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Pakistan, India amongst top 5 most dangerous countries for women.

There are many incidents happens in Western Countries, China, Russia, East and everywhere. But South-Asia always pays the price of easy target. :cry:
where did i said men should do that?Night is for sleep and day is for work.....no one has any business out on the streets in dark nights...even animals and birds sleep at night if u notice:agree:
i am afraid gandhi failed to tell you folks why should a women go out and walk on streets in dark nights

Why you always use this symbol. " :agree: " in every post. Means you agree to disagree ? lol
sorry dude but in islam we are discouraged from going out after maghrib whether it be man or women....all the evil such gambling,prostitution,highway robbery,etc etc you name it happens when the sun goes down.

no one needs to increase or decrease the moral values...the rules are pretty simple...women go out with husband,father,son or brother if she want to go for shopping or wants to eat some fastfood:agree:...otherwise her business is at home where she take care of household affairs and children if married.....Men goes out for work and to earn so that they provide for their family and they too have no business in clubs and immoral act discouraged or declared as sins by the religion.,,,cant get more simple and fair

I agree, but are you saying that as a Islamic nations, it is against the laws of Islam to go out at night and you do not have a night life at Pakistan?
if that is true then it is ok. In the modernworld night is not the factor by which the crime increases, any time you name it crime happens all arround the planet. Illegal mining happens in the day, kidnapping happens in the day, you name it we got it happening in the day time.

and as you say, women in Pakistan are for eternity never will be allowed to take their own decession or do give good suggestions to husband and wards in any matters of day to day life.
Indians and Pakistanis stop burying your head in the sand by questioning the validity of this poll. The fact is that the cultures of your countries are similar when it comes to women abuse and general attitudes towards women. I don't beleive that it is a Hindu or Muslim or Sikh etc attitude. It is a general corrupt culture which has played itself through the times. Showing a woman respect as is required in for example Muslim or Hindu scriptures is not the same as making a woman subservient. Most of the posters here are from middle class educated families in your countries so I would expect you to start educating your societies on the shame of your placements on this list. Questioning the validity of this list is like an ostrich burying its head in the sand.

And yes. I live in sub-saharan Africa. Women are definately respected and treated better here than in India. I cannot talk about Pakistan
where did i said men should do that?Night is for sleep and day is for work.....no one has any business out on the streets in dark nights...even animals and birds sleep at night if u notice:agree:
i am afraid gandhi failed to tell you folks why should a women go out and walk on streets in dark nights

You don't seem to understand, he ment that the safty of women in night determins the way of life. if that is achieved then we can say that we are the most civilized and free nation in the world. if you can't still understand and ask for why? and how? then i can not explain specially gifted child like you.
You don't seem to understand, he ment that the safty of women in night determins the way of life. if that is achieved then we can say that we are the most civilized and free nation in the world. if you can't still understand and ask for why? and how? then i can not explain specially gifted child like you.
First control the rapes in your Capital Delhi
I agree, but are you saying that as a Islamic nations, it is against the laws of Islam to go out at night and you do not have a night life at Pakistan?
if that is true then it is ok. In the modernworld night is not the factor by which the crime increases, any time you name it crime happens all arround the planet. Illegal mining happens in the day, kidnapping happens in the day, you name it we got it happening in the day time.

and as you say, women in Pakistan are for eternity never will be allowed to take their own decession or do give good suggestions to husband and wards in any matters of day to day life.

bro i dident said it is prohibited in islam to go out after sunset...i said it isdiscouraged according to a hadith.... If person wants to play safe he shouldnt go out after sunset...whats the big deal in it..man after his work he can return home at 5 or 6 pm...on holiday the family can go out in day to zoo or joyland or fastfood or shopping:agree:

if markets close at 6 or 7 pm we save electricity too...law and order situation can improve....there are a lot of benefits of retiring earlier

women should stay at home and do knitting or they can teach children or work as lady doctors..no problem....in islam if we look at history women have looked after men injured in wars so...it not like they wear a veil and sit on a chair all day long...these days there is a lot to do for example XBOX 360
Mods plz amend the thread header

Pakistan ranks 3rd on list of most dangerous countries for women – The Express Tribune

LONDON: Afghanistan, Congo and Pakistan are the world’s most dangerous countries for women due to a barrage of threats ranging from violence and rape to dismal health care and “honour killings”, a Thomson Reuters Foundation expert poll showed on Wednesday.

India and Somalia ranked fourth and fifth, respectively, in the global perceptions survey by Trust Law, the Foundation’s legal news service.

Trust Law asked 213 gender experts from five continents to rank countries by overall perceptions of danger as well as by six risks: health threats, sexual violence, non-sexual violence, cultural or religious factors, lack of access to resources and trafficking.

Following are key facts on each of the five countries, ranked in order of danger.

1. Afghanistan

Beleaguered by insurgency, corruption and dire poverty, Afghanistan ranked as most dangerous to women overall and came out worst in three of the poll’s key risk categories: health,non-sexual violence and economic discrimination.

* Women in Afghanistan have a one in 11 chance of dying in childbirth.

* Some 87% of women are illiterate.

* 70-80% of girls and women face forced marriages.

2. Congo

Still reeling from a 1998-2003 war and accompanying humanitarian disaster that killed 5.4 million, Democratic Republic of Congo ranked second due mainly to staggering levels of sexual violence.

* About 1,150 women are raped every day, or some 420,000 ayear, according to a recent report in the American Journal ofPublic Health.

* The Congolese Women’s Campaign Against Sexual Violence puts the number of rapes at 40 women a day.

* 57 pct of pregnant women are anaemic.

3. Pakistan

Those polled cited cultural, tribal and religious practices harmful to women, including acid attacks, child and forced marriage and punishment or retribution by stoning or other physical abuse.

* More than 1,000 women and girls are victims of “honour killings” every year, according to Pakistan’s Human Rights Commission.

* 90% of women in Pakistan face domestic violence.

4. India

Female foeticide, child marriage and high levels of trafficking and domestic servitude make the world’s largest democracy the fourth most dangerous place for women, the poll showed.

* 100 million people, mostly women and girls, are involved in trafficking in one way or another, according to former Indian Home Secretary Madhukar Gupta.

* Up to 50 million girls are “missing” over the past century due to female infanticide and foeticide.

* 44.5% of girls are married before the age of 18.

5. Somalia

One of the poorest, most violent and lawless countries, Somalia ranked fifth due to a catalogue of dangers including high maternal mortality, rape, female genital mutilation (FGM) and child marriage.

* 95% of women face FGM, mostly between the ages of 4 and 11.

* Only 9% of women give birth at a health facility.

* Only 7.5% of parliament seats are held by women.

Oh Thanx God we got some kinda rank in anything.......:woot:
I think it has to do with our culture ..
That whole equality thing still has not sunk in the rural areas.
bro i dident said it is prohibited in islam to go out after sunset...i said it isdiscouraged according to a hadith.... If person wants to play safe he shouldnt go out after sunset...whats the big deal in it..man after his work he can return home at 5 or 6 pm...on holiday the family can go out in day to zoo or joyland or fastfood or shopping:agree:

if markets close at 6 or 7 pm we save electricity too...law and order situation can improve....there are a lot of benefits of retiring earlier

women should stay at home and do knitting or they can teach children or work as lady doctors..no problem....in islam if we look at history women have looked after men injured in wars so...it not like they wear a veil and sit on a chair all day long...these days there is a lot to do for example XBOX 360

I agree that electricity is saved, but the last part XBOX 360 is a way to lose intelectuality in individuals, recent study shows that kids who spend more time with electronci gadgets have reduced memory and intelectual capabilities. do you want to happen the same for our women?
and night is the good time to sit on the park bench with friends and their family to discus on something positive.
the idiots in both the countries should wake up and accept the reality
PAKISTAN AND INDIA should introduce strict laws against torture on women. . Bangladesh got some benefit from it. .Such as death penalty for Acid throwing. It was so severe in BD , now it has become rare...

Yeah you are right. Laws are not strict in our country. Violence against women has increased in the last two years specially in Punjab. Incidences of acid attacks have increased as well.

As for this list, i am not surprised. I was expecting this.
Yeah you are right. Laws are not strict in our country. Violence against women has increased in the last two years specially in Punjab. Incidences of acid attacks have increased as well.

As for this list, i am not surprised. I was expecting this.

I agree with you that laws are important to preserve the rights of women, but the fear of law to crub crims against women is a secondary way to stop violance against women, i see the primary way is to teach the youngs of our nation to respect the opposit gender. This can be achieved only at schools and we need more mature teachers and mature parents to get this done.
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