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Pakistan Is Taking a Dark Turn. It's Time for a New USA Policy.

and this is called tact and hikmat diplomacy not Cowardice or bootlicking

Our diplomatic posture and skills are improving. Hoping for the best.

Extremists in both camps will definitely create problems, but saner voices should not play their game. Indians also tend to stoke tensions; their dream is to isolate Pakistan in international stage, and destabilize our country to a degree that it implode. This should not be our fate.
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Our diplomatic posture and skills are improving. Hoping for the best.

Extremists in both camps will definitely create problems, but saner voices should not play their game. Indians also tend to stoke tensions; their dream is to isolate Pakistan in international stage, and destabilize our country to a degree that it implode. This should not be our fate.
It won't be insha Allah we are in good hands.
With respect i have to add that if Uncle bully sam is aware of Pak nukes then they also knew the location of N.korean nukes but still failed to do anything.

Kim sent one missile test flying over japan still they didnt do anything. What we see here is trump is engaging kim in talks. While the countries you aforementioned didnt have deadly toys hence destroyed. Bashar is lucky he have russia


North Korea is going to be a future 'christian' nation---the american style 'christian' nation---evangelical style---. I have stated that multiple times.

Just the name " Iran " is a death sentence for Pakistan---. If pakistan chose to side with Iran---then it does not deserve to be a free nation---as death and destruction would reign down on it---.

Openly partnering with russia and china is also not possible---. Pakistan needs to learn to talk to the americans in the manner they deserve to be talked to---.

And Pakistan and pakistanis have no clue as of yet how to talk back to the americans---.

That is one of the main problems. Every leader in Pak has his relatives in US or UK. India gets away with Iran by making some symbolic changes and US can cry a river.
i think there is more to it than meets the eye.


Americans are a fascinating people---one must never forget that---.

Once they know that they know what they want to know---then they can plan to counter it when they want to---.

Otherwise---they don't see the need to stir up the hornets nest---. They still need to control india---if Pak is neutered---then India is out of control---.
Typical American article with cliched phrases.

For several years now, well-founded accusations of complicity in incubating and supporting terrorism have existed against the Pakistani government by the United States, India, Afghanistan, and even certain domestic constituencies within the country itself.

Read these lines again. A narrative on Pakistan has been built in a decade and a half and commodity like 'intellectuals', journalists and corrupt politicians who have properties abroad have been brought on board to do this propaganda against Pakistan as a country. In this game, USA, Afghanistan and India are all united in hate towards Pakistan. So India and Afghanistan dont add weight to this argument against us but actually lose credibility in singing America's songs.

Americans are a fascinating people---one must never forget that---.

Once they know that they know what they want to know---then they can plan to counter it when they want to---.

Otherwise---they don't see the need to stir up the hornets nest---. They still need to control india---if Pak is neutered---then India is out of control---.

You are giving them too much credit. Most of their policies in the last 2 decades have been absolute failures.
Typical American article with cliched phrases.

Read these lines again. A narrative on Pakistan has been built in a decade and a half and commodity like 'intellectuals', journalists and corrupt politicians who have properties abroad have been brought on board to do this propaganda against Pakistan as a country. In this game, USA, Afghanistan and India are all united in hate towards Pakistan. So India and Afghanistan dont add weight to this argument against us but actually lose credibility in singing America's songs.

IK is going to deconstruct these myths, in sha Allah. I am looking forward to his speeches at the UN and also meetings with other leaders. Resurgent Pakistan is here and everyone knows it. Our enemies are re-adjusting their strategies because their previous ones have failed to keep Pakistan under control.
my advice to my beloved leader imran khan and to my beloved fellow countrymen is that we should not embarrassed usa publicly as we did by that tweet lest we find ourselves in an avoidable(unnecessary) but insurmountable economic difficulties.

We can't let them go on with their lies and pressure our country. Pakistan is no longer a US client, we don't have to act like slaves. We can talk to each other with respect and honesty.

North Korea is going to be a future 'christian' nation---the american style 'christian' nation---evangelical style---. I have stated that multiple times.

That may well be the case in future but today is not that day!
You are giving them too much credit. Most of their policies in the last 2 decades have been absolute failures.


How do you know they did not want it to end this way---. 3 major muslim countries destroyed---. Russia under severe sanctions---Iran under sanctions---.

Issues created in china---. So---to me it seems like---it is working as US wanted it---.

Understand and learn---the american perception of victory is totally different---.

How do you know they did not want it to end this way---. 3 major muslim countries destroyed---. Russia under severe sanctions---Iran under sanctions---.

Issues created in china---. So---to me it seems like---it is working as US wanted it---.

Understand and learn---the american perception of victory is totally different---.

What did all of that cost the economy and political stability of the country?

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