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Pakistan in talks for 4 Ada Class Corvettes, T-129 Helicopters & modernization of agosta fleet

Not sure if it's that simple. The I-Class's hull has a similar length to the LF-2400, but it has a displacement of nearly 3,000 tons vs. the LF-2400's 2,350 tons. Also, the Israeli Sa'ar 5's hull is 7 m longer than the C-1200 (and has a hangar), but has a displacement of 1,275 tons.

I Understand.
Well If the price is interesting even tho' with a 15M longer. Then it's a good investment.
Best to add 4 more f22 with hq16 to replace old British ships and add 4 more fast attack craft forming 4 pair flotilla of 2 xf22 plus 2 fast Attack craft per patrol so you have hq16 plus fm90 providing air cover and anti sub via helicopter and ship based anti SUB rockets and torpedos plus f22 plus fac based anti ship 16 hq16 + 8 fm90 plus 8+8+8+8 Ssm

The only problem is western weapons will have no platform to operate from 60 plus harpoons and phalanx gun 8 or 10 pm have will be junk I think that is the reason Pn going for Turkish platform
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Best to add 4 more f22 with hq16 to replace old British ships and add 4 more fast attack craft forming 4 pair flotilla of 2 xf22 plus 2 fast Attack craft per patrol so you have hq16 plus fm90 providing air cover and anti sub via helicopter and ship based anti SUB rockets and torpedos plus f22 plus fac based anti ship 16 hq16 + 8 fm90 plus 8+8+8+8 Ssm

The only problem is western weapons will have no platform to operate from 60 plus harpoons and phalanx gun 8 or 10 pm have will be junk I think that is the reason Pn going for Turkish platform
It would be wiser to skip the HQ16. The PN needs to move towards compact quad-pack designs with terminal-stage seekers. There is the relatively low-cost option of procuring the Umkhonto (Algeria paid $61mn to outfit its 2 MEKO frigates) - the 30-35 km Umkhonto EIR is nearing completion. Denel is aiming to develop a 60-km Umkhonto-ER. Invest in the Denel Dynamics program with the aim of deep ToT. As for short-range coverage, acquire the Chinese FL-3000N PDMS.

As for the Type 053H3-based F-22P. IMO it'd be best to move away from that design too. We need ships with lower RCS, higher automation, and better management of space.
Length should be sufficient for most SR/MR-SAM, but the VLS cells on the C-1200 look smaller than those on the LF-2400. In fact, I think the VLS aboard the C-1200 may be the Mk56 dual-pack (with four Mk56 sets on each corner). I think one could get 16 ESSM, CAMM or Hisar-A/O on the C-1200, which isn't bad. Seeing the C-1200's capabilities, I think this would be a good solution for the PN, especially if it's equipped with two triple ASW torpedo launchers as well. Imagine: 6 LF-2400 (replacing the Type 21s and PNS Alamgir) and 6 C-1200s.

@Penguin Top view of the LF-2400:View attachment 392543 http://www.deltamarine.com.tr/en/products/products-naval.php?NavalName=Light_Frigate_(LF-2400)
Could be the same installation as on Baynunah class corvette


No heli hanger
But, a flight deck. It is quite likely that she does have refuel/rearm capability for helicopters.

Best to add 4 more f22 with hq16 to replace old British ships and add 4 more fast attack craft forming 4 pair flotilla of 2 xf22 plus 2 fast Attack craft per patrol so you have hq16 plus fm90 providing air cover and anti sub via helicopter and ship based anti SUB rockets and torpedos plus f22 plus fac based anti ship 16 hq16 + 8 fm90 plus 8+8+8+8 Ssm

The only problem is western weapons will have no platform to operate from 60 plus harpoons and phalanx gun 8 or 10 pm have will be junk I think that is the reason Pn going for Turkish platform
You realize you're proposing for a small ship like F22P a BUK-like missile that a) is longer, wider diameter and heavier than US Standard Missile and b) will need a minimum of 2 Orekh-style target illumination radars. A PL-11 / PL-12 based active radar homing missile would be much better option (shorter, lighter, active homing > no guidance/illumination radars needed).

I much doubt F22P can handle the space/weight demands of more than 1 8-cell VL for HQ16....

There is no reason why Phalanx could not be placed on eg. Azmat class (forward) or smaller units and operate autonomously (it has its own radars). It has a seperate console on the bridge. F22P doesn't need it.

But, only 3 of 6 Type 21s got Phalanx (together with Harpoon), while the other three got 2x twin 30mm cannon and LY-60.

I suspect PNS Alamgir received the Phalanx and Harpoon from PNS Badr when she decommissioned. So, this leaves at most 2 more Phalanx and 2 more set of Harpoons.
The spare PHalanxes could be used to double the number used on PN AORs. The Harpoons could be re-used by e.g. the MRTP-33 boats obtained from Turkey.
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Turkish Navy Official: Strategic milstones are passed in Hisar projects. It is assessed that Turkish Naval ships will gain important defensive abilities with Hisar family of missiles.

Hisar A/O

Acc to navy official, 3/5 of istanbul class frigate is same with Milgem corvette.

The distance between main gun and structure is increased to place 16 cell VLS : 64 ESSM missiles

The distance between bridge and funnel is enlarged 2x to install 16 Atmaca SSM missile launchers

The range of ship and displacement is increased to 6000 miles and 3000 tonnes.

A special research have been done to reduce the underwater noice of ship. The reached parameters are calculated/compared with developed softwares and tested in field as well. Such an extensive research in this field is done by a few countries. İstanbull class frigates will benefit from latest noice reduction technics which is a strategic gain for Turkish Navy. A strong domestic sonar with less noicy underwater environment will perform much better results.

Milgem 3-4 ships will use Genesis Advent-1 CMS
İstanbul class frigates will use Genesis Advent-2 CMS

Advent-2 offers the level of latest network based combat management technology that Leading naval powers apply for their strategic warship projects to put all their assets into same tactical warfare image to act as one coordinated group of ship in terms of defensive and attacking missions.
Turkey is working on finacial system for exporting of expensive weapon systems.Turkey's weapon systems are getting more technological day by day and price is getting more expensive also.We must offer solutions for buyers. I hope we will see it first time at this Milgem deal for Pakistan.
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