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Pakistan is not a failed state

and bcuz of that as my CO used to say "we are a peoples - not a nation" until we have a strong democracy.

I agree with you, Pakistan needs a strong and unselfish democracy. I think whole population of Pakistan should come together and form a new democratic government who can take nation on progressive path. And population of Pakistan shoould fiercely deny the agressiveness in society. I hope this will certainly give greater stability and prosperity to whole south east asia. Pakistan is an important nation in this reason.

Also note that Pakistan should give a full chance to democracy and should not expect a magical result. A long term democracy will will create strong tradition.

My best wishes to Pakistan and its people.
I agree with you, Pakistan needs a strong and unselfish democracy. I think whole population of Pakistan should come together and form a new democratic government who can take nation on progressive path. And population of Pakistan shoould fiercely deny the agressiveness in society. I hope this will certainly give greater stability and prosperity to whole south east asia. Pakistan is an important nation in this reason.

Also note that Pakistan should give a full chance to democracy and should not expect a magical result. A long term democracy will will create strong tradition.

My best wishes to Pakistan and its people.

I like what you have said. You see democracy takes time we have tried democracy many times but our politicans are very selfish and only worry about their bank balances. Now another reason Pakistan has had trouble with democracy is because our roots aren't storng. For example India, during India's baby years and especially its first year it was led by Nehru, Ghandhi was around but in my opinion his ideas could not be used to govern a nation, now I am not insulting Ghandhi and if you think I am I apologize. Nehru worked extensivly to get a constitution ready and he had one in about a year. Now the case with Pakistan is very different. Quaid-I-Azam only lived for a year in Pakistan and all we have about him concering laws are his speeches, they are very good and can be used to govern the people but they have not been used. Now in my opinion after Quaid-I-Azam if it was one man who could of given saved Pakistan in Saheed-I-Millat Prime Minister Nawabzada Laiquat Ali Khan Sahib. But you see Pakistan had many problem during the time of the partition much more then India which I dont want to get to, so because of these problems our leaders couldn't focus on building a Constitution. Now in my opinion and I could be wrong the reason why the Indian Army has never taken over the government is because to take over they would be challenging Nehru's laws and someone like him no one wants to challenge in India because the man commands so much respect. Now the same can be said of Laiquat Ali he commanded as much respect as Nehru, but unfortuntely he was assassinated and if he had come up with a Constitution for Pakistan and lived as long as Nehru in my opinion Pakistan would be not what it is today, it would be a better Pakistan. You see what I mean by roots. A nation is as strong as its Founding Fathers, and the fact is India had Nehru to lead the way, while Pakistan had Quaid-I-Azam in the beginning and then Laiquat Ali his deputy and after his death to this day we are like orphans.
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