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Pakistan Is Taking a Dark Turn. It's Time for a New USA Policy.

Please do us all how have they Tracked the locations, please do tell us all!!
This is a joke. Bhutto said "eat grass to get nukes". If only he knew that after getting nukes we would still have people behaving like weaklings he would said let's stick to kebabs, karai, pilau, zarda. I guess there is no therepy for cowardice.

On the subject of nukes. However efficient US is it can never guarantee that if it came to it they could take out every Pak nuke. This only happens in movies. In the real world there is too much slip between the teacup and lips. No US chief could give a US President guarantee that he could take out every Pak nuke. He might say "most can be taken out". Therefore US would face a probably or possible nuclear attack against it's interests. In addition Pakistan could easily transfer nukes to countries hostile to US like Iran. A sort of replay of AQ Khan v2.0. The United States would sober up and never face this nightmare. It would seek politcal solution with Pakistan.

Iran does not even have nukes but do you notice a whole raft of countries have been taken down by US but Iran despite the rhetoric has thus far not been attacked. The reason is Iran is no walk over. The Yanks know this.
No it is not. USA can be incredibly beneficial ally. It depends on how the recipient country handles the relationship and how interests converge. There are whole gamut of countries that have stood up thanks to US largesse. The list is -

South Korea
A very balanced argument but u r presenting 1 side of picture.. after Rome perhaps US has lots of influence on almost every country but picking a few is not the representation of whole cadre.. second thing is most countries which u mentioned were countries having established their societies n their institutions n remaining were the compulsion of US as if it didn't help them developed then its rivals would get them developed specifically SK, Singapore etc.
In pak scenario, unfortunately v have different type of relationship wd US. V r continuously the part of US interest in region since 47..
Who? USSR? Cuba, North Korea did not do well. Indeed USSR itself did not do all that well either.
Yeah definitely but u know after USSR fall it had 2 b happened because the world had become unipolar. Its institution, culture, structure, influence,say,in short everything was made or under the control of US. Whoseoever defeated in war, defeated n its allies don't get what the winner n its allies get..so if u compare the period b4 USSR fall thn u will c the difference..i m not saying tht they were paradise but Ussr helped its feriends.. even nowadays, who stand beside Syria..?
I m saying this bcz a very renowned American once said tht Us ally doesn't get benefited much...
They were willing to strike at DPRK not long ago. Were you paying attention? I can show you videos and explain entire chain-of-events.

Do you know that Kim Jong-Un actually wrote a letter to Donald Trump, to start negotiations?

Israel has BMDS in place, and it works. US can reinforce its defenses before taking action against Pakistan.

Please come out the shell of self-assumed invincibility. Pakistan is no superpower.

Nuclear world war is inevitable. As for all the hypothesis on USA destroying Pakistan without any consequences whatsoever, time will tell.
Nuclear world war is inevitable. As for all the hypothesis on USA destroying Pakistan without any consequences whatsoever, time will tell.
I hope this never materialize.

Of-course, to say their is no deterrence would be false. US might decisively defeat Pakistan in a war, but huge number of people will die and the thought of nuclear weapons flying around do give politicians a pause. They were willing to strike at DPRK not long ago, but their is a huge history of hostility behind. Nevertheless, DPRK realized that it would face the music alone in the end. Every patronizing force would slip through.

My point is that we are strong but not in the league of big players. Just excercise good diplomacy and avoid big-power games. Do not let (any) country use you.

We can live with dignity without being suicidal.
And we can survive without bending over for USA as well.

But you are suggesting otherwise in every other post.
Living with dignity without being suicidal imply the same: we can survive without [unnecessarily] bending over for to any country.

Do you think our relationship with China is not lopsided? We do not bend the rules for them? We do not go out of our way to appease them?

Some members trying to pretend they are more patriotic than me but I am just as patriotic. Most of you are keyboard warriors in reality.

Bahaut shouq hai US ko confront karney kay to pura karr key dekh lo. You will see how their enmity pans out. My point is simple - we will be alone in this. All so-called allies will slip through when the time comes.

1. Recall 2001 situation.
2. Recall FATF grey list episode.
3. Keep in mind the state of economy.

Nutters. Batein aisey karte hain jaisey Pakistan nahin USSR hain.

Study Surah al-Isra.
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Living with dignity without being suicidal imply the same: we can survive without [unnecessarily] bending over for to any country.

Do you think our relationship with China is not lopsided? We do not bend the rules for them? We do go out of our way to appease them?

Some members trying to pretend they are more patriotic than me but I am just as patriotic. Most of you are keyboard warriors in reality.

Bahaut shouq hai US ko confront karney kay to pura karr key dekh lo. You will see how their enmity pans out. My point is simple - we will be alone in this. All so-called allies will slip through when the time comes.

Recall FATF grey list episode.

It is the USA threatening Pakistan all the time, not the other way around.

We bent the rules long enough for USA. No more.

Alliance has ended for reasons, the major being the divergence of interests and the proxy war imposed on us by this rotten ally of the past.

China has never had a war with us and never imposed sanctions on us either.

USA has declared a policy to contain China and Russia, and we will not be part of that policy.

You can scaremonger all you desire, it won't work.
It is the USA threatening Pakistan all the time, not the other way around.

We bent the rules long enough for USA. No more.

Alliance has ended for reasons, the major being the divergence of interests and the proxy war imposed on us by this rotten ally of the past.

China has never had a war with us and never imposed sanctions on us either.

USA has declared a policy to contain China and Russia, and we will not be part of that policy.

You can scaremonger all you desire, it won't work.
I am not into scaremongering but stating pure unadulterated facts.

We handed over a chunk of Kashmir to China on a silver plate, as a goodwill guesture. We set a positive tone with China from the get-go. I am all for having good relations with China but against turning into its poodle. Pakistan should not be poodle of any country be it US, China or Russia.

Talk of dignity works when your country is truly independent in its character. Pakistan is unfortunately not and others know this. However, we can strive for our desirable ends.

We are equally responsible for our diplomatic fallout with US. Even SMQ noted and stated as much, recently. For years, we did not appoint an ambassador to US. Is this how you manage foreign policy?

Whatsoever US decides for Russia and China, is not our concern. We are not a hired gun of China or Russia. Maintain your relations with all big players and be a voice of reason in their spates.

Pakistan cannot afford full-blown confrontation with US, period. Like this or not - this is the reality. All the tough talk will evaporate once they decide to call the shots.

We need to fix our diplomatic problems with US and give it a graceful exit from Afghanistan. And make sure that Afghanistan doesn't do anything stupid again.
I am not into scaremongering but stating pure unadulterated facts.

We handed over a chunk of Kashmir to China on a silver plate, as a goodwill guesture. We set a positive tone with China from the get-go. I am all for having good relations with China but against turning into its poodle. Pakistan should not be poodle of any country be it US, China or Russia.

Talk of dignity works when your country is truly independent in its character. Pakistan is unfortunately not and others know this. However, we can strive for our desirable ends.

We are equally responsible for our diplomatic fallout with US. Even SMQ noted and stated as much, recently. For years, we did not appoint an ambassador to US. Is this how you manage foreign policy?

Whatsoever US decides for Russia and China, is not our concern. We are not a hired gun of China or Russia. Maintain your relations with all big players and be a voice of reason in their spates.

Pakistan cannot afford full-blown confrontation with US, period. Like this or not - this is the reality. All the tough talk will evaporate once they decide to call the shots.

We need to fix our diplomatic problems with US and give it a graceful exit from Afghanistan. And make sure that Afghanistan doesn't do anything stupid again.

Pakistan will not be part of US policy to contain China.

That's the end of it. Get that past your thick skin!

Your propaganda of submission to USA will not work, even if you post a thesis on it here.
Pakistan will not be part of US policy to contain China.

That's the end of it. Get that past your thick skin!

Your propaganda of submission to USA will not work, even if you post a thesis on it here.
It doesn't need to. Never said we should.

Pakistan will not a be hired gun for any country. Scores of Pakistani (including me) will make sure of this.

If China wants us to confront US on its behalf - we will not.

If US wants us to confront China on its behalf - we will not.

Balance and independence.
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I did pharmacy at the University of Bradford, UK
he was chancellor there

Good to see him PM. Much more to him than what the first paragraph of this bullshit articles claims. Most of us know that.....well respected in the UK too.
It doesn't need to. Never said we should.

Pakistan will not a be hired gun for any country. Scores of Pakistani (including me) will make sure of this.

Pakistan will complete CPEC with China, and secure this trade and energy corridor by giving Chinese a naval base if need be. We will give Chinese airforce a base too, if need be. Even if that requires giving Gwadar on a lease. We bought it, we can lease it too!

We will do what's in our best interests. We will make alliances of our choice.

USA and their puppets (inc you) will neither scare nor bully us into submission to do their dirty work.

Coming target is to shut down all CIA sponsored media houses.
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