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Pakistan Is Taking a Dark Turn. It's Time for a New USA Policy.

Now this is the correct way to address an argument. Thank you.

A great white shark is not a weak animal by any measure. However, an Orca will eviscerate it in a fight, still.

Pakistan is a 'strong' regional power but not a near-peer adversary to US in a fight. There is a massive asymmetry in the capabilities of the two countries in almost any domain. This is the harsh truth we need to come to terms to.

India is our neighbor and vulnerable to our strikes accordingly. However, this is not the case with US. And no! Pakistan doesn't have the firepower to wipe a huge country from the map. Pakistan and India do not have thermonuclear weapons in their arsenal. It will take several nuclear strikes to level Delhi alone.

No! A war with Pakistan will not have catastrophic consequences for the US. This is your imagination, not a reality. US threatened Pakistan in fair and clear terms of dire consequences in 2001, and Pakistan capitulated to the pressure at the time. US now threatened North Korea in fair and clear terms of dire consequences in 2017, and North Korea have got the memo. The two are talking now.

US is not India, and does not have similar set of vulnerabilities vis-a-vis Pakistan.

This is a fairly illogical assessment. Yes, we are a dynamic opponent but we have a fair amount of capacity constraints as well. What advancements Pakistan have to counter any technological edge they may have in their weapon systems? Please tell me.

Some are yet to come to terms to the incident of Abbottabad. We cook all kinds of excuses and narratives to hush embarrassing developments. I hope you have read Abbottabad Commission Report.

Immediately you are wrong:" Pakistan and India do not have thermonuclear weapons in their arsenal. ".
I suggest you go and re-evaluate your knowledge base or source of information.

I bet you are one of those guys who believes Iran does not have nuclear weapons too?
If somebody is born with 3 legs, it's due to a genetic defect; hence, much inferior....
So what is the criteria of power here? Bullets every one has them. Bombs every one has them. Numbers we all have them. So how is USA great? They only show a face of strength using media and nothing more.

This is a good story by Ghullam Abbas a short and good piece of literature. If you have time read it. The summary is on the link below.

So what is the criteria of power here? Bullets every one has them. Bombs every one has them. Numbers we all have them. So how is USA great? They only show a face of strength using media and nothing more.

This is a good story by Ghullam Abbas a short and good piece of literature. If you have time read it. The summary is on the link below.

The Chinese folks figured it out vis-à-vis the USA a long time back!!!!
The Chinese folks figured it out vis-à-vis the USA a long time back!!!!
Many figured them out long time back and many know how to tackle them. USA is not an alien species it can be handled. Chinese folks did a good job understanding them. The long game is now coming to an end. This is the silence before the storm but it depends is this storm is really necessary.
Immediately you are wrong:" Pakistan and India do not have thermonuclear weapons in their arsenal. ".
I suggest you go and re-evaluate your knowledge base or source of information.
Seismic recording of nuclear explosions carried out by both Pakistan and India disclose fairly low yield designs in the inventory of both. The rest are cooked-up fairytales for propaganda purposes.


The largest nuke in our inventory is likely 35 KT (at most 50 KT) based on hinted examples in relevant articles but no testing record to prove these accomplishments. If you examine the evolution of our ballistic missiles in technical ways, you will notice a gradual trend in miniaturization of the warheads (top cones becoming smaller in order to reduce their RCS). This suggest that either the warheads are increasingly low-yield or increasingly efficient while not loosing their potency.

Nevertheless, Pakistan is clearly showing the intent to develop low-yield tactical nukes (TNW) to counter Indian COLD START doctrine of warfare. FYI: https://carnegieendowment.org/2016/...apons-and-their-impact-on-stability-pub-63911

Please understand;

US and Russia - each have literally tested hundreds of varying nuclear weapon designs over the course of years, and only then, each was able to devise credible miniaturized thermonuclear weapon designs. You need to push the envelope through testing in these matters and/or even in standard Industrial methods of production.

I bet you are one of those guys who believes Iran does not have nuclear weapons too?
Iran doesn't have them, TBH.

Iranian opened its nuclear facilities to IAEA for inspections in 2014.

Seismic recording of nuclear explosions carried out by both Pakistan and India disclose fairly low yield designs in the inventory of both. The rest are cooked-up fairytales for propaganda purposes.


The largest nuke in our inventory is likely 35 KT (at most 50 KT) based on hinted examples in relevant articles but no testing record to prove these accomplishments. If you examine the evolution of our ballistic missiles in technical ways, you will notice a gradual trend in miniaturization of the warheads (top cones becoming smaller in order to reduce their RCS). This suggest that either the warheads are increasingly low-yield or increasingly efficient while not loosing their potency.

Nevertheless, Pakistan is clearly showing the intent to develop low-yield tactical nukes (TNW) to counter Indian COLD START doctrine of warfare. FYI: https://carnegieendowment.org/2016/...apons-and-their-impact-on-stability-pub-63911

Please understand;

US and Russia - each have literally tested hundreds of varying nuclear weapon designs over the course of years, and only then, each was able to devise credible miniaturized thermonuclear weapon designs. You need to push the envelope through testing in these matters and/or even in standard Industrial methods of production.

Iran doesn't have them, TBH.

Iranian opened its nuclear facilities to IAEA for inspections in 2014.


Above ground tests are only for show now and cold tests/ simulations are adequate. Rest Assured Pakistan has the H-Bombs, neutron bombs in it's arsenal and the delivery systems to launch them if required.
Above ground tests are only for show now and cold tests/ simulations are adequate. Rest Assured Pakistan has the H-Bombs, neutron bombs in it's arsenal and the delivery systems to launch them if required.
He is trolling and fishing for info. Nothing more he knows nothing about nuclear testing. Lol
Many figured them out long time back and many know how to tackle them. USA is not an alien species it can be handled. Chinese folks did a good job understanding them. The long game is now coming to an end. This is the silence before the storm but it depends is this storm is really necessary.
Yes, US is not alien species and can be handled. The rest is cheap talk. There is no 'many' in knowing how to tackle them. They are beyond 'our' capacity to handle due to considerable asymmetry in the industrial output and R&D investments of the two countries. Do you think you can outrace Audi A6 while in Suzuki Alto?

China is a superpower with megatons of nuclear firepower at its disposal, and a huge industry to boot. It have a fairly large inventory of ICBM and SLBM which can reach US mainland in a fight. However, even Chinese authorities are gravely concerned about advancements in American military muscle and defenses in recent years because they fear a major upset in strategic balance accordingly. Chinese defense budget have shot up to 175 billion USD [per year] in recent years, and 2nd highest in the world right now.

Much of our nuclear weapons capability is based on Chinese input but our options are massively constrained by our budget and lack of R&D. Budget, quality of education and brilliant minds make difference - cheap talk doesn't.

Above ground tests are only for show now and cold tests/ simulations are adequate. Rest Assured Pakistan has the H-Bombs, neutron bombs in it's arsenal and the delivery systems to launch them if required.
Do we have supercomputers on the level of US? Some people say that we have developed Taimur ICBM as well, but haven't tested one yet. We learn a great many things from China, mind you, but our budget is very very limited. Whatever we have, we have no issue in testing it. Pakistan isn't even a signatory to CTBT.

A great deal of disinformation floating around. One of my relatives who have lived in Chasma told me that we are producing like 3000 nukes per month. I was totally dumbstruck by his statement because he probably misunderstood something.

Food for thought:

"Indeed, Department of Energy officials say they know from experience that the more underground tests that are done, the more data they have for their computers and the better their computer simulations will be. And even though computers can approximate what a weapon might do, researchers agree that the best way to perfect a nuclear weapon is to test the real thing."

He is trolling and fishing for info. Nothing more he knows nothing about nuclear testing. Lol
Sincerely, I do not need to. You think you some big shot but you honestly do not know the people here.
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Yes, US is not alien species and can be handled. The rest is cheap talk. There is no 'many' in knowing how to tackle them. They are beyond 'our' capacity to handle due to considerable asymmetry in the industrial output and R&D investments of the two countries. Do you think you can outrace Audi A6 while in Suzuki Alto?

China is a superpower with megatons of nuclear firepower at its disposal, and a huge industry to boot. It have a fairly large inventory of ICBM and SLBM which can reach US mainland in a fight. However, even Chinese authorities are gravely concerned about advancements in American military muscle and defenses in recent years because they fear a major upset in strategic balance accordingly. Chinese defense budget have shot up to 175 billion USD [per year] in recent years, and 2nd highest in the world right now.

Much of our nuclear weapons capability is based on Chinese input but our options are massively constrained by our budget and lack of R&D. Budget, quality of education and birll make difference - cheap talk doesn't.

And I shall take your word for it?

I have seen people talking nonsense to my face. One of my relatives who have lived in Chasma told me that we are producing like 3000 nukes per month. I was totally dumbstruck by his statement because he probably misunderstood something.

Sincerely, I do not need to. You think you some big shot but you honestly do not know the people here.

Here enjoy

Many figured them out long time back and many know how to tackle them. USA is not an alien species it can be handled. Chinese folks did a good job understanding them. The long game is now coming to an end. This is the silence before the storm but it depends is this storm is really necessary.
If Munkar and Nakir ask, "Who's your LORD?" Should the answer be "The USA"????? Nauzubillah!!! Hasha Summe Hasha!!!!!
If Munkar and Nakir ask, "Who's your LORD?" Should the answer be "The USA"????? Nauzubillah!!! Hasha Summe Hasha!!!!!
Lol USA. Times have changed people know the actual reality of USA. Every shiny thing is not gold. USA is not a super power the order has shifted. The desperation of trump as taken off the mask of USA. For 17 years USA has not been able to defeat people fighting USA with stick and stones in Afghanistan.

Hazrat Ali. "Don't be a slave when Allah has created you free."
If Munkar and Nakir ask, "Who's your LORD?" Should the answer be "The USA"????? Nauzubillah!!! Hasha Summe Hasha!!!!!
Since you bringing religion in this discussion then keep in mind this fact: Islam is a pan-national social order, and is NOT about Pakistan, Turkey or Saudi Arabia. These are modern-era constructs, grounded in human conception of nation-states. Made in British Empire.

Allah Almighty is the one true lord of the Earth and the heavens, and not just Pakistan. Allah Almighty judge a populace on the basis of its deeds. If a nation is corrupt, Allah Almighty may not spare it.

Read this surah: https://quran.com/17

And We conveyed to the Children of Israel in the Scripture that, "You will surely cause corruption on the earth twice, and you will surely reach [a degree of] great haughtiness. (Surah Al-Isra; verse 4)

So when the [time of] promise came for the first of them, We sent against you servants of Ours - those of great military might, and they probed [even] into the homes, and it was a promise fulfilled. (Surah Al-Isra; verse 5)

Besides corruption, Allah Almighty dislike promotion of falsehood and lack of humbleness in attitudes.

And do not walk upon the earth exultantly. Indeed, you will never tear the earth [apart], and you will never reach the mountains in height. (Surah al-Isral verse 37)

Very telling. Read the entire Surah.


[Adhere to it], turning in repentance to Him, and fear Him and establish prayer and do not be of those who associate others with Allah (Surah Ar-Rum; verse 31)

[Or] of those who have divided their religion and become sects, every faction rejoicing in what it has. (Surah Ar-Rum; verse 32)


Sincerely, what is the condition of modern-era Muslims? Everything that is wrong with mankind in general, can be easily attributed to modern-era Muslims.

We curse US for bullying our nations, but do we study Holy Quran and draw lessons from it?

If Allah Almighty wills it, US will destroy our countries. If not, we will be safe.

However, none of us is answerable for the fate of Pakistan or Turkey or otherwise. We will be answerable for our own deeds in the end. So yes, fear ALLAH ALMIGHTY.

I will leave a hint: STRENGTH in UNITY and EDUCATION.

Rest is noise and bluster - of which you will encounter ample here.
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