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Two things influenced change

1 exposure through UN missions
2 NATO deployment in Afghanistan and interaction of office Jco with OR

Pak learned and followed

Especially away fro old Brit style of pre partition

Its more than that. You are implying it was all because of western influence. A key driver was societal change in Pakistan i.e. over the years socio economic difference between soldiers and officers has been reduced. There is greater respect for the soldier. General Kiani was a son of a JCO and set the tone although the change started in times of Musharraf when in 2004 the orderly system was eliminated. Both General Raheel and Bajwa also remain focused on the welfare of the soldier. I have seen Indian TV shows where senior retired IA officers defend their Sahayak system. You cannot do that in Pakistan. Despite challenges our society is more egalitarian than Indias.

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