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Watched Last Night Mahaaz and man I was angry or pissed or I don't know what. But still Marines role needs to be changed from Security Guards to full on Army and raise their size massively and turn them into full Army and they should be trained to operate from Karachi to Siachin. As for the role they are doing now that should be handed over to MSA and Coast Guard.
We should be thankful to Pakistan Navy that they formed a force (PM) themselves instead of asking for Paramilitary troops like Rangers to provide security.
Until there is a need for an amphibious assault on enemy territory, pakistan marines will have a defensive role. Amphibious operations are much more complex than an airborne operation. Even India with a bigger navy than PN can afford to put one amphibious brigade in action.

Now if Pakistan had many islands around it coastline, which need to be occupied and installations like radars and monitoring systems are built up on those, then yes more Marines are required as Naval infantry to capture these islands and man equipment on them. If you have a look of Indian coastline, firstly its massive since its a peninsula, secondly there are islands around it that has presence of Indian Military on them.
E.g. open this link below to get an idea. These islands are in south east of India and India has military presence there.

There is another island in South of India, which is a country called Maldives. Indian Military has presence on this island. Read this:

check map

So when the situation is like above where Navy, amphibious forces and Air Force is required, the concept of warfare for Marines comes into play.

The geography of Pakistan makes operations suitable for ground forces to assault India from North in kashmir and West in Punjab and Sindh. There isnt a need to complicate matters by using amphibious forces to attack India from south/south west unless PN itself grows huge and massive and can sustain an amphibious operation.

However, PM should be expanded and provided heavy weapons so that:
1. The coastline can be defended without PA/paramilitary involvement.
2. The southern corridor, approachable by sea by India as in Creek area or even by marshy land like Rann of Kutch gets off the responsibility list of PA and 5 Corps can concentrate on defending/attacking the eastern border with India without worrying about getting flanked from southern side.

@Zarvan @Signalian @django @Starlord

You are right that India is not expecting an attack from the southern corridor. But that could be our opportunity to lead the Indian attention from Punjab and Kashmir frontline. My Idea is a light marine infantry Corps, we both had such a discussion in the past. That Corps should be equipped we with all necessary defensive weapon because our defense budget is restricted, the equipment weapon must be from our own production or retired military stocks.


Infiltrate and raid Indian military installations in south Gujarat through the Pakistani light Marine Corps

Destroy many enemy targets, create havoc in enemy lines, lead attention from the main front in Punjab, survive and retreat fast in save Pakistani territory

search and destroy operation in company size formations, using guerrilla tactics such as:hit and run, laying mines on main routes for the advancing Indians forces, sniping, strong camouflaging of equipment and man, surviving in creek areas for longer time to ly ambush on advancing Indian formations, moving only by night and main forces by foot or boats, mechanic forces (Trucks, pickups) will only be used in combinations with Tank and Mobile air defence (Manpads on Trucks)
Manpower of the Marine Corps
40.000 Marine highly motivated and trained personnel recruited from Sindh.
Anti-Tank warfare
300x ATGM Bakthar Shikan Missiles for anti Tank warfare and other hardened targets.
Air Defence
200-300 Anza II Manpads for air defense against the aggressive and mighty IAF presence from the Arabian Sea and in the Gujrat Sector.
12.7mm AA Gun in every military installation(Bunker, trench, buildings) vehicle and boats (water vehicle).
Retired Chinese 37mm AA Guns on Marine Corps defense installation for ground and air defensive purpose (can be acquired from retired Chinese stocks and upgraded in Pakistan by GIDS).


Tank Offensive
Firepower through retired Type-69IIM and Type-59IIM Tanks, armored and mechanic forces will only be used in concentration to destroy and attack bigger Indian formations.


Forming the Special Boat Squadron, Special Boat Service a la Iran and Britain


Light boats equipped with rocket launcher and 12.7mm AA Guns must produce in Pakistan Shipyards ( can be achieved easily, see the Iranian Marine Brigade)

Airborne Operations

Airborne special forces will land behind enemy lines at night and destroy many Indian targets as possible after that they will retreat very fast back in Pakistani territory. More CN-235 airplanes can be bought from Indonesia, we already 4 in service.

Calculating casualties and attrition

->70% of Tanks will be lost to aggressive, well equipped and overwhelming IAF.
->40% of the boat squadrons will be lost to aggressive, well equipped and overwhelming IAF.
->50% of the Transportplane squadrone will be lost to aggressive, well equipped and overwhelming IAF.
->50% of all mechanic Forces will be lost to aggressive, well equipped and overwhelming IAF.
->50% of the Manpower will be lost to aggressive, well equipped and overwhelming IAF.

Conclusion and Condition for the Operation-Kamikaze a laFedāʾiyān-e Eslām

In a total war scenario with India, the chance to survive for Pakistani Soldiers is very low, that must be told and educated to every Soldier before he will be recruited for the offensive operation against India,that will manifest the goal: "We will kill and destroy so many enemy targets before we will reach the status of a shaheed".
All attacking Pakistani Formations will write on the banners and uniform patches "Shaheed ya Ghazi Force
"to creat the absolute and high moral" of Jihad fi Sabi Allah.
The Chance to reach the Object and target (Destory many and more Indian targets before being killed) of the operation is 95%, because there is no other chance to survive for the country Pakistan.
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@Zarvan @Signalian @django @Starlord

You are right that India is not expecting an attack from the southern corridor. But that could be our opportunity to lead the Indian attention from Punjab and Kashmir. My Idea is a light marine infantry Corps, we both had such a discussion in the past. That Corps should be equipped we with all necessary defensive weapon because our defense budget is restricted, the equipment weapon must be from our own production or retired military stocks.


Infiltrate and raid Indian military installations in south Gujarat through the Pakistani light Marine Corps

Destroy many enemy targets, create havoc in enemy lines, lead attention from the main front in Punjab, survive and retreat fast in save Pakistani territory

search and destroy operation in company size formations, using guerrilla tactics such as:hit and run, laying mines on main routes for the advancing Indians forces, sniping, strong camouflaging of equipment and man, surviving in creek areas for longer time to ly ambush on advancing Indian formations, moving only by night and main forces by foot or boats, mechanic forces (Trucks, pickups) will only be used in combinations with Tank and Mobile air defence (Manpads on Trucks)
Manpower of the Marine Corps
40.000 Marine highly motivated and trained personnel recruited from Sindh.
Anti-Tank warfare
300x ATGM Bakthar Shikan Missiles for anti Tank warfare and other hardened targets.
Air Defence
200-300 Anza II Manpads for air defense against the aggressive and mighty IAF presence from the Arabian Sea and in the Gujrat Sector.
12.7mm AA Gun in every military installation(Bunker, trench, buildings) vehicle and boats (water vehicle).
Retired Chinese 37mm AA Guns on Marine Corps defense installation for ground and air defensive purpose (can be acquired from retired Chinese stocks and upgraded in Pakistan by GIDS).

Tank Offensive
Firepower through retired Type-69IIM and Type-59IIM Tanks, armored and mechanic forces will only be used in concentration to destroy and attack bigger Indian formations.

View attachment 434208

Forming the Special Boat Squadron, Special Boat Service a la Iran and Britain

Light boats equipped with rocket launcher and 12.7mm AA Guns must produce in Pakistan Shipyards ( can be achieved easily, see the Iranian Marine Brigade)

Airborne Operations

Airborne special forces will land behind enemy lines at night and destroy many Indian targets as possible after that they will retreat very fast back in Pakistani territory. More CN-235 airplanes can be bought from Indonesia, we already 4 in service.

Calculating casualties and attrition

->70% of Tanks will be lost to aggressive, well equipped and overwhelming IAF.
->40% of the boat squadrons will be lost to aggressive, well equipped and overwhelming IAF.
->50% of the Transportplane squadrone will be lost to aggressive, well equipped and overwhelming IAF.
->50% of all mechanic Forces will be lost to aggressive, well equipped and overwhelming IAF.
->50% of the Manpower will be lost to aggressive, well equipped and overwhelming IAF.

Conclusion and Condition for the Operation-Kamikaze a laFedāʾiyān-e Eslām

In a total war scenario with India, the chance to survive for Pakistani Soldiers is very low, that must be told and educated to every Soldier before he will be recruited for the offensive operation against India,that will manifest the goal: "We will kill and destroy so many enemy targets before we will reach the status of a shaheed".
All attacking Pakistani Formations will write on the banners and uniform patches "Shaheed ya Ghazi Force
"to creat the absolute and high moral" of Jihad fi Sabi Allah.
The Chance to reach the Object and target (Destory many and more Indian targets before being killed) of the operation is 95%, because there is no other chance to survive for the country Pakistan.
Hi Ulla,

Did the price of hash go down in Germany or it's the Oktoberfest?
Hi Ulla,

Did the price of hash go down in Germany or it's the Oktoberfest?

I think the Price for hash in germany is higher than in Pakistan, we must pay in euro, you should have more benefit from the low rupee price for Pakistani street marijuana! I prefer to stay on Marlboro red, what about you, did you have smoking experience with Niazi and Musharraf? If not I can give you some history notes !

"The Hamoodur Rahman Commission opined that General Niazi supervised the Betel leaf and imported paan using the official aircraft, from East Pakistan to Pakistan." just for your hash notes !

What was General Musharraf smoking to conduct Operation Badre a la failed Kargil? Was General Niazi smoking hash when he surrendered to India without firing a bullet ?
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Hi Ulla,

Did the price of hash go down in Germany or it's the Oktoberfest?

Generation hashish

The "Niazi corridor theory"
According to Pakistani author, Akbar S. Ahmed, Niazi had even hatched a far-fetched plan to "cross into India and march up the Ganges and capture Delhi and thus link up with Pakistan."

"General Niazi formulated a plan to defend the borders from the advancing Indian Army based on a "fortress concept" which mean converting the border towns and villages into the stronghold."

Do you smell hashish?
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Near LOC friend's friend who is teacher took his students to a unit close to LOC where they were shown weapons and other things

There are two sniper rifles that I can't make them out any more pics?
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