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Not 10 but probably 11 of these have been bought. Qatar had 12 of these in total. But one was given else where.
I don't know anything about what Qatar has in their inventory. Wiki isn't really a source for me.

I just pointed out what the tweet mentioned. There is also a possibility that they may have given another one to someone else. They're a rich Country. A helicopter here or there won't bother 'em much.

They gifted a brand new state of the art B747-8 to the President of Turkey. Now that's deep pockets.
Folks, i am sure by the start of 2030, PN will start looking into becoming a Blue water Navy. Pakistan is moving away from geo political strategy for the nation to Geo economic strategy to change its nation.. i suspect China has influenced Pakistan establishment tremendously.
The time has come and gone. There is no utility for the M2K for the PAF/PN due to changing winds in the French government.

M2K not really relevant anymore, no utility whatsoever with such a small fleet, expensive French weapons and India knows like the back of it's hand. Only reason could be for DACT. I think this is one of the reasons Qatar is looking at basing them permanently in Turkey (along with some Rafales), this was PAF and Tuaf can go up against both types (used by Greece and India) on a regular basis at Konya. Takes the sting out of much of the Greek and Indian Rafale and M2K fleets.
Aw-159 is nothing but modified British Lynx which pn had and were retired early ans trying to sell but not sure was successful or not
Pn had six seaking in anti surface /sub role ans added 4 more for pure transport with the loss of one should be 9 add 5 anti su/sub and 5 again transport meaning doubling both types

also all new ships Turkish ,damen and chines can accommodate medium tonnage heli types so let’s see
AW-159 is a completely different helicopter than Lynx , much bigger than lynx , while they look the same they are completely different platforms with the latter having a much larger variety of weapons.

here you can see in this comparison image the difference between the 2 choppers
What I am hearing is Navy is trying for AW 101. That is their first preference at all costs. Then it would be the other one if that doesn't happen.
Yes but I’m saying that makes little sense considering sea kings and the lack of role for 101 (can’t be used on MILGEM, DAMEN). but who knows, we will see, maybe PN intends to use them differently.
this is one of the best deals they got in long time
its a game changer stuff
and if u add egyptian birds in then we have a naval aviation stronger then indian navy with alote of teeth
Not a game changer by any means, there are a lot better and advanced technologies available these choppers from the 70s have a horrible Maintenance cycle and by all means are outdated.

Majority of the countries have retired the Sea King....The only reason why PN has pulled the trigger is because of a low ball price...It would have cost the Qataris to dispose of them so they sold it Pakistan.

What this chopper is good for is firing the Exocets and having something to fly for the PN pilots but that's about it.
Not all Chinese things are instantly good. Especially ones that aren’t even offered for export. What will Pakistan do with the helicopters anyways? Z-9D works better with Type 054 as it’s a smaller and dedicated ASHW and ASW platform and the other frigates being western need western helicopters.
I still think we must have to think better than what we have different platforms give differebt solutions

Italian leonardo has naval version halo which comes with wester asw suit

Aw 101 would have better platform for wide range of mission
Its sad how you guys put down the Seaking in any-case PN knows what its doing better then us all trust me on that always be thankful and proud of our armed forces this is the same navy that was lacking fighting power and everything else just watch it grow in to a silent killer.
Its sad how you guys put down the Seaking in any-case PN knows what its doing better then us all trust me on that always be thankful and proud of our armed forces this is the same navy that was lacking fighting power and everything else just watch it grow in to a silent killer.

You need to understand mate that the Key Board warriors here know much more than all the technical experts combined. PN, PAF, Army and even the Nuclear Command should come to them FIRST before making any decision.... :lol: :lol:
Qatar Emiri Navy's QA31,QA32,and QA33 ASW Westland Commando Mk3 were recently donated to the Pakistani navy. they were recently retired and to be replace them with NFH90.
Only 3 not 10 ☹
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You have the absolutely the wrong info. PN PAID for these, and these are 11 in total not 3 or 10 or whatever.
No game changer. Only Indians have game changers and let them have the game changers.
This, we should stop using the word "game changer" in our vocabulary
Folks, i am sure by the start of 2030, PN will start looking into becoming a Blue water Navy. Pakistan is moving away from geo political strategy for the nation to Geo economic strategy to change its nation.. i suspect China has influenced Pakistan establishment tremendously.
Don't think we have the budget for it

Until Pak becomes a trillion $ economy, A blue water navy seems excessive/foolish imo
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