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Its more than that. You are implying it was all because of western influence. A key driver was societal change in Pakistan i.e. over the years socio economic difference between soldiers and officers has been reduced. There is greater respect for the soldier. General Kiani was a son of a JCO and set the tone although the change started in times of Musharraf when in 2004 the orderly system was eliminated. Both General Raheel and Bajwa also remain focused on the welfare of the soldier. I have seen Indian TV shows where senior retired IA officers defend their Sahayak system. You cannot do that in Pakistan. Despite challenges our society is more egalitarian than Indias.
I second that but infact it happened a lot before mush, my old man said ( a CO before musharaf) said that since he was a second lt to major , all seniors ( engr Corp) briefed young ones to maintain the soldiers welfare , when he was commanding he said that the ration system was really efficient. Even now when selection is happening , in physical during rest time potential pma cadets are made to sit in the sun with shirt off while future soldiers sit in the shade
I second that but infact it happened a lot before mush, my old man said ( a CO before musharaf) said that since he was a second lt to major , all seniors ( engr Corp) briefed young ones to maintain the soldiers welfare , when he was commanding he said that the ration system was really efficient. Even now when selection is happening , in physical during rest time potential pma cadets are made to sit in the sun with shirt off while future soldiers sit in the shade

When my father was a CO (Lt Col)... he used to make sure the soldiers mess was hygienic and best food was prepared for troops.

If ration was left after the month... it was distributed among troops with families.

Just give these lads some light armoured assault vehicles and they'd be set to handle any western incursion
Yeah FC is bad-a$$.

Tirah Valley 2016;

This is a soldier's mess and not an officers mess. I am sure it is an exception not a norm but still a good standard for every unit in PA to aspire for:
No unit can do it on its own. This is a start and for sure expand to all the units.
True a lot of NATO influence is seen in today's Pakistan Armed Force. Especially Army.
Two things influenced change

1 exposure through UN missions
2 NATO deployment in Afghanistan and interaction of office Jco with OR

Pak learned and followed

Especially away fro old Brit style of pre partition

Naval Chief Admiral Zafar Mahmood Abbasi planted a sapling at naval headquarters Islamabad on Sunday.
Spring Tree Plantation Campaign

The soldiers mess hall as u indicated above.

how did you make that connection? NATO is not the only one with such messes. Have you seen Chinese messes? Maybe it was entirely a local idea. You know Pakistani are not that isolated as you think. BTW when was the last time you were in Pakistan? I mean a major city and not some god forsaken village.

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