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Featured Pakistan Navy Type 054AP Frigates - Update, News & Discussion

You realise that fate of Pakistan in any war with Indian will be decided by Air-Land battle in the plains of Punjab right?

No longer in the plains of Punjab, it would be a fast thrust opposite of Bahawalpur and another one is Southern Sindh to cutoff the port from the rest of the country before Quetta corps responds.

They have fought two wars in the plains of Punjab and nothing came off it due to natural defensive lines of canals and rivers.
No longer in the plains of Punjab, it would be a fast thrust opposite of Bahawalpur and another one is Southern Sindh to cutoff the port from the rest of the country before Quetta corps responds.

They have fought two wars in the plains of Punjab and nothing came off it due to natural defensive lines of canals and rivers.

My point was that naval strikes on targets far out in India from Sea will not effect the result of a fast moving ground war thousands of miles away. We do not seek to cripple Indias ability to fight (they are simply too large), but to defeat them on the battlefield. Two very different things.
You seriously need to study war. Do you know the kind of damage India can do from sea. India right now has its Destroyers equipped with Brahmos which has range of 300 KM but soon India will bring 1000 KM range cruise missiles and even more and equip their destroyers with them. Sir the kind of damage they can do to your Army and Air Force and Navy and your important installations is so bad that it would change the entire land war in their favor also. Stop living 40 years behind. Today's all wars are integrated. I forgot their submarines which they are inducting.

I have studied war and do not need your patronising attitude, how old are you to type like this to me? My point is we do not need to strike targets far inland thousands of miles away in India. All PN has to do is keep IN off our backs and sea lanes open. Not bomb IN Eastern Command. Pakistan's fate will not be decided there.

Let me know if you understand that or I can explain again and draw it in crayon for you....
I have studied war and do not need your patronising attitude, how old are you to type like this to me? My point is we do not need to strike targets far inland thousands of miles away in India. All PN has to do is keep IN off our backs and sea lanes open. Not bomb IN Eastern Command. Pakistan's fate will not be decided there.

Let me know if you understand that or I can explain again and draw it in crayon for you....

Feb 26/27 like incidents can happen over sea as well. It happened in the past as well when they targeted our Atlantic plane. Not all scenerios are relevant to full blown war. Today if India wants to have a naval skirimish then it has to deploy its PI8s at Arabian sea against Pakistani assets. Best way to keep them as far as possible, is to have long legged fighter squad. Not neccessarily we need to have 40-45 double engine fighter planes but even one such elite squad, back up by thunders and F16s will make Indians think thousands of time to dare something . At the moment our future Sea Sultans will be easy target for their MIG29s if deployed closer to Indian waters.
My point was that naval strikes on targets far out in India from Sea will not effect the result of a fast moving ground war thousands of miles away. We do not seek to cripple Indias ability to fight (they are simply too large), but to defeat them on the battlefield. Two very different things.

I have studied war and do not need your patronising attitude, how old are you to type like this to me? My point is we do not need to strike targets far inland thousands of miles away in India. All PN has to do is keep IN off our backs and sea lanes open. Not bomb IN Eastern Command. Pakistan's fate will not be decided there.

Let me know if you understand that or I can explain again and draw it in crayon for you....
Things which can be done from there will change the land war in favor of India. Naval power can change the game on land. And yes until India knows that all of their cities are covered by your Navy also they won't back off. You need power to strike in any part of India at will.
You realise that fate of Pakistan in any war with Indian will be decided by Air-Land battle in the plains of Punjab right?
“He who control the seas, control everything”.

Yes, at the end of the day, if PA and Air force defense position get ran over than not much navy can do, but without modern navy PA and Airforce bases are siting duck. Similarly, if Pakistan build a robust navy, PN hit vital Indian assets on eastern cost like Airbase with IAF flankers and supply depot. This will not only deplete enemy resources faster but also demoralized their planner.

Modern Destroyers with 300 , 500 and 1000 km missiles range can nonstop pummel inland enemy defense from seas. That’s like half of the country border in Pakistan case.
You seriously need to study war. Do you know the kind of damage India can do from sea. India right now has its Destroyers equipped with Brahmos which has range of 300 KM but soon India will bring 1000 KM range cruise missiles and even more and equip their destroyers with them. Sir the kind of damage they can do to your Army and Air Force and Navy and your important installations is so bad that it would change the entire land war in their favor also. Stop living 40 years behind. Today's all wars are integrated. I forgot their submarines which they are inducting.

Control your obsession of 1000 km long range cruise missiles zatvan

Indian brahmos are 300 km and that is the case for some time to come
“He who control the seas, control everything”.

Yes, at the end of the day, if PA and Air force defense position get ran over than not much navy can do, but without modern navy PA and Airforce bases are siting duck. Similarly, if Pakistan build a robust navy, PN hit vital Indian assets on eastern cost like Airbase with IAF flankers and supply depot. This will not only deplete enemy resources faster but also demoralized their planner.

Modern Destroyers with 300 , 500 and 1000 km missiles range can nonstop pummel inland enemy defense from seas. That’s like half of the country border in Pakistan case.

Again, reread my posts. No one is arguing against a modern Navy, but we after to apply Naval power appropriately within contstraints of the land war and our budget. Learn the lessons from even recently as Balakot.

PN hunted anf forced a IN Sub to surface, it kept their carrier miles away. A very long range stand off strike capability was not required, PAF gave IAF a bloody nose.

Simply put PN role is not power projection, and I would rather have every penny they spend on such given to PAF and Army.

PN is modernising at the right rate with the right equipment. Modern frigates/Corvettes,missiles and MPAs to cast a wide sea denial net. No need to power projection into Bay of Bengal or offshore bombardment of Andaman Islands when our fate will be decided by armoured divisions in the desert or air strikes on IAF Western Command bases.
Control your obsession of 1000 km long range cruise missiles zatvan

Indian brahmos are 300 km and that is the case for some time to come
600km range is to be achieved in the next few years...

We still outrange them by the time they extend the brahmos range.

By that time we would have our p282
Control your obsession of 1000 km long range cruise missiles zatvan

Indian brahmos are 300 km and that is the case for some time to come
Yes. Conventional TBMs and hi-tech cruise missiles are not that much available in numbers sufficient enough to change the course of any war in the Sub-continent. At least for now. According to a former ACAS(Plans) from PAF, India would need to launch 50 such weapons to take out/substantially damage an air force base in Pakistan. Multiply it by 25-30 for an overall anti-base campaign. Other targets are separate. So it's not going to be field day.
600km range is to be achieved in the next few years...

We still outrange them by the time they extend the brahmos range.

By that time we would have our p282
Any info about specifications for P282 program
Control your obsession of 1000 km long range cruise missiles zatvan

Indian brahmos are 300 km and that is the case for some time to come
India already working on 900 KM range Nirbhay and we need to stop being reactive Force. You need offensive measures like Destroyers. India is doing good when it comes to Missiles. They just tested Agni Prime which is cannister based missile. Soon they would come up long range Cruise Missiles. It's not my obsession but Indian Navy strategy to hit all major cities of Pakistan from sea. Both for conventional and nuclear strikes.
India already working on 900 KM range Nirbhay and we need to stop being reactive Force. You need offensive measures like Destroyers. India is doing good when it comes to Missiles. They just tested Agni Prime which is cannister based missile. Soon they would come up long range Cruise Missiles. It's not my obsession but Indian Navy strategy to hit all major cities of Pakistan from sea. Both for conventional and nuclear strikes.

India is working on a lot of stuff. Most of them overblown and overrated

I think we are going well for now. Yes the development speed needs to be improved. Even if all the missile plans that retired admiral Abbasi mentioned in his last speech are accomplished then that is more than enough for sea warfare for Pakistan

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