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Sakb Command Vehicle or some variant of M113 part of the formation.
There are thousands available; the beauty of casspirs is just their robust capability. It is the grand daddy whose design is the basis of all other vehicles in this category. In bloemfontein, i can pickup a Mamba used one for around 20k; just get the Dyna engine redone and you are in business; same with Casspir - engine is bullet proof.
Mamba is a piece of shyt.

Caspirs were bought ages back.

Seems more have been bought after th bad experience with US cougars n buffaloes.

Casspir are a very good battle proven platform hopefully instead of buying more MAXXPRO at absolute rip off prices more Casspir should be sought. Mind You even the Cougar and Buffalo are actually South African in origin which the yanks sell at rip off prices.
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Casspir are a very good battle proven platform hopefully instead of buying more MAXXPRO at absolute rip off prices more Casspir should be sought. Mind You even the Cougar and Buffalo are actually South Africa in origin which the yanks sell at rip off prices.

Not just the yanks, the Israelis are also involved in Maxxpro design & production.
Then why dont you have a better solution? Mamba's blueprint is all over in RG3x, and Paramount and others; not to mention thousands and thousands exported including to US Marines when they got their backside kicked with their great Humvees.
Think before you write. If you have not been on the operational front or design; I suggest keep your mouth shut and learn.

but they cost an absolute fortune, for that price more Casspir can be bought. Eventually start making them in HIT as well. Or unless some private venture wants to undertake the task.
There are thousands in storage; just a matter of getting a contract for overhaul done and transferred over. Oskhosh etc brought over Casspir designers back in 2005 and that got their various series started. We have seen the design carry over into Paramount and another company locally as well; many of engineers and designers worked at the same place before spreading out.

Casspir/Ratel/Buffel are core ifvs even though 3 generations old but still remain very very effective.
In one of the pictures I see some officers using the close palm American style salute and others using open palm British. I really would like the close one to be adopted by tri services. Is this possible??? Why are some officers using open and some closed. And this is not the first instance I've seen this.
Pakistan Army and Air Force salute with palm facing out and in the early years of these services, the PAF salute was at a slight angle (as per RAF traditions). Over time, the PAF and PA salute became the same with palm out however the PN salute remained with the hand flat but slightly at an angle to the eye brow. If you see a PA or PAF officer saluting with a slant (similar to the American salute) then it is simply a lazy salute and not per regulation. I have seen this laziness in some of the senior officers too and it is a shame.

Most officers who take pride in wearing the uniform will always salute crisply with a proper turn out. The whole purpose of the saluting test so early on in the respective military academies is to instill in future officers the importance of saluting properly.

Of the recent CoAS of the PA, Gen. Raheel Sharif was the most particular about saluting exactly as per the regulations. Gen Kayani, not so much.

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