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Less of emotions, more of logic, shall we?

T-59 II is already in service, trial clearance was considered easy. 105mm L-7 gun packs a decent punch and accuracy with stabilisation. Cheaper to acquire and in large quantity.

Its just not that good enough to be used in desert terrain when compared to its competitors which were modern and heavier than it like Oplot-M. Its said that T-90 was trialled too. The verdict came out and all got rejected and improvements were wanted, T-59 II was sought as "something is better than nothing" but it cannot perform effectively in desert.

On second look, the side skirts remind of T-69 II's. I always find it hard to differentiate between 59's and 69's.

I guess the First Type-59 were delivered without a storage cage, that why we will see some picture of Pakistani Type-59 with and with out a storage cage, secondly the first types were delivered with a 100 mm gun, the later one with a 105mm (L-7 which you have mentioned), compared with the Type-69IIM which has a bigger and a ca. larger all around the turret cage and two big headlights:

Here @DESERT FIGHTER @Signalian you seem to be Army men so can you name all these Tanks:

--compare the barrel-storage cage-headlight--


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