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Pakistan lodges strong protest with Norway over desecration of Holy Quran

I dont think statements carry weight I think your one of those dudes who sees Erdogan as "savior of the Muslim World" type while his nation is in NATO has American forces on their soil
You couldn't be more wrong.
Erdogan is a politician & I see him as such.He's as much of a savior of Muslims as leaders like MBS or Ayatollah are.
Only Muslim leaders I hold positive views about are IK, Mahathir Muhammad etc.
You couldn't be more wrong.
Erdogan is a politician & I see him as such.He's as much of a savior of Muslims as leaders like MBS or Ayatollah are.
Only Muslim leaders I hold positive views about are IK, Mahathir Muhammad etc.

Well you are repeating what I am basically saying in general no one gives j..ck s..t what Muslim countries say because we dont offer anything of interests besides resource extraction or rentier states for geo political aims
he might be flirting with the Russians and Chinese these days but looking at recent polls in Turkey at least 75-80 percent of Turks identify their nation as Secular
Turkey had flirted with Israel as well before.I know that.
I however, still am optimistic.
Something is better than nothing.
Thanks to Turkey & Pakistan for at least raising their voice regarding this issue while the rest of the Muslim word stay silent like the gutless cowards we are.

All this while Norwegian companies like TeleNor repatriate hundreds of Millions if not Billions of dollars from our countries (both Pakistan and Bangladesh).

I'm not saying we have to 'kick them in the kiester' or kick their businesses out of our countries. I'm saying call in their ambassador and lodge a strong protest like Pakistan did. Let them know we take this seriously and we consider this important.

Maybe also lodge a protest in the Hague, and a lawsuit in the International Supreme Court for events that can cause domestic disturbances in our countries, which it will (assured).

If countries like Indonesia, Turkey, Pakistan and Bangladesh take this seriously, then Norway will as well. Let them know what the price is for tolerating this in Norway.

Brother @Indos your thoughts.

The Gulf is counting cash as usual and doesn’t say anything.

You have to consider them as the petty businessmen dealing in wholesale goods 'BEFORE' they got the infusion of oil money from around them. I do. Asking them to think in bigger terms is a mistake.

Well you are repeating what I am basically saying in general no one gives j..ck s..t what Muslim countries say because we dont offer anything of interests besides resource extraction or rentier states for geo political aims

Telenor (cellphone company) is making hundreds of millions from Pakistan and Bangladesh every year - quietly. Like every other EU business. They bribe the respective heads of state and cause issues with any challenges.

They even made Dr. Eunoos back off who founded Grameenphone with Telenor. He was going to kick them out of Bangladesh.
Where are our Arab sheiks? Hiding in their oil fields? Not a word of condemnation. No wonder Modi receives medals.
You have to consider them as the petty businessmen dealing in wholesale goods 'BEFORE' they got the infusion of oil money from around them. I do. Asking them to think in bigger terms is a mistake.

Telenor (cellphone company) is making hundreds of millions from Pakistan and Bangladesh every year - quietly. Like every other EU business. They bribe the respective heads of state and cause issues with any challenges.

They even made Dr. Eunoos back off who founded Grameenphone with Telenor. He was going to kick them out of Bangladesh.[/QUOTE]

Then kick them out but who fill in China Mobile
You have to consider them as the petty businessmen dealing in wholesale goods 'BEFORE' they got the infusion of oil money from around them. I do. Asking them to think in bigger terms is a mistake.

Telenor (cellphone company) is making hundreds of millions from Pakistan and Bangladesh every year - quietly. Like every other EU business. They bribe the respective heads of state and cause issues with any challenges.

They even made Dr. Eunoos back off who founded Grameenphone with Telenor. He was going to kick them out of Bangladesh.

Then kick them out but who fill in China Mobile

I couldn't agree more. Get more Chinese alternatives in. Need to ban Telenor. Should send a message.
Pakistan lodges strong protest with Norway over desecration of Holy Quran
Web Desk On Nov 23, 2019

ISLAMABAD: The Ambassador of Norway was called to the Foreign office today to convey the deep concern of the government and people of Pakistan over the incident of desecration of the Holy Quran in the Norwegian city of Kristiansand.

Pakistan’s condemnation of this action wasreiterated. It was underscored that such actions hurt the sentiments of 1.3 billion Muslims around the world, including those in Pakistan. Furthermore, such actions could not be justified in the name of freedom of expression.

The Norwegian authorities were urged to bring those responsible to justice and to prevent the recurrence of any such incident in the future.

The Ambassador of Pakistan in Oslo has also been instructed to convey Pakistan’s protest and deep concern to the Norwegian authorities.

Earlier this week, a video surfaced on social media in which a man can be seen burning a copy of the Holy Quran during an anti-Islam rally.

While everybody looks on, a man whose identity is not known and social media is calling him Ilyas suddenly jumped over the fence and kicked the man.

Salute to brave #Ilyas for displaying courage to stop an absolutely deplorable action. Such Islamophobia based provocations only promote hatred & extremism. All religions are and must stay respectable. Islamophbia is threat to global peace and harmony.#TheGloriousQuran#Norway pic.twitter.com/CRahq5mazf

— Asif Ghafoor (@peaceforchange) November 22, 2019

Funny how all of the other Muslim countries are not complaining about this. Why Pakistan?............:disagree:
Doesn't it work rather well in America though?

It works in the United States because the constitution guarantees freedom (and practice) of religion. From the 1700's when the constitution was written.

This is a country of immigrants and conscious, deliberate efforts are made for multi-religious interfaith harmony. Especially in the face of extremist hate groups. Rabbis, Ulemas, Maulanas and Christian leaders all come together for their own good. Mosques and Islamic leaders play a big and active part.

All this while Norwegian companies like TeleNor repatriate hundreds of Millions if not Billions of dollars from our countries (both Pakistan and Bangladesh).

I'm not saying we have to 'kick them in the kiester' or kick their businesses out of our countries. I'm saying call in their ambassador and lodge a strong protest like Pakistan did. Let them know we take this seriously and we consider this important.

Maybe also lodge a protest in the Hague, and a lawsuit in the International Supreme Court for events that can cause domestic disturbances in our countries, which it will (assured).

If countries like Indonesia, Turkey, Pakistan and Bangladesh take this seriously, then Norway will as well. Let them know what the price is for tolerating this in Norway.

Brother @Indos your thoughts.

You have to consider them as the petty businessmen dealing in wholesale goods 'BEFORE' they got the infusion of oil money from around them. I do. Asking them to think in bigger terms is a mistake.

Telenor (cellphone company) is making hundreds of millions from Pakistan and Bangladesh every year - quietly. Like every other EU business. They bribe the respective heads of state and cause issues with any challenges.

They even made Dr. Eunoos back off who founded Grameenphone with Telenor. He was going to kick them out of Bangladesh.

Agreed vai.Countries like Bangladesh, Turkey, Malaysia, Indonesia can & should protest against this strongly as well.
These countries have the potential to be future voice of Muslims around the world.
Gulf Arabs & Iranians are too busy in their petty squabbles.
Is Ilyas Pakistani?
Looks like egyptian or kurd or palestinian. More like a kurd since Egyptians have forehead with hairs stretched back from either ends of forehead mostly and Palestinians generally stay away from facial hair such as beards
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