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Pakistan lodges strong protest with Norway over desecration of Holy Quran

Until intelligence agencies of Muslim countries start acting like MOSSAD and take these enemies out these protests are just waste of time.
What I can say is that this event is not known in Indonesia, both News TV and Newspaper doesnt make any story about this.

What I think is more serious is not this event but fitnah being made by some of them (Christian) about Islam and posted it in Youtube. Even there is youtube channel saying that Islam allow his follower to make sex with his own daughter and mother (actually after watching the video the content doesnt say exactly like the title so the title is also misleading)

And that channel use Arabic language to fool audience as if it is Quran or Hadish. This Youtube channel then is translated into Indonesian and posted by Indonesian channel. The channels that spread it of course anonymous since in our law this action can make them spent in jail. This is the tactic used by them, but of course not many Muslim know that since the viewer are mostly Christian as we know Youtube only show any video that may interest us based on what we are searching on Youtube.

The comment section on video like that is also full of insult to Islam and our prophet.

Christiana are more at Islam's throat than Jews and Atheists even though we have more in common just like with Judaism. It baffles me really.
Nothing will happen simple diplomatic stuff tbh, Europe is getting tired of cheap labor pool folks like us
On the contrary Europe still needs cheap labor. ..just many don't know the power of protest ...once you give it a label Europe will be in line coz they can't afford to be labelled after being aligned with Nazi style problems
Mubarak to all my Muslim / Brothers .
Following the disgrace of the Quran, a new law has been passed in Norway today

That book is not just any book . Its our Holy Book .lets what happens in india when they burn your ramayan

I would care more about Hindus getting killed than holy its books being burned. Holy books don't cease to exist because one is burned. Books can be easily replaced, people are not.

Until intelligence agencies of Muslim countries start acting like MOSSAD and take these enemies out these protests are just waste of time.

Is this even a serious reply? Do you want to reduce Islamaphobia or exacerbate it?
Doesn't it work rather well in America though?
YOu started it first. no one asked you to bring blacks to the country(salvery) OR take over others land(mexico/native Americans). in essence, multiculturalism is the disease white people brought on themselves for thinking they were going to succesfully take economic advantage of other unrelated people to make themselves and their country economically stronger. oh well. and u still havent paid reparations so pls dont even try to complain. cowards.
On the contrary Europe still needs cheap labor. ..just many don't know the power of protest ...once you give it a label Europe will be in line coz they can't afford to be labelled after being aligned with Nazi style problems
They got their labor from the Syrian refugees mostly now, they could care less about anyone else.

YOu started it first. no one asked you to bring blacks to the country(salvery) OR take over others land(mexico/native Americans). in essence, multiculturalism is the disease white people brought on themselves for thinking they were going to succesfully take economic advantage of other unrelated people to make themselves and their country economically stronger. oh well. and u still havent paid reparations so pls dont even try to complain. cowards.
I started it? One half of the white part of my family didn't come to America until the 1920s, and were probably slavs, and probably slaves themselves in Europe. The other half were dark Sardinians who wouldn't be called white by anyone today. Don't assume if you don't know.
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Pakistan lodges strong protest with Norway over desecration of Holy Quran
Web Desk On Nov 23, 2019

ISLAMABAD: The Ambassador of Norway was called to the Foreign office today to convey the deep concern of the government and people of Pakistan over the incident of desecration of the Holy Quran in the Norwegian city of Kristiansand.

Pakistan’s condemnation of this action wasreiterated. It was underscored that such actions hurt the sentiments of 1.3 billion Muslims around the world, including those in Pakistan. Furthermore, such actions could not be justified in the name of freedom of expression.

The Norwegian authorities were urged to bring those responsible to justice and to prevent the recurrence of any such incident in the future.

The Ambassador of Pakistan in Oslo has also been instructed to convey Pakistan’s protest and deep concern to the Norwegian authorities.

Earlier this week, a video surfaced on social media in which a man can be seen burning a copy of the Holy Quran during an anti-Islam rally.

While everybody looks on, a man whose identity is not known and social media is calling him Ilyas suddenly jumped over the fence and kicked the man.

Salute to brave #Ilyas for displaying courage to stop an absolutely deplorable action. Such Islamophobia based provocations only promote hatred & extremism. All religions are and must stay respectable. Islamophbia is threat to global peace and harmony.#TheGloriousQuran#Norway pic.twitter.com/CRahq5mazf

— Asif Ghafoor (@peaceforchange) November 22, 2019
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