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Pakistan, Iran become 'natural allies'

You are right about 'western Pakistanis' having stronger ties with Pakistan's western neighbors. That's natural. But the bulk of Pakistan's population lies in its eastern provinces of Sindh and Punjab; and those regions do have very strong cultural ties India.

It does not require much effort for a Pakistani to easily disappear into large areas of India and mingle with the local folks; heck, even the 'galis' (the swear words) are shared. Why is that ease? That's not to say that Pakistanis ARE different from India but that is to acknowledge a reality.

To sum it up: Pakistan is a natural ally of both India and Iran. I have no doubts in my mind about it.

we may be a minority in population but not in land size, just because punjabis and sindhis share cultural ties with indians and are large in popuation does not mean that they try to enforce their culture on us or make decisions for us.

i can say with confidence that no baloch or a pushtoon is an ally of an indian, even history proves that, we never had and never will have any love for india.

afghanistan has good relations with india because they like to milk the cow, but no love, khyber rifles were created by british given lee enfied rifles and top wages but when the war with afghanistan started the khyber rifles turned their rifles on the british.

the day pak goes in to alliance with india is the day western pak will be gone like bangladesh.

to say that united pak india is unstopable is untrue, when they were united they still got conquered by neighbours from west, so much for unstopable.

we are pakistanis now and even punjabis and sindhis have mixed with their western neighbours and are not of pure indian stock, so lets forget all and say we are not the same we are pakistanis.

ay zama watana pakistan da laloono khazanay zama.

pakistan zindabad.
i can tolerate an ahmadi as an equal pakistani but to accept him as a muslim is against the foundation of any true muslim be it sunni or shia.

whether u belive him to be a muslim or not its ur persnal matter it doesnt concernes the people what really is the matter of concern is that u dont consider him a Pakistani
whether u belive him to be a muslim or not its ur persnal matter it doesnt concernes the people what really is the matter of concern is that u dont consider him a Pakistani

read again carefully, i said accept him as a pakistani and an equal, but not as a muslim, which you are right is a personal matter.
we may be a minority in population but not in land size, just because punjabis and sindhis share cultural ties with indian and are large in popuation does not mean that they try to enforce their culture on us or make decisions for us.

i can say with confidence that no baloch or a pushtoon is an ally of an indian, even history proves that, we never had and never will have any love for india.

afghanistan has good relations with india because they like to milk the cow, but no love, khyber rifles were created by british given lee enfied rifles and top wages but when the war with afghanistan started the khyber rifles turned their rifles on the british.

the day pak goes in to alliance with india is the day western pak will be gone like bangladesh.

to say that united pak india is unstopable is untrue, when they were united they still got conquered by neighbours from west, so much for unstopable.

we are pakistanis now and even punjabis and sindhis have mixed with their western neighbours and are not of pure indian stock, so lets forget all and say we are not the same we are pakistanis.

ay zama watana pakistan da laloono khazanay zama.

pakistan zindabad.

Indeed, india is not a ally of Pakistan and should not be considered a "natural ally" of Pakistan. The day Pakistan decides to become a "ally" of india, that day Khyber Pakhtoonkwa and Balochistan shall gain independence.
I dnt really endorse ur thoughts abt Baluchistan n KPK leaving Pakistan... we wont............. but frndship with india... i dnt thnk tht will happen anytime soon... maybe a century later.......probably not.... the patriots will never forget the back stabbing of 71,the attrocities of 47 not to forget the proxies...
I dnt really endorse ur thoughts abt Baluchistan n KPK leaving Pakistan... we wont............. but frndship with india... i dnt thnk tht will happen anytime soon... maybe a century later.......probably not.... the patriots will never forget the back stabbing of 71,the attrocities of 47 not to forget the proxies...

Ok, maybe it would be appropriate to say that they would be against and and would rebel?
I dnt really endorse ur thoughts abt Baluchistan n KPK leaving Pakistan... we wont............. but frndship with india... i dnt thnk tht will happen anytime soon... maybe a century later.......probably not.... the patriots will never forget the back stabbing of 71,the attrocities of 47 not to forget the proxies...

I think you may be wrong,maybe not but a referendum would be good before any such decisions are made.

I don't think it will ever happen,so don't think we need to worry ourselves,however eastern pakistanis must understand that we have rejected our kinmen to be with them so it would be a betrayal for them to look towards india.
I think you may be wrong,maybe not but a referendum would be good before any such decisions are made.

I don't think it will ever happen,so don't think we need to worry ourselves,however eastern pakistanis must understand that we have rejected our kinmen to be with them so it would be a betrayal for them to look towards india.

Oh Yusuf, You don't have to worry about that... lolz We will never look "towards" India...
Actually any speck of common sense dictates that Pakistan and India are natural friends. This fight is senseless. For heavens sake we are virtually the same people, have been for thousands of years. There are no two nations so alike as these two. The pickle in the middle is Kashmir. Neither of the two will back down from their respective claims on the issue.

Well said. I tried saying this in one of my earlier posts & one of your country men pounced at me as if I had commited a great crime.
You are right about 'western Pakistanis' having stronger ties with Pakistan's western neighbors. That's natural. But the bulk of Pakistan's population lies in its eastern provinces of Sindh and Punjab; and those regions do have very strong cultural ties India.

It does not require much effort for a Pakistani to easily disappear into large areas of India and mingle with the local folks; heck, even the 'galis' (the swear words) are shared. Why is that ease? That's not to say that Pakistanis ARE different from India but that is to acknowledge a reality.

To sum it up: Pakistan is a natural ally of both India and Iran. I have no doubts in my mind about it.

"human ideals" matter alot, even among two brother !
Actually any speck of common sense dictates that Pakistan and India are natural friends. This fight is senseless. For heavens sake we are virtually the same people, have been for thousands of years. There are no two nations so alike as these two. The pickle in the middle is Kashmir. Neither of the two will back down from their respective claims on the issue.

Well said. I tried saying this in one of my earlier posts & one of your country men pounced at me as if I had commited a great crime.

two wrong doesnot make them right...
Actually any speck of common sense dictates that Pakistan and India are natural friends. This fight is senseless. For heavens sake we are virtually the same people, have been for thousands of years. There are no two nations so alike as these two. The pickle in the middle is Kashmir. Neither of the two will back down from their respective claims on the issue.

Well said. I tried saying this in one of my earlier posts & one of your country men pounced at me as if I had commited a great crime.

It would be appropriate to say eastern pakistanis and indians are virtually the same people, to say pakistanis as whole is wrong, offensive and insulting to pushtoons and balochs who are turco iranic people.

Krash needs to understand that not everyone in pakistan is a punjabi, sindhi or kashmiri, and needs to think before he blabs rubbish.
Pakistan has many allies these days, China, SL, Iran, North Korea etc.

Just need to gain some western allies.
Pakistan has many allies these days, China, SL, Iran, North Korea etc.

Just need to gain some western allies.

Why? We would rather ally with neighbours rather than former colonial and neo colonial powers who are desparate to hold on to what influence and power they got.
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