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Pakistan lodges strong protest with Norway over desecration of Holy Quran

What difference does it make where he's from? Isn't him being Muslim enough for you guys?
Well, when the New Zealand shooting happened everybody celebrated one of the men who stopped him because he was Pakistani.
Great to see this. Thanks to Imran Khan.

More Muslim countries need to grow spine and show that we are serious about taking actions against countries who allow their people to use freedom as a tool to insult and defame our religion.

If someone burns American flag in America. Watch what happens to him. This is not any different. Especially, since many consider religion more important than nationality.
All this while Norwegian companies like TeleNor repatriate hundreds of Millions if not Billions of dollars from our countries (both Pakistan and Bangladesh).

I'm not saying we have to 'kick them in the kiester' or kick their businesses out of our countries. I'm saying call in their ambassador and lodge a strong protest like Pakistan did. Let them know we take this seriously and we consider this important.

Maybe also lodge a protest in the Hague, and a lawsuit in the International Supreme Court for events that can cause domestic disturbances in our countries, which it will (assured).

If countries like Indonesia, Turkey, Pakistan and Bangladesh take this seriously, then Norway will as well. Let them know what the price is for tolerating this in Norway.

Brother @Indos your thoughts.

What I can say is that this event is not known in Indonesia, both News TV and Newspaper doesnt make any story about this.

What I think is more serious is not this event but fitnah being made by some of them (Christian) about Islam and posted it in Youtube. Even there is youtube channel saying that Islam allow his follower to make sex with his own daughter and mother (actually after watching the video the content doesnt say exactly like the title so the title is also misleading)

And that channel use Arabic language to fool audience as if it is Quran or Hadish. This Youtube channel then is translated into Indonesian and posted by Indonesian channel. The channels that spread it of course anonymous since in our law this action can make them spent in jail. This is the tactic used by them, but of course not many Muslim know that since the viewer are mostly Christian as we know Youtube only show any video that may interest us based on what we are searching on Youtube.

The comment section on video like that is also full of insult to Islam and our prophet.
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Multiculturalism works. It is a lie of anyone saus it doesnt. The simple truth is that Europeans are intolerant and extremists. Which is why they attack the sentiments of minorities. These provoking attempts show their extremist mentality.

The same uncivilized Europeans colonized the Modern day America, and today America is one of the most tolerant nation on earth .Multiculturalism works better than nationalist approach, which gives EU WW2 and millions dead .
I think West and Jews have successeded in their conspiracies to prove to the world that killing a mosquito and a muslim is the same. And have successfully goaded muslims into becoming apologetics bending over more and more everyday to satisfy the atheistic values of gora golabal multi culturalism.

Doesn't help the fact that Muslims hate each other more than the non-Muslims do. Check out the bloodthirsty hatred Afghans have for Pakistan and Pakistanis. They have killed and harmed so many Pakistanis wheras the Zionists/Jews have killed 0 of our people.
Give the man an award and who cares if he’s Pakistani or Indian Arab or African
Real life hero .
They have killed millions of our people. You are apologetic and blind it is not fault of other muslims.

All the hatred was/is cultivated, nurtured and harvested by non muslims goras and jews in the form of Ataturk and T.E Lawrence.
The same uncivilized Europeans colonized the Modern day America, and today America is one of the most tolerant nation on earth .Multiculturalism works better than nationalist approach, which gives EU WW2 and millions dead .
Same Europeans committed genocide in America.

How many other countries filed anything ?

Or as usual it’s pak ?
Arabs are too busy sucking up to America
Muslims are being killed all over the place yet Pakistan gets worked up over a burning of a book. :what:
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