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Pakistan has no claim to territory PM Azad Kashmir

My family is from Azad Kashmir

In the wider community, we are all proud Pakistani

We all know what a disaster hindutva India is, we can see the condition of Indian Muslims and Kashmiri suffering

NO ONE in their right mind would support anything but Pakistan

In any free vote

You will have OVERWHELMING support for Pakistan
Followed by a small bunch of idiots no more than 5% talking about some land locked mountain state which to them they will magically create into a paradise
And no one would ever tolerate a Hindu India

Frankly we have more anti-Pakistani personalities in Central Punjab, Sindh, and Karachi than anywhere else.

Kashmiris are the most patriotic ethnic group of Pakistan, along with Pukhtoons.

We can learn alot about sacrifice for country from Kashmiris and Pukhtoons.
These politicians are the scum of the earth. Pakistan has every right to claim Indian held territory as it is occupied Pakistan. The PM Azad Kashmir can talk rubbish to whoever he wants they are not going to help. All these Zionist lovers are with India.
The Pakistani government really needs to devise a new strategy about AJK and GB. There is a severe need to dehyphenate GB from Kashmir.

The Gilgit Baltistanis are dragged unnecessarily into the Kashmir conflict and kept in a limbo for 70 years. They yearn to be a part of Pakistan but can't because of this issue. This can have negative consequences for us if we don't address their grievances and some foreign power tries to use that for their advantage.
Pakistan can provide the table for negotiations between Government of Jammu and Kashmir and India.

Road to regional and world peace goes through Kashmir.
"Pakistan has no claim to territory & it cannot be resolved bilaterally. "

If Pakistan has "no claim", then the issue by default becomes "bilateral" between kashmiris and India. So the statement is contradictory, which is why there is probably something lost during transcription here.

In any case, if India truly buggers off, it is for kashmiris to decide their future.

I think he meant it cannot be solved bilaterally between India & Pakistan and Kashmiris need to be involved as a party.
I don’t see a single thing wrong with this statement. The future of Kashmir is for Kashmiris and all Pakistan was doing is acting as a placeholder voice. Today it acts as security, but the negotiations and everything else HAS to be Kashmiri for the issue to take the true vein.

We keep harping that Kashmiris have the right of “self-determination” which means that as such that Pakistani role is to support Kashmiris in doing whatever they want. Not like India who is an occupying power engaging in ethnic cleansing and reengineering of demographic. All of that has the nefarious purpose that in a year or so these Indians will play a drama of allowing a plebiscite to play innocent and then all the non-Kashmiris which they have planted in there as domiciled in Kashmir will vote for India. After which it will claim the issue settled through “legal” means and try to play the media for it.

I think he meant it cannot be solved bilaterally between India & Pakistan and Kashmiris need to be involved as a party.
Technically, the Kashmiris should be the primary party with Pakistan offering logistical and security support during negotiations.
A Kashmiri should go to the UN representing Azad Kashmir as a quasi separate entity and show India’s Nazi face instead of us who have fought wars with them. People need to see the actual affected party and not us.
Since Pakistan has no claim to Gilgit Baltistan as well , India and Gilgiti/Baltits can discuss it among themselves, Pakistan can stay out.. deosnt make sense.. regardless we claim something or not we are affected by it and therefore a party to it.

Having a claim to territory is one thing while being party to a conflict is another..Pakistan will remain a party to the Kashmir conflict regardless we claim something or not, we will be a party even if lets say Kashmiris dont want us to be..just like we are defacto party to the conflict in Afghanistan while KAbul govt hates it, this is about our national interest..Pakistan will work its way to produce Pakistan friendly entities in its neighborhood.
Since Pakistan has no claim to Gilgit Baltistan as well , India and Gilgiti/Baltits can discuss it among themselves, Pakistan can stay out..

Having a claim to territory is one thing while being party to a conflict is another..Pakistan will remain a party to the Kashmir conflict regardless we claim something or not, we will be a party even if lets say Kashmiris dont want us to be..just like we are defacto party to the conflict in Afghanistan while KAbul govt hates it, this is about our national interest..Pakistan will work its way to produce Pakistan friendly entities in its neighborhood.
It all depends on context - Gilgit was disputed by India but the “self-determination” aspect of it never materialized or had too much support.

That has to do with the approach Pakistan took with the area versus India in Kashmir.

I keep telling these numbskull Modi supporters is that their 56” took defeat from the jaws of victory in Kashmir.
In 2012, most of the Kashmiri youth was focusing on an Indian future - whether it was education, business or family; Pakistan and the “Independence” cause was on a ventilator. Come Modi and his Nazis, that entire narrative flipped from near integration into an apartheid type occupation state akin to Gaza except that the world powers aren’t all invested in India compared to Israel.
if pakistan has no claim on the territory then what was need of sending people from punjab to liberate kashmir? and from KPK?
We will not find any kashmiri who speaks kashmiri in kashmir. Most of the people speaks punjabi in kashmir. Now question is where are the kashmiris gone? Or the language? We Pakistanis has to accept the reality that both Pakistan and India wants the land not the people. Both can kill kashmiris for the land.
PM of Azad Kashmir is a PMLN lover... probably means the same harm to the federation as Nawaz tried to do
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