything? The AShM and SAM systems from ships were removed. Learn first and stop dreaming, before posting another new thread do some research as well. Don't let people laugh on you.

"the ships' Mk 13 single arm missile launchers and magazines have been removed from all U.S. Navy active frigates because the primary missile that it was meant to fire, the Standard missile SM-1MR, has outlived its service life. With the removal of their Mk 13 missile launchers the American Oliver Hazard Perry-class warships also lose their Harpoon anti-ship missile capability. "

Oliver Hazard Perry class frigate - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Above all SM-2 doesn't come for $ 78 million. :rofl:

No mention of any new air defence system for FFG-8!!!


Good for nothing troll! you clearly lack comprehension and knowledge of anything.
The 78 million dollars intensive refurbishment is aimed at enhancing ASW capability, extending the life, and retaining all the systems that were striped off for USN cost saving plans.
Turkey did offer Pakistan the GENESIS, and the PN probably has an idea of the G-Class upgrade too. Given that U.S. released Block-52+, AMRAAM, JDAM, and even listed Pakistan as a potential customer of AH-1Z - why would Mk.41 VLS and ESSM be a problem? Wasn't it primarily geared for export anyways? Plus who said that all 8 OHPs will have to be the exact same...could it not be that the PN wants 4~6 properly equipped and the rest for more supplementary roles such as patrol, training, pure ASW, etc? Things are not flat out all or nothing, we can very well see a mixed fleet.

SM-2 on the OHP may be a stretch for PN though, perhaps a financial/technical one more so than actually acquiring the SM-2 system itself. But acquiring ESSM on the OHPs would be more than sufficient in defending against the Brahmos threat.


PN has previously operated SM-1 in 80s-90s and at present some sophisticated weapons as well. SM-2 is very essential for PN which provides long range interception capability, an area at which Pakistan is really lagging. In order to use ESSM a very expensive VLS MK41 must be integrated where as MK13 is free and 32 round magazine can be utilized for the more capable SM-2.
SM-2 with the range of 150+KM can intercept MIG-29K P-8 and all the major air threats from IN.
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Every Indian is a troll, you should just ban us all.

Unfortunately here in this thread their are very very few indians who have contributed with constructive arguments.
And their are many Indians who just post without researching and without reading what has already been posted because most of their absurd questions have already been answered.
Posts like Bharamos cant be defeated by any ship launched SAMs and that Pak Navy cant afford upgrades on these frigates are just mere ignorance and subject of being trolling.
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