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Thousands protest over Bangladesh Quran burnings


Dec 31, 2010
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Thousands protest over Bangladesh Quran burnings​

By AFPToday, 4:05 pm

Thousands of people mounted furious protests after dozens of Qurans were burned in Muslim-majority Bangladesh, leaving several officers injured, police say.

Police fired rubber bullets and tear gas to disperse a crowd of “at least 10,000 people” overnight from Sunday to Monday as they tried to attack the two men accused of destroying the holy books, police officer Ajbahar Ali Shaikh tells AFP.

Another police officer says at least 14 policemen were injured in the clashes, but did not have details of injuries among protesters.

The two men were arrested in the northeastern city of Sylhet — one of the most conservative parts of Bangladesh — and said that they had burned the Qurans as they were “very old and some had printing mistakes.”

Shaikh, naming the accused as school principal Nurur Rahman and Mahbub Alam, said police had “seized 45 copies of the burned Quran.”

Some Muslim scholars say disposing of a Quran that is no longer usable is permissible if done respectfully.

The two men were arrested in the northeastern city of Sylhet — one of the most conservative parts of Bangladesh — and said that they had burned the Qurans as they were “very old and some had printing mistakes.”

Shaikh, naming the accused as school principal Nurur Rahman and Mahbub Alam, said police had “seized 45 copies of the burned Quran.”

Some Muslim scholars say disposing of a Quran that is no longer usable is permissible if done respectfully.
Some idiots made a mountain out of a molehill.
I do not know how accurate the above report is but there is precedence in Islam of burning inaccurate copies of the Qur'an for the purpose of preservation:

I am apalled at the naivety of modern day Muslims. This is why I say we need to stop breeding like rats and focus on human development, i.e., quality over quantity. Learn from the Jews!
Fantastic BAL trick! BAL used it's final weapon to show the west that Bangladeshi are fanatics!

However I hope it won't work anymore! BAL and all of it's tricks are backdated , and years old!

However I'm afraid that people's focus will be diverted to this , instead of throwing out the fascist regime! So the regime might last few months longer than expection , LMAO!

I am apalled at the naivety of modern day Muslims. This is why I say we need to stop breeding like rats and focus on human development, i.e., quality over quantity. Learn from the Jews!
Completely agree! If we can focus on human development, instead of breeding like rats , surely no one will be able to use us as pawn of their purpose!
Some idiots made a mountain out of a molehill.

The two men were arrested in the northeastern city of Sylhet — one of the most conservative parts of Bangladesh — and said that they had burned the Qurans as they were “very old and some had printing mistakes.”

In Pakistan mostly Wahhabis ( Ahlul Hadith, Deobandi) burn Quran if is old, especially torn, while Sunni (Barelvis) make grave and put that old, torn Quran in that grave.
Some idiots made a mountain out of a molehill.
Following the footsteps of brother pakistan . Very soon they will be at par with pakistan one dollar equal to 300 taka .
One 20 years old english teacher was shot dead for rumour of blasphemy in balochistan pakistan .
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Following the footsteps of brother pakistan . Very soon they will be at par with pakistan one dollar equal to 300 taka .
One 20 years old english teacher was shot dead for rumour of blasphemy in balochistan pakistan .

I agree these issues are in Pakistan

Plz start watching Facebook Reel.
Same happening in India but between Hindus and Muslims.

Same and even worst will be happening in India in few years.

Also check what is happening in Manipur, UP.

Dalit is another issue. Pissing on Dalit OK?

Some Hindus even started Raping Cows.
Following the footsteps of brother pakistan . Very soon they will be at par with pakistan one dollar equal to 300 taka .
One 20 years old english teacher was shot dead for rumour of blasphemy in balochistan pakistan .

This has been happening in BD since the creation.
I agree these issues are in Pakistan

Plz start watching Facebook Reel.
Same happening in India but between Hindus and Muslims.

Same and even worst will be happening in India in few years.

Also check what is happening in Manipur, UP.

Dalit is another issue. Pissing on Dalit OK?

Some Hindus even started Raping Cows.
Religion is like opium , it intoxicates human minds .it is spreading in our country also .
This is why I say we need to stop breeding like rats and focus on human development, i.e., quality over quantity. Learn from the Jews!

It’s not either or, they are being fruitful and multiply as instructed in the Torah, while doing their best to raise the kids as well as possible within their means.

We should do both as well, quality and quantity.

Without proper spending on education and job opportunities for both men but especially women, birth rates won’t come down, because children in underdeveloped areas are cheap labor and a retirement plan for parents, while in cities where maximizing a child’s development requires parents to focus on fewer children. It’s the difference between the R-Type and K-Type Reproductive strategies, respectively.

Religion is like opium , it intoxicates human minds .it is spreading in our country also .
That is not the purpose of religion. Who says this has lost the meaning and purpose of religion. Simply put, Religion is not meant to be a fanclub.

We can say politics is opium of the masses in many developing cultures. They easily become agitated and violent, such as in South Asia. I find that very bewildering.

In America election days are calm like any other day. The only indication that election is approaching is some people put pictures of their favorite candidate in front of their houses. You will hardly see posters anywhere else and no fanatical rallies. We can say sports is opium of the masses too, for example, soccer hooliganism in Europe.
Apparently 10k people turned up at the protest and it's not covered by any MSM on their front page?

2 kaudi ka media learnt so much from Pakistan
That is not the purpose of religion. Who says this has lost the meaning and purpose of religion. Simply put, Religion is not meant to be a fanclub.

We can say politics is opium of the masses in many developing cultures. They easily become agitated and violent, such as in South Asia. I find that very bewildering.

In America election days are calm like any other day. The only indication that election is approaching is some people put pictures of their favorite candidate in front of their houses. You will hardly see posters anywhere else and no fanatical rallies. We can say sports is opium of the masses too, for example, soccer hooliganism in Europe.
Religion is not that important in America there are other diseases .but it is very dangerous in asia and africa . A lot of manslaughter is going on in these continents in the name of religion . Only china is free from such insanity .
Religion is not that important in America there are other diseases .but it is very dangerous in asia and africa . A lot of manslaughter is going on in these continents in the name of religion . Only china is free from such insanity .
Among Western countries, Americans are the most religious. The Evangelical movement, which is like political Christianity, is strong. No other Western country has that. However, there are neutral principles on which America is founded reflected in the Constitution which they take very seriously, along with the Bill of Rights. No matter who wins elections their political freedom and human rights are guaranteed.
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